Chapter 32

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Ending the chapter on that ominious note, Grigori smiled and turned to cast her gaze across all the guests seated in the Palantír Hall. Her gaze appraised each of them before she came to some sort of conclusion, and once she did, only then did she address everyone.
"I'm sure you're all quite curious about how the Battle of Castle Leona progressed, so I've decided that I will show some of the highlights of this battle for everyone." she announced and then gestured toward the Palantír and Naur played the scenes of the battle at her bidding.

The audience from both worlds watched in awe and rapt amazement as the video recordings played out upon the Palantír while Naur continued to narrate the scenes. TBOAH!Valentino watched in awe and fearful fascination as TCF!Valentino was able survive the final battle that had claimed TBOAH!Valentino's life in his own timeline.

The scene of the Roan Kingdom forces digging and burying something in front of the southern tower which they were in charge of defending stirred curiosity wthin everyone. Everyone watched in awe and horror as the Northern Alliance's 500-600 ships arrived to attack the Caro Kingdom. They sat in mute terror as they watched around 100 of those ships attempt to crash into Catle LEona and with dead mana bombs, turn the land into a dead mana zone to stall the majority of the Caro Kingdom's forces while they went on to attack the populated northern shores of the Caro Kingdom.

And then came the awe-inspiring scene when the 100 Dark Elves arrived, blazing across the Land of Death. Everyone continued to watch with various emotions overflowing from their hearts. TBOAH!Tasha and TBOAH!Obante were in tears as they watched Mary and the Dark Elves, whom Cale boldly declared were the part of the Roan Kingdom forces, purified the land. And then TBOAH!Valentino broke down. Tears streaming down his face, he could not take his eyes off the Palantír as it showed how Mary controlled the two wyvern bones in order to transport Cale and Choi Han so that they could stop the departing ships. He watched as Cale conjured an enormous silver shield along with a number of whirlpools in order to destroy and attack the ships alongside Choi Han's attacks as well.

Clutching his head in his hands, TBOAH!Valentino curled forward, his shoulders shaking as he muffled his sobs with sleeves of his shirt. He could still remmeber the haunting screams of his soldiers and faithful citizens that died by the dead mana at Castle Leona alongside him. He could still recall the helplessness he'd felt knowing that those bastards were going to get away and attack the northern shores even while he himself lay dying after being poisoned by dead mana. Tears, big constant droplets of clear tears continued to fall from his eyes as he stared wide-eyed and haunted at the floor of the Palantír Hall, the haunting memories of the past continued to play out before his mind's eye.

"What's wrong? Why are you behaving like this? Are-are you crying?! Are you actually crying right now?!!" TCF!Valentino exclaimed, watching his counterpart sob and emits sounds that resembled a greviously wounded animal. Kim Rok Soo turned from his seat beside Cale, he wondered about something as he watched Grigori leave her seat and then move to stand before TBOAH!Valentino. She embraced the broken Crown Prince of the TBOAH!Caro Kingdom. SHe clutched his head and allowed him to cling to her and sob to his heart's content. Kim Rok Soo grimaced and stared at the clueless TCF!Valentino as he continued to insensitively demand to know why his counterpart was acting like that.

"Ahem..." Kim Rok Soo cleared his throat and saw the expression of sympathy and sorrow that etched itself upon Grigori's ethereal features.
"Your Highness Valentino..." Kim Rok Soo called out and continued only once he had the TCF!Valentino's undivided attention.
"Yes? What is it?" TCF!Valentino asked, he hadn't even once directly addressed Kim Rok Soo, since coming here, but now that Kim Rok Soo was actually calling out to him, he felt it only proper to respond to the man.

"In the Battle of Castle Leona of the TBOAH!World... Castle Leona became a dead mana zone... and... you died there... Your Highness."
"W-what?" TCF!Valentino sounded uncertain . Cale nodded mutely to himself as if this was an outcome he would have expected to occur in the TBOAH!World.
"Think about it, Crown Prince Valentino. In the TBOAH!World, there would have been no Indestructible Shield to block the dead mana bombs, and they would have gone off with the ships crashed into the three towers..." Cale added with an expression that said he was both correct and unhappy with this information.

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