Chapter 72

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Once everyone comfortably settled down again, the record continued as Grigori wished.

Elisneh was glaring at him while grinding her teeth, but Cale just honestly shared his thoughts.
“Thanks for the information. Silence is information as well. Elisneh.” Cale put his hand on her shoulder.
Elisneh could see the assassin’s cold gaze and the assassin’s son touching the thin knife from over Cale’s shoulder. She could also see the black robe.

“It’s quite an intimidating picture… If you’re looking at it from this side.” TBOAH!Harol mumbled quietly.

She heard Cale’s voice at that moment.
“You’ll lose everything, but isn’t it more important to stay alive? Giving me information will be a good method.” Cale was serious.
He was planning on letting Elisneh live if she managed to give him information in ways that wouldn’t kill her. Of course, she would lose everything and he would take away her powers so that she could not cause any trouble in the future, but… Elisneh did not believe his honesty.
“Do you think I would trust your lies?!”

“And it’s a given that she would think that they’re playing a trick on her… but knowing Young Master Cale-nim, he’s a man of his word!” TCF!Harol pointed out and everyone saw TCF!Toonka nodding aggressively in eager agreement with TCF!Harol.

It was because the expressions on the faces of the three people behind Cale were vicious. However, there was something she did not know. Ron was just stoic while Beacrox was annoyingly touching the knife he got from the Molden palace kitchen because it was not sharpened properly. As for Mary, she just came closer to hear what Cale had to say without thinking about anything.

“Wow, what a big misunderstanding…”
“Of course, we learnt from the best…”
At that comment, Grigori let out a sharp laugh and then quickly covered her mouth and tried to regain her composure.
“Share the joke Grigori-noona…” Rok Soo teased with a puppy-aura radiating from him, leaving the Goddess suddenly unable to deny him. She was apparently quite weak against Cale and Kim Rok Soo, which was surprising but at the same time not surprising. After all it had been pretty obvious ever since they first arrived here who the Goddess’ favourites were.

“…But it’s not a lie.”

“Some writers of other Akashic Records for worlds and timelines similar to yours call Cale-hyung the 'God of Misunderstandings' and in several ways he really is similar.” Grigori giggled, it was an adorable sound from her, while Cale, on the other hand, shuddered in his sleep.

They all watched as Cale courteously asked Elisneh how to break the illusion, even though they all already suspected what her answer would be . When it came, it was already exactly what they anticipated, so no one was surprised. TCF!Jopis stepped forward after Cale announced that it wouldn’t matter whether she told them or not, and TCF!Jopis agreed.

Elisneh subconsciously opened her mouth to speak but Jopis did not pay her any attention.
Cale started to speak instead.
“Let’s head up. I’m sure a lot of people have gathered already.”
The hole in the ceiling Raon created… There were people looking into the hole. There were bound to be people who ran over to the knights’ training ground after hearing the explosions.
I am lifting us with flight magic!
It was time to leave the maze now. Cale’s body slowly floated up and headed toward the sunlight shining into the maze.

TBOAH!Jopis felt her palms begin to sweat, and fear and anxiety began to writhe and coil within her gut. She felt uncomfortable and restless. She felt the urge to stand up and pace but held it in and swallowed down her nervousness. TBOAH!Jopis forced herself to sit still and watch while her counterpart took the final steps toward a goal she had died without achieving. The Palantír continued showing how the nobles and knight reacted to Cale and Mary’s bone monsters and also to the sight of the captured Elisneh. They fools on the Palantír still sided with her, of course, because the illusion was still on the palace.

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