Chapter 24

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Grigori gave everyone a chance to rest. Some people from the TBOAH!World chose to talk amongst themselves and then eventually joined their TCF!World counterparts. TBOAH!Witira and TBOAH!Shickler had already come over to join the TCF!Whale tribe as well, both TBOAH!Archie and TCF!Archie were sitting side by side quietly gossiping about something that made TBOAH!Archie scowl and stare at his counterpart as if he’d lost his mind. TBOAH!Archie entirely didn’t believe the words his counterpart was telling him about the red-haired commander. Still though, whenever he glanced toward both Whale Kings and the TBOAH!Witira and TCF!Witira, who all sat crowding around TCF!Paseton, he felt that the ridiculous stories he was hearing might actually be true.

Grigori finished answering TBOAH!Litana and TBOAH!Valentino’s queries and doubts. During the break, TBOAH!Litana had asked her counterpart what happened to Elisneh only to be overheard by both TBOAH!Jopis and TCF!Jopis who scoffed and then sighed heavily. TCF!Litana had informed her counterpart that no 'Queen Elisneh' had come to the Jungle and instead it had been Cale Henituse who had saved the Jungle more than once – fearing the growing gap of knowledge between herself and her counterpart, TBOAH!Litana had decided to ask Goddess Grigori about these things and this was the chance she’d been granted to do so.

Unlike his hyung TBOAH!Choi Han and noona TBOAH!Rosalyn, who took the chance during the breaks and resting time to socialize with their counterparts. TBOAH!Lock had persistently been keeping his distance from TCF!Lock. Grigori noticed with only a single glance that even while TBOAH!Lock avoided taking note of his counterpart, TCF!Lock also paid him no mind.

“Hmmm…” She hummed and then began to frown slightly to herself. “Alright then.” She clapped to get everyone’s attention.
“Now that all your questions thus far have been attended to, let us proceed. Please remember that some scenes of the record are redacted or entirely missing because they’re either irrelevant or do not pertain to the areas of dissonance I am targeting in you. We will now view the records of The Blue Wolf Tribe’s Wolf King Lock.”

TBOAH!Lock blinked and straightened in his seat, however whatever gaze of superiority he may have been inclined to feel was crushed when out the corner of his eye he saw TCF!Choi Han and TCF!Rosalyn both smile brightly toward TCF!Lock who pulled his gaze away from TCF!Mary and TCF!Tasha who had been talking to him at the mention of his name. Grigori smiled gently and then turned her gaze toward TBOAH!Lock.
“I understand that you have both experienced a great deal of pain and have had to grow up faster than others your age, but I would like for you both to remember that even small seemingly insignificant actions can bring forth unprecedented results. As best I can, I will answer your questions as we proceed and heal the dissonance in your souls when the time arrives, so just trust me, and leave it to me.”

TCF!Lock nods in consent, while TBOAH!Lock grits his teeth and clenched his fists tightly. A part of him understands that he is being unreasonable and childish, but an even greater part of him feels like he’s going rabid with envy. He doesn’t understand why TCF!Lock and him are so different. He can not understand how that smiling, glowing TCF!Lock can comfortably sit there among TCF!Choi Han and TCF!Rosalyn and accept their praise and affection while looking so weak and pathetic. He’s had to give up so much to get so far, and seeing his counterpart, who doesn’t seem to have given up anything at all, stirs a nauseating jealousy within him.

Grigori, however, approached TBOAH!Lock and reached out, gently setting her hand upon his cheek, lightly cradling his jaw.
“It’s okay… I know it’s overwhelming and confusing… Why don’t you sit with me for a while and watch these records and then make a decision.” She softly recommends, and TBOAH!Lock finds himself melting. The tightness in his chest and the suffocating weight that had been crushing his lungs vanished the moment the goddess had comforted him. He nodded, unsure if his voice would be able to work without breaking. Grigori smiled softly and then took TBOAH!Lock’s hand into her own and led him over to the lounger she had been seated on with the TBOAH!Black Dragon earlier.

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