Chapter 139

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Bud glanced at Glenn as he tried to console him, Glenn seemed to have forgotten that they were once also a victim of Cale's typical behaviour, he decided it was best not to remind him because he didn't want his friend to have a stroke in any near or far future.

Since they were not the only ones curious to know what would happen next, the Palantír seemed to fast forward whatever fight scene transpired between the two groups, because the moment it lit up again the bandits were all attentive and submissively kneeling before Young Master Cale.

<Chapter 228 – But it’s more comfortable here? (2)>
A few of the trees nearby ended up being destroyed by the sword master Hannah who didn’t get to do anything. Beacrox was busy wiping the dust that was caused by Hannah’s attacks off of his gloves and clothes. Of course, the five pale people were shaking in fear after seeing Hannah’s golden aura and black smoke combination.

Beacrox asked Cale a question after making sure that his outfit was spotless.
“What should we do? Should we torture them?”
The people kneeling gasped. However, Cale had no intentions of listening to this vicious chef. He felt bad for the five extremely scared bandits. He too would be scared of going up against the combination of Hannah, Ron, and Beacrox.

"Young Master, you can't be too soft on them." TCF!Beacrox mumbled, he sounded slighted, probably because of the fact that Cale had called him 'vicious' merely because of just that. Grigori felt a slight twinge in her conscience - something nagging her to educate TCF!Beacrox in order for him to understand that it wasn't 'just that' to Cale. However, she soon decided it was not her place to do so.

Cale leaned on a boulder as he gently smiled and addressed the five people.
“Don’t be scared, okay?”
The five of them turned away from Cale and focused on the ground.
“Why are you avoiding my gaze? I’m not a scary person. We can’t chat if you don’t look at me. Hmm?”
He had Eruhaben use language translation magic on him, so it would be a waste if he didn’t get to use it effectively.

"It's the menace!! The menace is back!!" Kim Rok Soo accused Cale in his mind while coughing lightly and trying not to choke and suffocate himself, it had taking him a while to catch his breath after laughing so hard moments ago, and he wasn't sure his lungs could take another coughing fit. So he tried to control himself.

The bandits’ pupils were shaking as they looked back up at Cale. They could see the red-haired man who was smiling at them.
‘He’s the scariest one!’

In the front row, Cale gasped, offended that they would think such a terrible thing, but he wisely kept his thoughts to himself. Feeling slightly anxious that his family would take any opportunity to berate and scold him for not valuing or taking care of himself better. Grigori noticed this and her eyes narrowed with concern, but she soon forced herself to look away again and focused on the dissonance between TBOAH!Eruhaben and TCF!Eruhaben that she currently had her magic fixated on.

According to the Palantír these five bandits belonged to a group of bandits who were skilled because they had survived a year as bandits. The record stated that they had seen many strong individuals during that time, but however, the people in front of them were stronger than they could ever imagine.

The head of this extraordinary group, the red-haired man, made them feel like candles in the middle of a storm.

"That's such a lovely description for Young Master Cale-nim!" Witira said in a conversational tone as she casually leaned toward Paseton. The smile on her face was elegant and full of sincerity.

Cale became even more concerned in the front row, but Grigori spared a moment to erase his panic apprehension and remind him that the curse was broken and he deserved to be praised and loved and that it would be alright for him to accept it. Cale gulped and bowed his head, taking some time to process what Grigori had told him telepathically.

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