Chapter 86

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As promised the next part of this scene started with an explosive shout of panic.

<Chapter 364: When Night Comes (2)>
“You’re going to throw magic bombs?”
Ron looked toward the person who asked that question. It was someone he did not know. However, Ron still warmly responded back.
“The first branch building and the Directory storage facility will disappear from the world today.”
Ron then took a step back. The sound of the roof breaking down could be heard.

A few people were mildly impressed by Crock's ability – this was because during their rampaging with Cale, they'd seen plenty larger, older and stronger buildings being brought down, so it wasn’t as impressive to see it being done by someone who was currently playing the role of the antagonist to Cale's group.

“You’ve gotten better.”
“Ugh!” Crock started to frown after seeing Ron leisurely dodge his sudden attack with a single step and then give him a compliment. However, his greatsword headed for Ron once again.
“Archers, aim for Ron Molan and Beacrox Molan’s arms! There should be a mage on their side nearby! Find them now!” Crock shouted the orders as loudly as he could.
“Yes sir!”
“Yes, leader!”

TCF!Bud shrunk in his seat when TCF!Ron glanced his way, he didn't know whether he should apologize to TCF!Ron or say that he would give Crock a good talking to when they returned, but either way, being on the receiving end of the penetrating stare from Patriarch-nim TCF!Ron was enough to give him nightmares.

“…We will retreat.”
“Squad Leader-nim?”
“We will retreat. Do not make me have to repeat myself again.” Atures chose to retreat.
He coldly responded to the confused expressions on his squad members’ faces.
“Do not forget our main mission.”

Their main mission. Find the whereabouts of the Mercenary King.

“F**k, these Arm bastards…” TCF!Bud grumbled with annoyance written all over his features. He sobered up again after receiving that look from TCF!Ron and so he was able to maintain some semblance of his composure without provoking TCF!Glenn into jabbing him in the ribs to shut him up. At that same moment, TCF!Glenn realized he hadn't jabbed, punched or even pinched TCF!Bud in a while and decided to go back to doing his job of keeping his friend alive. He recalled that moment earlier when the Goddess had agreed to take over the job and decided that she must have done a fairly good job of restraining him seeing as TCF!Bud hadn't lost his head or any limbs even though he'd been misbehaving and sprouting nonsense plenty of times already.

They needed to find the traces of the Mercenary King who disappeared from Leeb-An City. The squad members tried to retreat as their leader ordered.
“Who said you could go?”
They could see a person looking down at them and smiling with a greatsword on his back at that moment. Beacrox was smirking with one corner of his lips up with his arms full of magic bombs. Beacrox’s gaze as he looked down at the Arm members was cold. It could not be helped.

Everyone agreed, just like they did, TCF!Beacrox must also have had deep rooted hatred toward Arm for what they did to him and his family. So, they fully supported his decision to face them even with his arms full of those dangerous magic bombs. There really was no better way to terrify their enemies than to show them just how angry the enemy had made them.  The recording on the Palantír turned grey again as flashbacks began once more – this time they were from Beacrox’s perspective.

Fifteen years ago. Back when he could still be called a young boy. He still remembered how his house had burnt down, his family members had died, and how his mother had stood in front of him while swinging her sword. Just like his father, Beacrox had a lot of anger about that situation as well. In fact, he had even more anger about it than his father. That was the reason the young boy who had been told he looked like his mother had lost his smile and had to become an adult with a cold expression like his father.

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