47| End of Kartik Malhotra.

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(contains mild fighting scenes, might be disturbing for few people and can trigger many people as it contains some not so appropriate words and abuses.)

Chapter forty seven: End of Kartik Malhotra

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Chapter forty seven: End of Kartik Malhotra.

Shubman had told Ishan about Anika's confessions of Kartik asking her to create a scene at Shubman's ancestral home. So Ishan and Shreyas called Anika gather all the necessary information from her.

Ishan and Shreyas exchanged knowing glances, sensing an opportunity to uncover the truth and mend the fractured relationship between Shubman and Sriya.

Determined to help their friends, they huddled together to devise a plan to expose Kartik's deceit.

"We need solid evidence," Ishan stated, his brows furrowed in concentration.

Shreyas nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. "We have the information Anika gave us. We could speak to Sriya first, understand what Kartik said to her."

"Right. And then?" Ishan inquired.

"We confront Kartik. But not directly," Shreyas replied. "We create a situation where he's compelled to reveal his intentions."

They strategized, mapping out a plan that involved gathering information from Sriya and then subtly steering Kartik into a conversation that might expose his manipulative actions.

Their aim was clear: to bring the truth to light, ease the misunderstandings between Shubman and Sriya, and restore their trust in each other.


Ishan and Shreyas sat with Sriya, their expressions conveying both empathy and determination. "We'll figure this out, Sriya. You're not alone in this," Ishan reassured her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Tears welled up in Sriya's eyes as she recounted the troubling encounter with Kartik. "He told me things that made me doubt everything, about Shubman and our relationship," she lamented.

Shreyas squeezed her hand gently. "We won't let his motives success, Sriya. Trust us."

With mounting evidence at hand, Ishan and Shreyas devised a strategic plan to confront Kartik. They set up a scenario where Kartik's facade began to crack under the weight of his deception.

Cornered, Kartik stumbled over his words. "I don't know what you're talking about," he attempted to deflect.

Ishan's voice was firm. "Enough with the lies, Kartik. We know everything."

Shreyas stepped in, revealing the incriminating evidence. "Your words have betrayed you. It's time to come clean."

Kartik's facade crumbled, his attempts to deny futile against the weight of their findings. "I did it because I cared for her," he blurted out, his voice fraught with desperation.

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