Chapter 109

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No one could object to this, those of the TBOAH!World who were curious were not so heartless as to attempt cajoling Cale into letting them watch the rest, they could also clearly see that Cale had reached his limit and they dared not to push their counterparts who were also on the brink of losing their rationality. The crux of their curiosity had been sated – there was no need for them to see more.

Grigori vanished with Cale and the three children averaging ten. She was gone for about twenty minutes and when she returned there was an unfamiliar glint in her eyes, her gaze was hard and cold.
“Cale will be resting with the children for the remainder of today's records. He will be alright after some rest. Would you like to take an early lunch?”
The guests of the Goddess' Palace agreed to taking a break and scattered within a few seconds of her dismissing them all.

Although Cale's family was concerned for Cale, they could clearly see that the Goddess was not in the mood to answer them, so they left without arguing or questioning her. Left alone in the Palantír Hall, Grigori took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“There are those who still wish to see the record My Goddess…” Naur spoke in the Goddess' mind.
“I know…” Grigori frowned even deeper – that was what was making her so angry, she did not like the way those humans dared to demand more even after seeing how utterly devastated and shattered Cale had been. She became even more agitated just thinking about it. Restraining herself from acting out on her anger, Grigori took a moment to meditate and then went to check on Cale who was currently being lulled off to sleep by Mairon. Cale had the three children curled up against him, so he was already feeling reassured enough to sleep off the rest of the distress that had almost caused him to have a panic attack earlier. Grigori was reassured when Mairon promised that she would look after him.

By the time Grigori calmed herself, the others were already done with lunch and Rok Soo led them back to the Palantír Hall, after receiving Grigori's nod of permission to do so. Rok Soo had been the only one brave enough to approach her and ask if they could return after lunch had ended, and Grigori who had been standing with her eyes closed while facing the dark Palantír, blinked her eyes open and could only nod.

She mutely watched them as they filled the hall and returned to their seats, her gaze was still harsh and cold – she actually looked quite terrifying to everyone, even the Dragons from both timelines. This was enough to dissuade those who still wanted to ask her to let the rest of the record continue – her expression and demeanour seemed to be warning them: “If you value your life, do not ask for this.”  
That's the message she was giving them and so they all wisely remained quiet and submissive.
“Let's move on.” Naur announced overhead.
Grigori silently took her seat and then raised her head to watch the new record that began upon the Palantír.

< Chapter 352: Tears (1)>
Cale patted the pages of the book this time.
“What do I need to do to get out of here?”
His voice sounded calm as he asked that question. However, his eyes were bloodshot and his shoulders were slumped.

The Cale that they were seeing upon the Palantír had cried – he looked broken, and many people suddenly felt relieved that they had been allowed to skip over the record. TCF!Alberu was one of them, TCF!Choi Han was the other. TCF!Eruhaben and TCF!Ron felt like they didn't ever want to know about it – they could see the arrangement of trinkets – the three half-full piggy banks that they knew belonged to the children on Cale's bed.

The moment he feared the most. He thought he would pass the test once he faced that moment. That was why he had gone to the Henituse Estate and come to the Super Rock Villa. He looked through all of the traces of the past. He thought that would be the way he could move on to the future. Cale needed to go to the people who were waiting for him.

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