Chapter 69

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What followed when Cale opened his eyes was absolute chaos. Various explosions were heard from all around the areas within the Palantír and jaws fell open at the level of destruction everyone was being shown right now. No one had any time to question Cale about the suspicious expression he was trying to hide.

“In their defence… they were left unsupervised, Cale-Hyung.” Grigori gently commented, and Cale sighed and nodded.
“Yes, I know that now.” Cale replied with a serious expression. TCF!Choi Han looked pleased and Raon giggled, nuzzling his face closer to Cale, practically squishing his cheek against Cale’s with a happy purring hum as unconsciously the tip of his tail began to wag and his wings fluttered. 

“…What the…?” He then opened his eyes after hearing numerous explosions. “Huh?”
He could see the branches binding him as well as other black branches surrounding him. Cale who no longer had the Fire of Destruction around him was captured inside this wooden cage.
– …A, are you okay, sir?
He heard a timid voice before the branch he grabbed earlier approached him again.
This is all I can do with my will.
He heard the tree’s voice.

“Wait, does this mean that the fake World Tree is resisting Elisneh’s control?” TBOAH!Jopis asked with wide-eyes and surprise written all over her features. TCF!Jopis also looked curious, so Grigori smiled ethereally and gestured toward Cale.
“It’s Cale-Hyung, My Dears.... Does it really come as a surprise?”
“Amazing...” TBOAH!Tasha whispered in awe.
TCF!Alberu smiled mischievously at his Aunt’s TBOAH!World counterpart.

Cale could not see outside through the black branches. He looked through a gap in the branches and opened his mouth.
“What is going on- gasp!” He was then shocked. Something flew toward him. Cale who was peeking curled up in shock. He soon heard a loud noise and the tree shook a bit. The person who slammed into the tree fell to the ground.

“Wow! Scary nya~!” TBOAH!Hong chirped adorably from beside his sister and their counterparts. Of course, he didn’t look at all afraid or scared, at all and instead was smiling while kneading the curious of the lounger’s cushioned seat with his paws – flexing and retracting his claws from the padded cushion. 

“Ugh! Ugh.”
Cale knew this person. It was the middle-aged man with glasses, one of Elisneh’s subordinates. “Ugh. T, that hurt.” The middle-aged was shaking as he moved his hand. The pain in his body made it feel like his limbs were being trampled, but he needed to move. His hand moved toward the glasses on his face. He needed to grab it. He would be able to fight if he could grab it. No, he would be able to survive.
“I won’t let you!” The glasses were removed. The man whose eyesight was fine saw the person who took the glasses drop them to the ground. The man then stepped on the glasses.

The sound of the glasses being broken was exaggeratedly louder than the explosions or the sounds of the maze walls that were continuously coming down now.
“Oh wow! Master is such a bully!” TCF!Hannah snickered happily, she and her counterpart were grinning viciously, showing off their teeth with their smiles and cheering at the sight of the chaos being gradually revealed by the Palantír.

“Ugh! Ugh!”
The man who broke his glasses then grabbed him by his collar and raised him. The man who was on the shorter side flailed in the air as his feet could not touch the ground.
“Please, d, don’t kill me-” The middle-aged man with glasses grabbed the man’s hands with both hands in an attempt to try to make him let go. He also had a desperate gaze to do whatever it took to survive.

The more scenes of destruction were being shown by the Palantír the more desensitized everyone was becoming to Cale's MO. Even TBOAH!Zed was no longer staring at his counterpart as if he were out of his mind for allowing TCF!Alberu to associate with someone who caused this property damage in foreign lands.
“How did he even afford to pay the reparations?” He was practically shouting in his mind.
“What reparations...” Grigori asked, feigning innocence, but there was a look in her eyes that gave TBOAH!Zed the answer he needed.

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