Chapter 129

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By the time the recess had ended and everyone returned to the Palantír Hall, there was one less Henituse Family and one less Mary. TBOAH!Tasha and TBOAH!Obante gulp but keep quiet – they were also feeling like there wasn't much longer until it was there turn to be healed, they guessed it was their concerns for TBOAH!Alberu that was the reason the Goddess hadn't healed them yet.

“Now then… Children, there is something some of you wanted to see – the second battle of the Northern Alliance’s two-pronged attack… This is the battle between the Raon Kingdom’s Navy and the Northern Alliance’s 300 ships.
“Navy?!” TBOAH!Alberu gasped. Grigori smiled serenely and nodded her head.
“Yes, the North-eastern shoreline became the Roan Kingdom's naval base.” TCF!Alberu informed his stunned counterpart.

“How… how did you manage to finish it in time?!” TBOAH!Zed demanded because logically they would not have been able to complete the Naval base and all the necessary ship in time.
“Ahhh, that… well you see the ships… were… a—” TCF!Zed hesitated, he was honestly unsure what exactly his son and the red-headed son of Deruth and Jour had done to get everything ready in time.
“The ships were gift.” Cale curtly announced, he frowned slightly because he found it annoying that no one in the Hall seemed to remember that he received the ships from Witira in an earlier record. He turned his head and saw TCF!Alberu smirking.

Cale could only sigh heavily at the fact that his Hyung had become weird.
“He seems to really enjoy antagonising his counterpart… and they call me petty…” Cale huffed and then decided to ignore everything that appeared troublesome and annoying.

Grigori gave everyone a chance to quieten down before she continued to inform them.
“For the TBOAH!World it may come as a surprise, but Cale-hyung called this ‘Operation Ghost’. Let's begin right away if no one has any objections…”
As predicted no one felt the need to refuse the Goddess, so she joined them and took her seat on her lounger and Naur began the new record.

<Chapter 202: The Ocean is … (2)>
The Ubarr territory that is located on the Roan Kingdom’s North-eastern shoreline. The liege of the Ubarr territory, Popelina Ubarr, looked around while taking in the cold ocean breeze. Young lady Amiru, her future successor, was cautiously watching her.

Grigori raised her head toward the corner of the Palantír with a curious raise of her eyebrow – she was surprised that Naur was showing was the Ubarr mother and daughter duo, but then she glanced toward Kim Rok Soo and saw the nostalgic expression upon his face as he sit quietly beside Cale in the front row – she understood and nodded her head, allowing the record to continue. Rok Soo missed his old friends as much as he missed his family… Grigori felt sorry for him and also pitied him for not being able to ease his sorrow.

This was the spot where they could best hear the waves that were crashing against the naval base. This usually dark and quiet port was still dark, but not quiet today.

Grigori corked her head slightly as she also realized one other reason that Naur chose to play this full record – Naur obviously wanted to show TBOAH!Alberu and TBOAH!Choi Han how exactly Cale had snatched the attention and loyalty of everyone in the Roan Kingdom.

The teleportation magic circle flashed once more. Popelina reached her hand out in order to ask for a handshake.
“Welcome, Viscount.”
“Ahem, nice to see you again, Ubarr liege.”
The person awkwardly shaking the Ubarr liege’s hand was a Viscount who used to be a part of the southeast region’s Marquis Ailan’s faction. He was currently trying to blend in with the rest of the group while wearing his armour.

TBOAH!Zed and TBOAH!Alberu's eyes widened in surprise to hear that someone from another faction had come over to Cale side – it made them pay even closer attention to the record.

May Soul Dissonance Bow Before MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora