Chapter 160

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"Wow! You really said that to him?" TBOAH!Lock asked TCF!Lock incredulously. TCF!Lock raised an eyebrow and then corked his head.
"Well, those were the keywords to activate the magic on the shield."
"There's magic on the shield?!" TBOAH!Rosalyn gasped, suddenly understanding what the record had meant when TCF!Lock mentioned the 'code' that was given to him.

The large Wolf’s shout shook the battlefield and the shield that could not cover his large body started to turn white. The shield started to quickly grow. It seemed as if a castle gate was being created.

TCF!Rosalyn leaned toward her counterpart seated beside her and whispered to her, in a hushed voice she explained who was Sherritt was and why her shield was so important.

No, it was a wall. This wall would become a shield to block all of the White Star’s attacks. Alberu held the sword of light in his hand as he ran toward the White Star and started to shout.

As everyone watched the record, they held their breath as Alberu's hundreds of arrows which were hiding their black color thanks to the crows, shot toward the White Star. These black dots shooting from all directions blocked the White Star’s escape route. TBOAH!Alberu was surprised by TCF!Alberu's tactic. He, himself in the TBOAH!World, could not do such an attack because there was no Gashan and no crows to conceal his power. TCF!Alberu definitely had yet another advantage over him.

The leader of the Tigers. The boy with the talents of the Wolf King. And finally, the man known as the Roan Kingdom’s sun charged toward the White Star to take his life.

The audience from the two timelines, couldn't help but gasp and admire the group that were targetting the White Star. They certainly looked stronger than the equivalents who had gone up against him in the TBOAH!World. However... something didn't feel right, those who had faced the White Star in battle could also tell that something didn't add up.

"Not enough."  TBOAH!Alberu commented, a grim expression settling over his features. After he'd finished admiring the team's make up, it occured to him that their combined power was still lacking. 
"It's not enough!" TBOAH!Choi Han groaned.
"Yes, that's right... although we did manage to hurt him, we lost in the end." TCF!Alberu admitted.
"But... none of you died. So..."  TBOAH!Alberu trailed off.
"That count's as a win!" TCF!Lock declared, recalling the words of his master, Sherritt-nim.

Sherritt and Cale both nodded in agreement before Cale turned his head to look at TCF!Alberu with a soft expression of consideration upon his face.
"You all did a good job!" He announced turning toward the others as well (Gashan and TCF!Lock), Cale gave the two of them a nod of approval, his gaze as he checked on each of them was warm and full of pride - that alone felt like a reward worth a billion gallons.

Satisfied with that much, Grigori felt that she would not need to show much of the battle that followed, so she allowed the highlights of the next chapter in the record to play for everyone to view and judge for themselves. However there was one very important scene that she felt they needed to hear and see - it was the White Star's reaction to TCF!Alberu's mother's magic coming at him.

<Chapter 523 – Late (8)>
The first to strike the White Star were the numerous black dots.
“…Ha!” The White Star started to frown.
He looked down at his right arm. It was covered in goosebumps.
“…I got goosebumps because of those stupid dots?”

TBOAH!Alberu blinked and frowned, TCF!Alberu corked his head curiously - back then he hadn't bothered thinking too deeply about the ramblings of the White Thing, so receiving this information surprised TCF!Alberu and TBOAH!Alberu, along with both their fathers.

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