Chapter 114

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Cale sat silently, ignoring the feeling he was getting that made him think someone was cursing him and then turned to look at Raon who was intently watching Grigori as she continued to repair TCF!Alberu's necklace with her mana.

No one else was paying much attention to his idle wandering mind and thoughts because they were all focused on the Palantír which was still playing the record of how they got rid of the knights who were pretending to be hunters in order to infiltrate the Alchemists' Bell Tower.

The scene on the record continued – it showed TCF!Eruhaben removing the three layers of illusion magic spells and then declaring that he would maintain the alarm so that the enemy wouldn’t know they'd been infiltrated.  

Tasha, Mary, and Choi Han gulped, but they couldn’t say anything as they saw the revealed landscape. Tasha was the first to open her mouth.
“There’s so much presence of death coming up.”
The flower field had disappeared while a large dark entrance appeared on the ground. It was an entrance that led underground. The entrance was pitch black.
“…I also smell something similar to the black despair.”

In a silent voice, TCF!Mary told TBOAH!Mary a little about the different presences she had felt between dead mana and black despair – even for her the differences were noticeable and TCF!Mary wanted TBOAH!Mary to learn more about it – just as she had learned while travelling with Raon-nim and Young Master Cale.

Tasha turned away from the dark underground that made her feel like she was facing something disgusting and looked toward Cale who was looking at Mary and Choi Han.
“I’m all right, Cale-nim.” Choi Han replied as he grasped his scabbard and Mary followed up with her GPS-like voice.
“I am strong.”
Cale nodded his head.
“Then that’s fine.”

TBOAH!Tasha and TBOAH!Obante looked toward their counterparts and could clearly tell that like them they too shared the feelings of relief and gratitude toward Cale for how he treated and took care of Mary when she was with him.

Cale's attentiveness toward Mary regardless of the situation showed how much he valued her and also that he saw her as a precious part of his family too – as the people who had practically raised Mary, it felt good to know that someone else also appreciated her and considered her family the same why they did.

Cale looked around at the group once more. Tasha, who would stay behind and watch the hunters and the entrance while waiting for the soon-to-arrive Vice Captain Hilsman, gave a slight bow and stepped back. The Cat Knight Rex and the merchant Billos nodded at Cale’s gaze. They had come with the intention of following him.
– Of course I’m coming!
Cale looked at Eruhaben after hearing Raon’s response, and the ancient Dragon’s fingers started to move. Everyone’s body slowly turned invisible.

Everyone gulped, some feeling apprehensive, some restlessly and impatiently waiting to see what all this fuss was about. The extremely rare few that still couldn’t let go from their anger from before were now stubbornly crossing their arms and sitting back with haughty expressions firmly believing that nothing the records could possibly show would be worse than the horrors they had seen in their own timeline. Grigori inwardly pitied them for being so naïve.

Rex and Billos gulped as they looked toward the dark entrance heading down. They heard Cale’s voice at that moment. They heard the words that he was humming.
“Alrighty then, where are you hiding?”
They could see Cale’s face as he was turning invisible from the foot up. He was smiling.
“You’ll die if I catch even a strand of your hair.”
The Cat and the merchant flinched.

They saw Cale’s eyes curling up in a smile as he turned fully invisible before they heard his voice again. Cale’s joyful voice echoed in the area where only the unconscious hunters were visible.
“Oh where oh where are you hiding?”
Rex and Billos gulped. It was because they were afraid of Cale’s eyes that had curled up as he smiled.

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