Chapter 123

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Grigori's aura embraced all who were affected within the Palantír Hall. She gave them a few moments to compose themselves before inclining her head toward the Palantír to prompt Naur to let the record go on. The loud crashing booms drew everyone's attention immediately back to the Palantír. Accompanying the loud sounds that filled the sky, emergency alarms went off throughout Rain City too. All these sounds signified something that they had all been waiting for – the enemy was here and that casual afternoon would be the start of the war.

However the reactions upon the faces of the citizens shown all across the Palantír was different compared to the faces that Rok Soo and the rest of the TBOAH!Henituse family recalled from their own battle.

“Everybody, calm down! Move according to the guide knight’s instructions!” The knight shouted out loud as he directed the scared citizens to safety. The soldiers helped the citizens move to safety, just as they had practiced in advance.

“They practiced evacuating the citizens to safety?!” TBOAH!Violan and TBOAH!Deruth felt their hearts tighten with another unexpected feeling. It was an emotional mixture of awe, relief, envy, and sadness.

All of the houses throughout the city closed their doors. They were expecting to hear the citizens locking their doors. However, no sound of doors being locked could be heard.

“Whoa?!” Rok Soo gasped under his breath and then shook his head and reached up to brush his hair back with a disbelieving smile upon his face. The feeling of relief in his chest was flooding his mind and body.

The armoured knights and equipped soldiers moved from the castle walls and throughout the city. However, none of this could be heard as well. The noise of the wyverns ramming into the shield was too loud to hear anything else.

However the Palantír showed everything in equal parts – a semblance of fairness for all their ‘screen time’  at least for now. The deafening and terror inspiring roars of the wyverns were heard throughout the hall, according to the Palantír it was the only thing that could be heard in Rain City and then the record showed the pale expressions on the faces of the citizens.

This was the first time they were seeing a wyvern, the smallest one appeared to be at least 5 meters long and the knight seated on top who was controlling these large monsters was merely a small dot. Those knights were wearing armour that was as white as snow and it inspired a terrifying image upon the knights and soldiers.

The citizens started to peek out their windows. Will the shield break? Does that mean we will all die? They were looking toward the castle walls with fear.
It was at that moment.
“…It is the young master-nim!” One of the citizens who was looking out the window subconsciously shouted. Cale had appeared on the castle wall.

Once again Kim Rok Soo felt his body go rigid and could only sit and watch with his jaw hanging ajar in fascinated awe and shock. During his own time as Cale he had never been given the chance to act in such a dignified and prestigious manner – but to see his Soul Swap Partner using his original body to do these things so naturally was truly a tear-jerking experience for him. 

A bright silver light was coming out of both of his hands. Cale walked over to the center of the castle wall and reached his hands up to the sky. The knights and soldiers were watching him from the closest distance. This was their first ever war.

TBOAH!Deruth gulped and took a brief moment to glance toward TCF!Deruth and he makes a mental note when he recognizes the somber and serious expression on both TCF!Deruth and TCF!Violan's faces. Even TCF!Basen had a fierce and grim expression upon his face but none of them seem willing to share any spoilers.

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