Chapter 153

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“I’m going first.” Cale quickly rushed past him.
Hans could see how Cale, who was weaker than him, was able to move so quickly.

"While it's true that visibly Young Master Cale looks weak, he really isn't... should I tell them to get the Deputy Butler's eyes checked?" Bud considered it for a moment and then saw Glenn giving his a very strange side-eye glare. He decided to keep quiet for now and wait for his next opportunity. He was willing to wave this one goodbye for the sake of sparing his bruised side.

There were whirlwinds surrounding both of his feet.
“I as well.”
I’m going first too!
Choi Han and the children averaging nine-years-old followed behind Cale.

"Nyaa~! So cool!!" TBOAH!Hong whined and rolled around on the couch cushions. Meowing and cooing about how brave his sister and her counterpart were and how cool his counterpart is. He really wanted to see his counterpart more, compared to himself, TCF!Hong was an awe-inspiring idol.

Basen’s footsteps slowed down after seeing all of them darting forward.
“Little young master-nim! Shouldn’t we move quicker as well?”
“Hyung-nim.” Basen oddly felt calm even after seeing Cale’s urgent expression. “Hyung-nim will take care of things better than I can. We will focus on the internal defenses rather than the external intruder.”
“Yes sir! I will go escort the Interim Lord-nim over!”
“Also contact the Lord-nim in the capital.”
“Yes sir!”

Deruth and Violan felt a swell of pride at seeing how well Basen was conducting himself. He truly had grown up well. Cale and Rok Soo were grinning in the front row. Quietly boasting to each other about how mature Basen was now.

Basen trusted Cale. He was the most reliable shield. That was why he was planning on being a sturdy pillar for the shield to do as it pleases. This was Basen’s method after choosing his pen over a sword.

"Oh!! That's a wonderful analogy!" Sherritt cooed with a very sweet and endearing smile upon her face. Normally she was all for the Shield and it's ability to protect, however this time she was willing to admit that Cale's brother as a pillar was a very good support for him too.

However, there was something he did not know. Cale’s shield was used to strike first every so often.

"Ohhh... that's even better!!" Sherritt smiled with all her teeth. She liked these records about Cale the most because they were not showing Cale or any of their other family members being hurt and were instead full of compliments about their abilities - she was a dragon, after all, and dragons like being flattered... most of the time. Grigori sighed and unconsciously decided to leave the tsundere habits of Cale's family members alone.

“Huff! Huff!” The messenger shouted with urgency as soon as he saw Cale. “Young master-nim!”
“Where are the intruders?”
“Huff, huff! To the west, sir! The alarm came from the Western city walls of Rain City!”
‘The west…’
Cale quickly turned toward the west.
He heard the messenger’s desperate shout behind him.
“Lily-nim is currently outside the western walls!”
“…What did you say?”

Lily jumped in her seat and wrung her hands when her mother and father suddenly turned their heads in unison to stare down at her - they weren't saying anything, just staring, but it was enough for the young girl to acknowledge her mistakes. Basen sighed under his breath and then shook his head, reaching out he set his hand on the crown of Lily's head. This was to show his parents not to be too hard on Lily because she knew what she had done wrong already.

“That is where the soldiers train so I heard that she was heading toward the Western gate to come see you, young master-nim! The alarm went off soon after that-!”
‘Damn it.’
Cale’s body shot forward as quickly as the wind.

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