Chapter 18

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Cale then decided he had done a good enough job – so he relaxed and smiled innocently to himself, listening to the ensuing chaos from the occupants of both worlds.

<Chapter 736: Pushing forward too rashly>
Cale started to think.
‘Ah, should I not have said that he is the strongest here?’
He got cold sweats. He turned his gaze. The knights outside the steel cage were frozen stiff without any of them daring to move.

The cave was shaking. The black mana coming out from the young Dragon in front of Cale was causing it.
“…Destroy… everything……” The young Dragon mumbled those words with his face full of rage. The problem was that Cale seemed to be a part of his targets.
‘I guess this makes sense.’

It was true that Cale took the chains off. However, this body had helped out quite a bit as Venion’s lackey to torture Raon.
‘Our Raon isn’t soft-hearted enough to be betrayed by someone, even if he is off alone.’
Cale had that thought as he opened his mouth.
“Yeah! Destroy it!”

The already silent cave became even quieter. Even Venion, who was plopped down on the table, raised his head from the table to glare at him. His eyes were full of shock. Cale didn’t care and shouted with excitement.

‘This is an illusion and it isn’t my body anyway!’
“Destroy everything! Destroy me too! But you should probably destroy the cave and let it break everything instead of getting blood on your front paws!”
The black Dragon’s jaw slowly dropped.

Instantly, the room turns icy with the collective Dragon Fear from all the TCF!Dragons.
“Cale Henituse…” Sherritt beside him turned her reptilian gaze onto him and Cale’s skin automatically prickled, however while others – especially those on the TBOAH!World side choked and gasped for air, Cale’s dominating aura activated surrounding him and his children and family and friends on the TCF!World almost instinctively. Cale, however, still felt the chill as two more ancient dragons, one adult dragon, and one more young dragon soon stood behind his couch looming over him from behind.

“Weak Human… you were being a poopy dumbo again!”
“Ahahaha… Yes, I was.” Cale replied to Raon’s hissing tone of disapproval. Grigori kept her gaze resolutely upon the Palantír – to be quite honest, she had forgotten about those lines and had thus not informed Naur to redact them. The record would soon continue anyways even with the TCF!Dragons looming and surrounding Cale.

“Well, just have to lock him up in my Black Castle. Mom, when we get back you prepare the room. He can have three meals a day, and if he tries to do stupid shit like this again, we’ll tie him up to the bed with mana!” Raon grumbles angrily under his breath. Pounding his paws onto the couch beside Cale’s thigh to work out his agitation without the risk of injuring Cale himself.

His words, however, earn growls of agreement from the overprotective and now-terrifying dragons.
“That’s right… Teacher is not so old as to not still learn how to properly value himself!” TCF!Mila purrs with a razor sharp glint in her eyes as she glares down at Cale.

“Hmm… Now that the quest to save the world is over, Teacher doesn’t need to risk himself anymore. So he can just stay home with us and not do stupid things!” Dodori rumbles, his pink eyes seem to be glowing with mana too. Even TCF!Rasheel rumbles menacingly that he might need to ask the Elementals to create barriers to trap Cale indoors if that helps. TCF!Eruhaben practically purrs when Raon yells agreement to all of the above – just so long as he can protect Cale, he doesn’t care at all about what method they use.
“You really are a recklessly Unlucky Bastard! From now on we will have to keep an even closer eye on you!” He chides Cale in a fatherly tone. 

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