Chapter 57

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Grigori allowed everyone a chance to catch their breath before Naur continued the record. It would not be a lie to say that she was working hard to keep TBOAH!Rosalyn's mana under control right now. With TBOAH!Rosalyn feeling so devastated and full of despair there was little chance of the Archmage regaining her composure any time soon, so Grigori was protecting everyone, including TBOAH!Rosalyn from allowing her mana to go berserk within her.

<Chapter 409: Only Me (6)>
Rosalyn's fingertips were shaking.
'There's too much mana......!'
She bit down on her lips. Her whole body felt as if it was on fire. This boiling fire that she could not stop even if she wanted to do so seemed to want to gobble her up. However, she continued to shout internally as she reached a hand toward the grey Dragon.
'More, more, more! I want to handle more mana. No, I want to control it with my bare hands!'
"You're crazy! Are you so desperate to die?!" Becrock's voice could not reach Rosalyn.
Rosalyn only looked at the grey Dragon that charged toward her again with its mouth open.

Loud explosive sounds came from the Palantír, the sound of the chaos unfolding in the scene did nothing to distract the audience from watching as TCF!Rosalyn ignored rational human instinct and charged forward with a tenacious greed.

Magic stones continued to break or explode as they crashed into each other before turning into red mana. Rosalyn continued to reach her hand out. The grey Dragon and the red mage crashed against each other. The grey Dragon tried to chomp off her side. Rosalyn moved her left hand.

Jaws dropped open in disbelief and shock – although everyone knew that this grey Dragon was just magic and not real, it was still terrifying to see her fighting one-on-one against it.

Red mana blocked the Dragon's mouth. She did not even finish looking at it before turning her gaze away.
'Everything is red.'
Everything looked red to her right now. Everything from the tip of her head down to her toes. Red mana was covering her eyes, nose, mouth, and every part of her body such that her world seemed to be red. Even the Grey Dragon, Becrock, and the night sky had lost their original colors and looked red.
'I like this.'
She liked what was going on. Her whole body... Every breath that she took... All of her actions were full of her mana. Rosalyn smiled as she reached her right hand out again. A large mana hand that resembled her hand was created.

True, both Rosalyn's who were watching this happen on the Palantír were in awe, however the others around them were shocked, some even petrified. More than a few people were screaming internally and Grigori who could hear all their wailing shouts about this being terrifying and impossible and absolutely crazy, simply smiled innocently and continued to monitor TBOAH!Rosalyn and TCF!Rosalyn's conditions.

Rosalyn formed a fist. The large red mana hand ripped the grey Dragon's wing. Rosalyn's eyes flashed. The combination mana made from dead mana and mana. That grey being was being ripped apart.
"That, that crazy!" Becrock's eyes were full of astonishment as he watched.

It was not because Rosalyn blocked the grey Dragon's attack and ripped off one of the grey Dragon's wings. It was fine since he could just attack again. It was something else that had shocked him.
"...Are you really planning on dying?"

"Wow! He's even more stupid than I thought!" TCF!Rasheel scoffed. As the eldest among the young dragons of their TCF!World, he was innately aware of the current difference in strength between the individuals fighting on the Palantír – it was all thanks to his attribute which he'd honed even further after joining Cale and the other Dragons of their TCF!World. TCF!Rasheel could tell TCF!Rosalyn was not in danger simply because his attribute was telling him that what was happening to her on the Palantír was nothing for him to worry about – since she was not his enemy, that's why he happily cheered her on.

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