Chapter 134

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Grigori and Naur gave everyone a chance to catch their breath and talk amongst themselves for a while before she returned to the Palantír Hall and appraised them all to see whose records from the TCF!World they would view next.

“Excuse me Grigori-nim… would it be possible to see how Cale Henituse and his group fought off Arm at the Ten Finger Mountain?” TBOAH!Eruhaben requested and Grigori's gaze softened and she nodded her head.

“Alright, let's watch that next then…” she answered, deciding the TBOAH!Eruhaben and TCF!Eruhaben were also ready to have their records revealed now.

Grigori turned to the Palantír and waved her hand in front of the enormous glowing orb and then paused for a moment and smiled as the new record was cued up for Naur to play for everyone.
“If everyone is ready, we can begin.” She announced and then moved and took a seat on her lounger as Naur began the record.

<Chapter 111: Scary (4)>
Cale had already made up his mind, especially since Raon was strongly encouraging him from a while ago.
– Human, I want to punch that magic spearman in the face!

Grigori turned her head toward TBOAH!Eruhaben when he gasped sharply as a very familiar face appeared upon the Palantír.
“Pen-Pendrick?!” TBOAH!Eruhaben choked, sorrow and regret sounded clear and heavy in his tone. An oppressively depressing shadow fell over the Ancient Golden Dragon from the TBOAH!World.

“It’s alright… He's alive in our world…” TCF!Eruhaben whispered reassurance to his counterpart as he reached out and set his hand upon TBOAH!Eruhaben's back. Grigori considered something very seriously for a long time and then chuckled and nodded to herself after hearing the petition from TCF!Eruhaben and TBOAH!Eruhaben's souls.

Taking a deep breath, Grigori stood up from her lounger and made an announcement to the guests of her hall.
“Please continue watching the record. There is a matter I need to tend to privately. Naur and Mairon please attend to our guests.”
“As you command Goddess-nim.”
“Yes Goddess-nim!”

The two Apostles immediately replied and Mairon materialized practically out of thin air and with an elegant bow took a seat on a padded chair near where the Goddess' lounger was positioned. Leaving them in the care of her apostles, Grigori disappeared in a swirling crimson mist speckled with glittering golden flecks.    

Since the strongest in their party was saying that, what could Cale do about it? Furthermore, Pendrick had lived until now because Cale had twisted the story. He didn’t want him to die here.

TBOAH!Lock winced, but bravely insisted on keeping his eyes on the Palantír. He didn't want to waste this gift, seeing Pendrick alive and safe and full of energy was a gift just like learning his siblings were also alive in the TCF!World.  

There was also something that Cale needed to verify.
“I will help you.”
Pendrick could see the man starting to smile for the first time.
“It is not like I can just ignore someone in trouble.”
It was an indifferent tone, but Pendrick started to feel thankful. He knew that the man in front of him had no reason to help him at all. That was why he was having such a strong reaction to the man’s willingness to help.

TCF!Rosalyn signed quietly, she knew that smile – it was the smile that meant Cale was about to do something crazy again. She turned her head toward TCF!Choi Han to silently demand why he hadn't stopped Young Master Cale the moment they found out he was planning to do something this crazy.

“Ahem…” TCF!Lock tried to ‘rescue’ his hyung from his Noona's wrath, but all he managed to do was draw everyone's attention onto himself the moment he loudly cleared his throat. Mercifully, Naur took over distracting everyone by returning their attention to the Palantír.   

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