Chapter 73

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Naur waited briefly for everyone to settle down and then began the new record.

<Chapter 148 – Vicious (3)>
Cale looked at the sun setting over the horizon as he started to speak.
“The winter ocean is cold.”
“Human, are you cold again? Should I use temperature regulating magic again?”
“… No, I was just making an observation.”

Grigori and Naur didn’t waste time this time, they got right into the record of the battle that was starting five days after the first time the Tiger Tribe met Cale and his group. TBOAH!Gashan gulped and clasped his hands together to maintain his calm composure - he'd heard a lot about Cale and everything he'd done for the Tiger Tribe ever since relocating them to Harris Village.

To be honest, Cale was not cold at all. He had just said that because the wind was strong. Cale felt nostalgic while watching the sunset as he started to speak.
“They’re finally here.”

The heroes of the TBOAH!World gulped, recalling how hard it had been for them to defeat Arm's First Battle Brigade, however, what they could see so far was amazing enough to give them shivers. They were prepared – no Cale Henituse made sure they were over-prepared to receive Arm's First Battle Brigade.

It was obvious he intended to give them a very warm welcome, full of the pure Roan Kingdom's hospitality. Clearly, their enemies would not know what hit them until it was already too late. TBOAH!Rosalyn gulped, and TBOAH!Choi Han clenched his fists and sat stiff and tense in his seat – anticipation coiling in every muscle in his body.

Choi Han, Rosalyn, Raon, Gashan, and Paseton in his small Humpback Whale form all looked toward the horizon after hearing Cale’s comment. They could see small specks beyond the horizon. Those specks would be the tens of ships headed their way. The Humpback Whale Paseton approached the boulder where Cale was standing and started to speak.
“Young master Cale-nim, my sister wanted me to tell you that we are ready.”
There were Whale tribe members and tens of whales currently waiting in the ocean to move.

Cale's alliance with the Whale Tribe was coming into play as a mutual alliance between them – the Whale got to debut back and show Arm the consequences of making the Whale Tribe their enemies when they aligned with the Mermaids.  

Cale started to speak.
“Gashan. Please prepare.”

Although he'd been told this record was for him to see, TBOAH!Gashan was still surprised when he saw his counterpart appear upon the Palantír. TCF!Gashan looked different compared to himself – perhaps it was because he had met Cale and Cale had by this point become a strong pillar for his counterpart to lean on. TBOAH!Gashan refused to be envious or jealous, but he was curious about this battle, he was also curious about where and how many other Tiger Tribe members had made it across from the Eastern Continent.  

The closed eyes of the shaman opened. Tens of crows appeared from the forest behind him. Gashan started to speak.
The crows broke into groups and started to head toward the other Hais Islands. They would serve as messengers for the Tiger tribe, Whale tribe, and Cale’s group who were all stationed at the different Hais Islands.

TBOAH!Gashan had heard from TCF!Gashan that a number of their tribe had survived, but to hear that there were enough Tiger tribe members to launch a counter attack on one of the Hais Islands was surprising. TBOAH!Gashan clenched his fists and coaxed his trembling hands to still themselves.

Rosalyn approached Cale and started to speak.
“Young master Cale, I understand why you dispatched Miss Mary and Mr. Ron together, but will it be okay to leave Miss Hannah on her own?”
Mary and Ron. The two of them were in charge of one of the Hais Islands together.

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