Chapter 161

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While the others stood up and stretched, Grigori announced that they could have some free time to relax and explore her palace. However, she asked TCF!Alberu and TBOAH!Alberu to remain for a private viewing.

TBOAH!Zed and TCF!Zed paused when they heard her, however when even Cale said that he would go take a nap with the kids after TCF!Alberu asked if he wanted to stay, the two former Roan kings had no choice, but to follow the others out of the Palantír Hall.

"Great, now that we are alone... I'd like to make sure you're both comfortable before we go into the record I'm planning to show you."
TCF!Alberu had a feeling that he knew what she was planning to show, so he relaxed into his seat again. Grigori took the seat beside him after urging TBOAH!Alberu into the one Rok Soo had been sitting in earlier - this means she'd basically taken Cale's place and was now flanked by the Alberu Crossman from the two timelines.

"Ahem... so Goddess-nim... what exactly are you going to show us?"
"Earlier, we saw it being mentioned in the records that the Ancient White Star was an ancestor of the Crossman Household..." Grigori paused, giving the two royals a chance to digest the information.
TBOAH!Alberu nodded and then gulped, "Yes... that's right."
"Good... now what I'm planning to show you pertains to the Sund God's warning... the Crossman household heads of the family considered it a curse... but it really was more of a warning..."

Grigori was extremely patient even as she and TCF!Alberu watched TBOAH!Alberu turn pale.
"It will definitely be worth seeing... what do you say?" TCF!Alberu coaxed him. "It may even answer some of the doubts and questions you have about my relationship with my Dongsaeng."
Grigori blinked, and out the corner of her eye, she checked up on TCF!Alberu. She wasn't sure why, but it felt like somehow TCF!Alberu was still angry at TBOAH!Alberu for the accusations he'd made and the insults he'd spat out against Cale days ago. She looked between the two quarter Dark Elves and then saw TBOAH!Alberu nod.
"Okay then... let's begin. Naur, please go to Chapter 484."

<Chapter 484: Peeling layer after layer (1)>
The Roan Kingdom’s palace. This simple and old door that was different than the other clean doors with expert craftsmanship slowly opened. It revealed what was inside the room. It was currently the middle of the dark night. Only one person was sitting there under the moonlight shining down in the empty room.

TBOAH!Alberu drew in a deep breath - it had been more than two decades since he'd personally seen such a peaceful scene in the Roan Palace library. The TCF!World really was entirely set apart from his TBOAH!World timeline.

Alberu Crossman. He was alone in the Roan Palace’s Grand Library greeting Cale. Cale had asked him for ancient texts with information on the Gate to the Demon World, as well as ancient records on the Crossman royal family and the Roan Kingdom.

TBOAH!Alberu nodded, in their world he had done the same - although there wasn't nearly enough information to be found and there was simply no time to leisurely search the archives and ancient records - it had been done in a rush in the TBOAH!World.

He was here to hear what Alberu had found.

Thinking back on it, TBOAH!Alberu wondered if he had missed things because he hadn't searched through them as thoroughly as his counterpart may have done.

“Your highness.” Cale greeted him and tried to enter.
“Stop.” However, Alberu showed his palm to stop them.
Guards, librarians, and administrators. Nobody else was there except for Alberu. He pointed to Cale.
“You come in alone.”
Only Cale was allowed to enter. Choi Han and Raon could not enter.

TCF!Alberu smiled nostalgically, although this had been a very stressful and he'd been riddled with anxiety when he made this decision and decided to follow through with it, Cale had erased all his doubts and cemented their trust in each other.

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