Chapter 119

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By the time everyone returned from dinner, Grigori was pensively staring at the blank Palantír once more. She seemed to be considering something very seriously. However at the sound of their return she also turned face them all.

Dinner had extended long enough so that everyone was now ready to watch the next person's records.
“Welcome back everyone, I trust you had a good dinner.” Grigori greeted them politely and then moved to take her seat.
“If everyone is ready let's continue!”

<Chapter 102: It’s real (2)>
Tasha let out a sigh and grabbed Mary’s arm.

Because of the viewpoint of the record, they could all clearly see TCF!Mary's exposed arm and the spiderweb-like black veins upon it. However they were now accustomed to seeing Hannah with the same scars – so they were not shocked, in fact no one of them even flinched.

They had come to expect it, some may have even have imagined it in their heads after hearing and interacting with TBOAH!Mary and TCF!Mary since they had been brought her and learned that she was the last Necromancer. Since the Palantír seemed to be focusing on records pertaining to TCF!Mary, everyone now understood that it was her soul dissonance that was being tended now.

Tasha was holding Mary’s hand tightly.
“This, you see…”
Tasha was unable to hide her anxiety. No, she had been in a state of shock since Raon appeared, but this was more despair than shock.
“Tasha.” Cale looked right into Tasha’s eyes and calmed her down. “I don’t plan to tell anybody so do not worry. We are already all in the same boat.”

Tasha closed her mouth that had been repeatedly opening and closing without making a noise. She remembered what Alberu had said about Cale.
‘Auntie, he may be rude, but he keeps his word. I can’t trust him, but I can at least rely on the bastard.’

“Ouch… Hyung… I didn't know you thought so highly of me right from the beginning…”
“Tsk, you’re driving me nuts!” TCF!Alberu sighed heavily in exasperation. During dinner he had put his necklace back on and had thus returned to his human form. Of course he had not bothered to speak with his counterpart simply because he did not want to get angry again.

In the end, it meant that Alberu trusted Cale, even if he would not directly say that. Tasha started to agree with Alberu the longer she interacted with Cale.
At that moment, Mary started to speak.
“I will also not speak about Dragon-nim. Since I cannot make a vow of Elementals, I will vow with my life instead.”
Cale had a small smile on his face that quickly disappeared. He should not have to worry about Raon’s secret because she put her life on the line.

“That is… the Young Master-nim made us all swear to keep Dragon-nim’s existence a secret.” TCF!Obante explained calmly to his counterpart. TBOAH!Obante nodded feeling slightly confused about the reason Cale Henituse even needed to come to the City of Life at all – but then his gaze flickered over to TCF!Alberu and he could almost understand the reason for such a excursion.

Tasha then heard her grandfather starting to speak.
“Young master Cale, do you know about necromancers?”
“I know as much as any other person.”
Well, he knew more than the average person based on what he had read in the novel. Necromancers referred to people who used dead mana to control dead creatures to fight. They also had scars on their bodies that were impossible to hide, even with magic. Just like Mary’s arm they just saw, their entire body is covered with black veins that look like spider webs.

No one cared about this anymore – they had become too desensitized to it, and being full from dinner made them slightly lethargic, dulling their senses somewhat and convincing them that since it wasn't their business and there was absolutely nothing wrong with Mary or Necromancers there was no reason for them to get their undergarments into a twist over it.

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