Chapter 59

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Grigori ignored both of them and returned her gaze forward. She nodded after a few more seconds of silence and Naur continued with the next record.

<Chapter 488: Peeling layer after layer (5)>
"...Bud is being held hostage by the dethroned princess?"
- That is correct, young master-nim.
Ron's benign smile didn't register correctly in Cale's mind. Alberu started to speak toward Cale who seemed to be deep in thought.

"Elisneh the First, the current monarch of the Molden Kingdom, rose to the throne in her early thirties. She is said to have used her amazing leadership to turn the Molden Kingdom into the strong kingdom it is today."
- That is correct, your highness.
Ron respectfully agreed with Alberu. Alberu leaned on the wall as he continued to speak.

TBOAH!Litana sat still, this was information she had already known about her 'friend', so she was almost desperate to see where the discrepancy in the Elisneh she knew and the one they all held a grudge against lay.

"Originally, there were two monarch candidates who fought viciously for the Molden Kingdom's throne."
- It wasn't much of a fight because Elisneh the First was superior in every category.
Intelligence, strength, background of maternal relatives, number of followers, and capital. Elisneh was superior in every category.

"Elisneh the First from the beginning to the end... Showed superiority in all aspects and ascended to the throne. However, there was a moment when her younger sister, Princess Jopis, threatened Elisneh the First's hold on the throne."
"...Jopis." Cale mumbled that name.
"Yes. Princess Jopis. Unlike the others, she aggressively tried to defeat Elisneh the First. However, she is said to be living quietly after losing the battle. Well, she can only live quietly as she has been exiled."

TCF!Jopis and TBOAH!Jopis both nodded their head, even while inwardly they were cursing up a storm in their minds, their outward appearance oozed elegant sophistication and poised grace. They both eyed the Palantír with curiosity - after all this was not information they were privy to - especially TCF!Jopis who at the time of this scene had not known who the Mercenary King's Master was and had tried to drag him around using the Mercenary King as leverage. She did not dare to share these thoughts aloud, but she knew her counterpart - being as smart as her - would have already figured out what TCF!Jopis' line of thinking had been when she'd captured TCF!Bud as her hostage.

Unless the heir to the throne is determined early as it was with Alberu, there were only two options left for the others who fought until the end. Death or exile. Should they choose exile, they had to live the rest of their lives as quiet as a rat under surveillance.

TCF!Zed made no reaction, even while TBOAH!Alberu flinched - even if his siblings had wanted his seat, the war had completely ruined them all and they were unable to match him. TBOAH!Alberu glanced toward TCF!Alberu who was having such thoughts so casually upon the Palantír and felt the desire to know what was so different about the two of them stir like a brewing monsoon within him.

"...Honestly speaking, I still don't know why Jopis tried to go up against Elisneh the First." This was because Elisneh the First's victory was almost guaranteed.
"Furthermore, the two of them are blood-related siblings. They aren't even half-siblings."
"Yes, that is why Jopis couldn't even get support from her maternal relatives. They all supported Elisneh."
Alberu tilted his head to the side. He had been gathering information about the Molden Kingdom after Cale told him about the Molden Kingdom and the Illusionist last time.

TBOAH!Jopis blinked and corked her head, wondering if the TBOAH!Alberu would have done the same in their timeline if he'd known in advance like in the TCF!World about Elisneh being an Illusionist. She swallowed thickly thinking of her family who had needlessly died to fulfil Elisneh's bottomless greed.

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