Chapter 90

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Since no one said anything or raised any questions, Naur allowed the record to continue so that everyone in the hall could watch this scene that had been hinted at for so long. TBOAH!Ron and TBOAH!Beacrox refused to take their eyes off the Palantír. TCF!Ron sat back and gazed at the record with a nostalgic expression upon his face.

His gaze slowly followed the fog that had continued to spread until it was almost touching the third boundary. The people running inside that fog were only looking forward as well. Beacrox looked at his father’s back.
“Aaaah!” Blood splattered and fell to the ground along with the scream. Blood dripped from Ron’s dagger. His father didn’t even give a second glance at the blood as he moved forward. It was the same as that time. It was the same as the day they had to run.

TCF!Ron discovered that watching the record from this omniscient point of view was rather fascinating. However, that was only possible for him to feel after he had managed to squash down the feeling of discomfort at seeing himself on the records – as someone raised and trained as an assassin seeing himself so openly and obviously moving about on the records because the record was focused on him was disconcerting and uncomfortable. The discomfort was also borne from how unfamiliar this whole experience was. His opinion on the matter also led to him feeling a slight twinge of pity for his Puppy Young Master, who had been experiencing this non-stop since they arrived here at the Goddess' domain.

Although Cale seemed to be handling it unexpectedly well, which was somewhat suspicious at first until Kim Rok Soo had mentioned that it was like watching a movie in the other world were he now lived. During the meal break several days ago, the young master had elaborated on this thing called a ‘movie’ so that everyone could understand. That had helped ease some of their discomfort, but the rest of it was left for them to deal with on their own. TCF!Ron had wondered if his lingering distaste toward having his and his son's records being shown off like this was because he was old and old-fashioned, but such musing was decidedly best left for when he was in private, if he got too distracted by those thought, TCF!Ron knew that he would miss all the little tells that Cale had developed which signalled that he was about to start shit with someone.

His father had only looked forward as he ran that day without paying attention to anything around him. He didn’t see the family flags burning and ripping behind him. He didn’t see the buildings burning and crumbling. Even with the cold corpses of their family members surrounding them… His father had only run forward. Beacrox who had followed behind him knew too well the reason for his father’s actions.
‘He needed to save me.’

TCF!Beacrox sat quietly. He'd adapted and grown much better as calming his surprise whenever he or his father suddenly popped up in the records. In fact after calming down and getting accustomed to it this, he found that getting to watch himself and their family and allies moves around in these record was intriguing. It was also giving him some ideas on how to improve and train.

He even got to watch some of the training the various Swordmasters and experts around the Hall would do because of the Palantír, watching them train was not something he had the time or luxury to do because he was always busy either taking care of meals, trying to recreate the cuisine from the otherworld for the Young Master, taking care of the Wolf Children, or even just busy with his own responsibilities. So, this was very educational for him since it helped inspire and intrigue his interests to better his skills with his greatsword. TCF!Beacrox already had some ideas about his own private training that he wanted to try out when he returned home.

Ron needed to at least save Beacrox after promising his dying wife. That was why his father had run forward without looking around. Beacrox focused on his father’s back as he ran forward without looking around once again. Unlike last time, he could now see over his father’s shoulders even while running behind him, but for some odd reason, he could not take his eyes off his father’s back that had gotten much smaller than last time.

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