Chapter 19

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Unlike their counterparts TBOAH!Rosalyn and TBOAH!Alberu were showing a broodingly curious attentiveness toward the ongoings on the Palantír once more as they were seeing an entirely unfamilair side of the TBOAH!Choi Han, who had become very different by the time he had met them.

“Village? Territory? What do you mean by that?” He flinched for a moment before mumbling to himself. “…I can talk to him? Now that I think about it, the language I am speaking is-”
He looked as if he didn’t know what to do as his mind was quite chaotic. Cale was coldly observing him when a young Dragon’s face that was extremely skinny burst up in front of him.

“Weak Human… you keep saying this other-other me has a skinny face or skinny paws, but it’s not true.” Raon protests with an idle tone of disregard. However Cale spoke up as he shook his head in objection.
“No, Raon… this you was extremely underfed in my eyes… Now then, here, eat this. You haven’t had lunch yet either.” Cale suddenly announced and pulled the tray of steaming sausages and freshly baked buns that appeared on the table in front of him toward Raon and the TBOAH!Black Dragon.

"Both of you need to eat lots and grow well!" He muttered, clicking his tongue and loading more food onto their plates. Sherritt watched all of this with an amused smile of warm affection tugging at the corner of her lips.

“Why did I need to come here?”
Cale flinched at the Dragon’s face that completely covered Choi Han and subconsciously stepped back.
His back hit the wooden pillar.
“Tsk. How clumsy.”
Raon tried to sound serious again as he looked at Cale from head to toe.
‘…This feels so different.’
Cale felt weird being treated like this by Raon. However, he soon frowned again.

There was a grumbling sound from the Palantír that almost masked Cale's own rumbling belly. Raon sighed and shook his head.
"Weak Human, you need to eat too-! Oh! That's Goldie Gramps!! That's exactly what our Weak Human needs!" Raon smiled radiantly with sauce all over his cheeks as TCF!Eruhaben placed a plate of food in front of Cale while Cale was busy wiping the sauce off Raon's mouth.

"Oh... thanks Eruhaben-nim." Cale added with a small smile, his ears tinged a shade pink. However, before he could even begin eating, he called out for Ohn and Hong who soon joined him at their table with their own scrawny counterparts.

Soon their whole table was laid with steaming dishes of meat, vegetables, various rolls and buns of freshly baked breads and pastas. Cale and his kids from both words settled down to eat together, purposely ignoring everyone else. Grigori sat back and nodded discreetly, so Naur continued the record.

It sounded like thunder in his stomach. Cale suddenly felt extremely hungry. Venion’s lackey did not seem to have received any food from Raon. He raised his head and looked at Choi Han and Raon. This was the dangerous Forest of Darkness, but he should not have to worry with the two of them here.
“I’m hungry.”
Raon sighed. “Listen to this guy.”
He then looked at Choi Han.

“…What do you want?”
“Hand over some food.” Raon was demanding food from Choi Han as if it was nothing. Choi Han looked at Raon with disbelief, but Raon motioned toward the southwest with his chin.

“There’s a village that way. Go get some human food from there. I hate humans. That is why I will not go to that village.”
“…What? You hate humans but you are demanding that I go get food for a human?”
Choi Han looked at Raon as if he made no sense.

Cale felt a bit delighted seeing a Choi Han who was completely different from the Choi Han he knew.
‘Choi Han is less pure before feeling the warmth from Harris Village. If he’s like this, he won’t be stabbed in the back by anyone out in the world.’

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