Chapter 28

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When it was time to return, Grigori had a uniquely curious expression on her face as she returned to the Palantír Hall. Her gaze moved, passing over every guest as they took their seats around the hall.
"Goddess-nim? Is everything alright?" TCF!Tasha asked in concern when Grigori folded her arms and pensively hummed to herself.
"Yes... I'm just noticing that many among you are showing great improvements to your dissonance even without me having to directly heal you. I'm most impressed." Grigori answered with a fondly affectionate smile gently taking form across her features.

While the guests of the TCF!World and TBOAH!World blink in surprise and then look around at their counterparts and others from their respective timelines, Grigori turned toward the Palantír and tilted her head.
"Well, let's begin... Crown Prince Valentino, it will be your turn today..." Grigori reassured, and TBOAH!Valentino stared first at the Goddess and then turned toward his counterpart. Seeing TCF!Valentino nod at Grigori, TBOAH!Valentino inclined his head toward the Goddess, granting her his consent to begin revealing the records pertaining to his counterpart.

Grigori turned toward the Palantír and called out to Naur. While the Goddess and her First Apostle, Naur, went about preparing to begin the records. TBOAH!Valentino moved to take a seat beside his counterpart, TCF!Valentino. He appraised his counterpart and then allowed his mind to jog back to his own past self. As someone who was the esteemed Crown Prince of Caro Kingdom, at the end of his life and after watching so many of his loyal subjects and the people who depended and trusted him die in that final battle, TBOAH!Valentino had many regrets. Part of him was eager to see how much his counterpart had changed and grown, but an even greater part was fearing to witness how his people in the TCF!World had suffered against the calamities that Arm and Adin had unleashed.

As the Caro Kingdom, crown prince Valentino was famous for not caring much about positions and etiquette. And as such he considered Adin a longtime friend. TBOAH!Valentino considered himself as someone who cherishes his friendship. That's why he never suspected that Mogoru Empire's Imperial Prince Adin of being insincere in befriending him.

So, to hear the truth from his counterpart and to witness the sincere and genuine anger and shame TCF!Valentino shows toward his past naive self who considered Adin a true friend - it makes TBOAH!Valentino doubts the memories of his friendship with the Adin of his world. He's not angry anymore, he's just disappointed.
"Alright everyone, we're ready to begin." Grigori announced with a light clap of her hands to get everyone's attention. All chatter among the guests of the hall fell away and the lighting in the Palantír Hall turned dim as the Palantír gradually lit up to reveal a somewhat familiar scene for those who knew this.

The audience in the hall recognized the faces of Cale Henituse and also the face of the Mogoru Empire's Adin.

<Chapter 213: Now Do You Get It? (4)>
He could hear Imperial Prince Adin’s calm voice.
“Yes, you should relax after a victory. You need a long break.”
Cale’s expression turned oddly blank.
You need a long break.
Someone might think that he was being nice, but Cale was thinking that this two-faced man was telling him to die so that he could get a long break.

Many people of the TCF!World bristled at this insinuation, it made their hatred and animosity toward Adin stir within them, but since they knew Cale was never one to let such things go, they decided to hold their tongues and continue observing this scene.

Imperial Prince Adin was pretending to be a good person.
Cale peeked at Adin while observing the others at the same time. He saw a few guard knights behind the Imperial Prince, as well as some of the Caro Kingdom’s people with awkward expressions.
‘I guess they weren’t expecting the Imperial Prince to show up.’
It was obvious if he thought about it.

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