Chapter 83

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“Let's continue…” Grigori announced and everyone did their best to compose themselves and concentrate on the rest of the information that was coming their way.

None of them could easily start to speak. One thousand years. Just thinking about the flow of events for that long period of time was giving them headaches. Bud and Cale were looking at each other.
“Heh.” Bud let out a short laugh. “I need some booze.”
He then plopped down on the ground. He was feeling frustrated. It was a hypothesis. It was a hypothesis that the White Star might be the first Mercenary King. He needed to verify if this hypothesis was true. However, he had an odd feeling that this was indeed the case.
“…Damn it.” Bud grabbed his hair with both hands. It was hard for him to suppress the anger and frustration building up inside him. “Damn it!”

TBOAH!Bud empathized with his counterpart, this was because even if he had known about this during his timeline, he would have felt the same – even now he also felt the same betrayal and frustrated anger. He even wanted to deny it all and yell that all they had was a hypothesis, but he was not so shamelessly to do such a ridiculous thing. HE could see the facts that were being clearly laid out before him.

Nobody could say anything while watching him.
Someone was breathing heavily.
“Young master-nim.”
Ron, who was supporting Cale, looked at Cale’s face. Cale’s face was red from overheating, his body was covered in sweat, and his breathing was heavy. Ron looked at how Cale’s wet red hair was stuck on Cale’s face and handed him over to his son, Beacrox. Beacrox helped Cale slowly sit down on the ground. He then leaned his back toward a bookshelf.
Raon and Hong approached Cale. On was already near Cale’s leg and looking up at him. Cale’s eyes were half-closed as he breathed in and out. He looked extremely weak.

Cale did look terrible – that feverish form coupled with his frail and fragile appearance was too much for his overprotective family who were squirming in their seats resisting the urge to overreact and swaddle Cale and forbid him from acting like this again.

“…This is driving me nuts.”
Bud brushed his face with both hands after seeing Cale’s condition. He had not checked on Cale’s condition because he was so shocked by the hypothesis. No, he could have just ignored Cale’s condition because the story he shared was so important. Eruhaben wet a towel and handed it to Ron, who carefully wiped the sweat off of Cale’s forehead.
“…Haaa, haaa.” Cale continued to breathe while feeling the cool towel on his cheek. It was hot.

“Oh Cale…” TCF!Deruth groaned with a grimace of sympathy and helplessness. TCF!Violan also had a similar look of concern and worry written all over her face – these were the kinds of things that they had no idea Cale had been doing in between the bouts of peace between the battles. TCF!Basen was watching his brother and reaffirming in his mind that all the hard work Cale was doing made his desire to rest once all this was over make perfect sense to him once more. TCF!Basen shared a look with TCF!Lily both of them reaffirming their decision to help their big brother attain his much anticipated ‘Slacker Life’.

‘Damn it.’
Kim Rok Soo, Grade 1 Ability User. ‘Record’ was the most well-known of his abilities. His entire body, starting from his head, heated up every time he used this ability. However, his mind was clear. The side effects were mild compared to the other abilities that clouded a person’s mind from overuse. He closed his eyes. He needed to organize the information gathered in his mind.

“Hyung, is it the same for you when you use this power?” TBOAH!Basen asked Rok Soo and for a brief moment Rok Soo felt like he shouldn't admit the truth. That moment passes quickly though and he nodded.
“It's the same, but I don't use it to this extent… I have some of Cale's memories instead so I haven’t used it like this yet, also…” Kim Rok Soo trails off and Cale takes over.
“Since I left you with plenty memories of records and data I studied there shouldn’t be too much of a reason for you to push yourself with this ability…” Cale hinted with a curious expression – he seemed like he wanted to know if Rok Soo actually had used their Record ability to this extent before.
“That's right… I haven’t had to use it that much.” Rok Soo inform Cale with a calm look on his face. TBOAH!Basen was satisfied with that answer.

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