Chapter 54

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"Cale... my dear dongsaeng..."
"I don't have anything left to sell you." Cale instantly replied to the buttery smile that TCF!Alberu sent his way. TCF!Alberu pouted, but fell silent.

The locks were removed and the boxes opened. They could see the spatial pocket bags inside the boxes. The mana in the circle started to get stronger. These opposing forces were clashing to create a stronger power.
"Move back! Kill the soldiers from the capital who teleported over!"
Becrock savored all of the noises. He was happy. They were all sounds of him getting revenge on the people who took one of his hands and poisoned his body.
"Kehehehe, we can make up the mana with magic stones. We can just kill the Dragon. I'm sure the liege will be happy."

"Hmm?" Cale's attention immediately fixated again and the air around him started to frizzle and darken. Raon promptly landed on his shoulders.
"Human, your face is looking like a squashed apple pie again, what's wrong? Are you hungry?" Raon asked Cale, pressing his chubby cheek into Cale's and creating an adorably, heart-stopping picture for Grigori and the others to behold. Grigori discreetly patted her chest to calm her heart and smiled demurely while pretending that she wasn't feeling faint from the collective cuteness of Cale and his three kids. Forcing herself to be serious, she nodded again for Naur to continue the record once everyone had calmed themselves down as well.

Becrock motioned toward the spatial pocket bags. It all happened in a moment. The bags flew out of the box and toward the mages forming the circle. They moved so fast that Cale and the others could not snatch them in the middle. Half of the bags started to surround Becrock. Becrock's eyes clouded over.
'There are magic stones in these bags.'
This combined mana whirlwind was already extremely strong. He would exponentially increase that power with magic stones. Becrock started to shout.
"You are the only ones who will explode!"

"You're being so loud."
Sir Rex started to laugh. His cape fluttered from the wind caused by the combined mana. Rex, Cale, and Rosalyn. All of them looked as if they would get swept away by the mana whirlwind at any moment.
"It's true that most of my people are regular soldiers."

Cale quietly observed Rex's back.
- Human! It looks like Rex grew a bit!

TCF!Rex felt his cheeks grow warm and bowed his head to stop himself from tearing up. Being praised by Cale and Raon was a huge testament to how much he'd changed since the first time they'd met. Gratitude and reverence filled him with warm appreciation for Cale and everything he'd been given the opportunity to do and accomplish thanks to him.

As Raon mentioned, Rex looked different than before. Sometimes, a position could help a person grow.
"But our soldiers survived the boundaries of death. They were there while that trash of an Imperial Prince and the fallen nobles ran away."
"Trash of an Imperial Prince?! How dare you! You were a knight of the Empire! Aren't you the leader of the rebels?!" The Southern Tower Master glared at Sir Rex as he shouted. However, Rex continued to smile. Becrock sneered after seeing Rex's smile.
"Interesting how you can still smile in such a situation."
"Of course. I didn't come empty handed either."
"...What?" Becrock flinched.

TBOAH!Rex and TBOAH!Rei gawked in awe at the sight of the confidence and demeanour that TCF!Rex carried himself with. It was something neither of them had ever thought someone like Rex could be capable of showing.

Sir Rex started to shout. "Start round three of explosions!" His voice spread out with amplification magic.
A few seconds later. Tens of explosions started to occur. Each individual explosion was not strong enough to shake the ground. However, the numerous explosions started to cause smoke in all directions.
The Southern Tower Master's pupils started to shake.
"...A circle?"
That smoke created a large circle.

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