֎ Baby Or ..... Gill?*

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(this chapter contains mature scenes i.e. sexual scenes ime basically smut, skip the chapter if needed. You won't be missing the flow of story by doing this. Read at your own risk. Warning 18+.

Aestrisk line is made before such scenes start.

P.S. this is a bonus Chapter!!
All bonus Chapters will be marked with '֎' symbol.

Sorry for the inconveniences. Enjoy reading!)

Bonus Chapter: Baby Or

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Bonus Chapter: Baby Or..... Gill?

The morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow in the room as Shubman and Sriya stirred from their peaceful slumber. As Sriya stretched lazily, she couldn't help but smile at the sight of Shubman's tousled hair and the crinkle of his nose as he yawned.

"Good morning, Sunshine," she greeted, planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

Shubman grumbled playfully, burying his face deeper into the pillow. "Hmm... It's too early for mornings."

Sriya chuckled, knowing all too well Shubman's aversion to early wake-ups. "Come on, sleepyhead. It's time to rise and shine."

Shubman peeked out from beneath the covers, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "I don't wanna rise and shine. I wanna stay right here, in bed, with you."

Sriya couldn't resist the infectious warmth of his smile. "As tempting as that sounds, we have a whole day ahead of us."

With a theatrical groan, Shubman finally relented, sitting up in bed. "Fine, but only because you said so."

As Sriya got up to start her morning routine, Shubman's playful demeanor suddenly shifted. He furrowed his brows and crossed his arms, adopting a mock stern expression.

"Sriya, we need to talk," he declared, his tone overly serious.

Sriya turned to him, puzzled by the sudden change. "What's wrong, Shubman?"

Shubman shook his head dramatically. "I can't believe you did that last night."

Sriya's brow furrowed in confusion. "Did what? What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Shubman replied, trying to maintain his faux seriousness. "You stole all the blankets and left me freezing in the middle of the night."

Sriya couldn't help but burst into laughter at his exaggerated accusation. "Oh, come on, Shubman! You're the one who always rolls yourself up like a burrito."

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