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It started merely as an itching sensation of discomfort in their chests, Choi Han and Alberu were the first to experience it because they were the closest to Cale and had even made a deal with the God of Death and the Sun God respectively to find him when the Sealed God had tried to take him from them.

The discomfort grew in their unconscious minds faster than it did in the minds' of the others. Eventually, however, everyone in their found-family was experiencing it, though. It became stronger with time, infiltrating their dreams and causing nightmarish fragments of memories they could not recall possessing to surface.

The disquiet only fell silent when they were near Cale, though. Being around him seemed to effectively soothe the chaos and the chills that went through their body every time they felt that something was wrong. Even though the war was over and they'd all won, the members of Cale's found-family often found themselves unconsciously flinching when fractured images of bloodied faces blurred the faces of their loved ones at random moment during their days.

Even the children were not exempt from this torment and had Cale not seen Raon one day flinch when he turned sharply to address Choi Han who suddenly entered their room on the fifth floor of the Super Rock Villa, he may not have realized something was becoming strange with all his family members. Of course, he noticed how they all became a little more clingy around him, how they'd sought him out early in the morning and coaxed him to join them for breakfast - in fact where once they usually allowed him to wake in his own time, they now all came to the Villa every morning to have a hearty breakfast together.

Since Cale enjoyed their presence and company, he hadn't found it strange, but ever since that moment when he saw Raon flinch at the sight of Choi Han, the slumbering instincts borne from childhood and adolescent trauma awoke within him once more and he became acutely aware that every member of his family seemed to be hiding something from him.

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