Chapter 87

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"Let's watch one more record and then you can all be dismissed for lunch." Grigori smiled ethereally at everyone in the room before her gaze landed on the two Molan men sitting beside her. She had chosen to remain beside TBOAH!Beacrox this whole time and since TCF!Ron, TCF!Beacrox, and TBOAH!Ron were doing much better now had retracted her divine aura from around them.

Now that the group had settled once again, she turned her gaze back to the Palantir and called out to Naur.
"Naur please begin the record from the latter part of Chapter 454."
"Understood." Naur replied overhead and the Palantír briefly went dark before gradually lighting up again to show a new scene. The sight before them all was shocking - causing several people to shout out in disbelief and surprise. While others couldn't help gawking, their mouths hanging ajar in their amazement. Cale chuckled lightly, feeling pleasantly happy with the sight of the bloodied White Star that was showing on the Palantír right now.

< Chapter 454: Right Arm (4)>
It was at that moment.
"F**k!" The White Star who stomped on a skeleton that was on the ground before landing in the desert started to frown. The video communication device in his pocket was going off. His gaze made the black mages behind him look toward the video communication device as well.

Despite the fact that White Star was clearly angry, the sight of him injured, bloodied, and missing an arm was enough to cause riotous feelings of vicious joy in everyone present in the Goddess' Palantír Hall.
"Wow..." Rok Soo whispered with bated breath and amazement. He wanted to grab Cale again and demand to know what Cale had done and how he and his group in the TCF!World had managed to pull of such an incredible feat, but restrained himself from doing so after realizing there must have been a reason why the goddess hadn't started showing this scene from a moment earlier.

Allowing his gaze to sweep across the hall, he noticed the way the Dark Elves in the hall were all looking particularly interested in this scene which made him return his gaze to the screen so that he could analyse it and figure out which desert Cale was fighting the White Star on - although there was only one desert he knew of, with Cale he wasn't sure since Cale had a tendency to fight on a large enough scale that cartographers needed to be employed after his battles.

A black mage was shaking in fear as the White Star and Sayeru who got off the other black mage's back looked toward him.
"It is urgent news from the Eastern continent."
No, the black mage was actually shaking from the contents of the message.
"There are intruders in Arm's first secret base's first boundary."

TCF!Ron's eyes lit up and TCF!Beacrox, who also recognized what Arm's first secret base implied, sat up straight and began to pay attention to the Palantir once more. Although they were uncertain what was significant about this information, TBOAH!Ron and TBOAH!Beacrox noticed how attentive their counterparts suddenly became and decided it may be worth paying attention to as well, also this was information, valuable information, that they did not know about in their timeline.

Each of Arm's secret bases had three boundaries to notice any intruders. The first boundary of the first secret base had been breached.
"Who?! Who are the intruders?!" Sayeru started to frown.
He glared at the desert. He was staring in the direction Cale Henituse disappeared.
"Cale Henituse, is it that bastard's doing? I'm sure it was the-"

"Why is this bastard blaming me? I am not the only one they picked a fight with!"
"No Young Master, but you were the only one who fended them off." TCF!Ron benignly smiled at Cale causing the young red-head to frown and sigh as he deflated in his seat again.
"Fine fine..." Cale conceded.
"Still though, it seems that White Radish isn't the only one stalking the Young Master..." TCF!Rosalyn hummed with a pensive look on her face - she was feigning innocence even though TCF!Choi Han beside her cracked the glass in his hand and TCF!Alberu looked like he'd just tasted vinegar. Before the fight could break out Naur continued the record.

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