Chapter 14

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TCF!Eruhaben smirks secretively and shares a grin with Sherritt, who resists the urge to laugh before returning their attention to the records on the Palantir.

He then slowly closed his eyes and started to feel his body.
‘Arms and legs are still attached. My palm was throbbing a bit earlier, but even a paper cut hurt more than that. 

“Oh hush!” Cale snaps at Rok Soo, grabbing a doughnut from the table and shoving it into his mouth. Rok Soo makes a sound of protest, but then tastes the sweet sugary treat and momentarily forgets his annoyance and anger. He decides to let the matter rest for now and instead enjoys his snack from Cale.

Cale felt like he understood why the heroes never threw the ancient powers away, even if they were not very useful. There were benefits to using these ancient powers. Using it hurt less than he expected, and now he was feeling great. Cale started to smile in satisfaction. As he did that, the people surrounding him became a mess.

“You think this is funny right now? Stop laughing!”
Cale opened his eyes after hearing Taylor’s shocked and sorrowful voice.
He had opened his eyes after checking his body and realizing that everything felt great. However, the sun was shining too brightly that he had to squint.
“Stop trying to open your eyes either!”
‘What’s going on with him?’

Cale looked toward Taylor in confusion as he sat down with Rosalyn’s support. A noble should not do something like this, but he felt like it would be okay given the situation. Cale pretty much just plopped down on the ground without caring about what people thought of him.

The Black Dragon continued to yap away in his ear.
- Weak human, you cannot die! You are too weak! If you die, I will destroy everything! I will kill everyone, destroy everything, and once everything is gone, including your corpse, I will kill myself as well!

The Black Dragon seemed to be concerned, but the words coming out of its mouth were pretty vicious. Cale started to frown from the content of the Black Dragon’s words.  

Likewise, a matching frown – no an even deeper one - appeared upon Cale’s face, and he looked down toward the child curled up and still invisible upon his lap.
“Raon… you know that’s not allowed, right? You’re not allowed to say you’ll do that to yourself!” he scolds the child lightly and notices the way rather than replying, TCF!Raon curls up even tighter and closer to Cale, pressing his face into Cale’s chest and trembling slightly.

Cale turns his head to look at Sherritt, and only when she and TCF!Eruhaben nod to him in agreement that they will help him address this matter later, then only does his expression relax.
“Alright, then let’s talk about this later.” Cale relents and raises his gaze to the Palantír again.

“Young master Cale, we will call a priest over!”
“I will go with you!”
Amiru and Gilbert said that before rushing toward the priest who was entering through the gate. They did not care about their messed up dress and suit. Seeing them rushing forward like that, Cale did not have the courage to say that nothing was hurting.

Eric Wheelsman was standing next to Cale and glaring at the other Northeastern nobles nearby, as well, as the other nobles from other factions, to prevent them from approaching. Cale was not looking at this, as he was looking at a discussion that may create some more chaos.
“…Please get out of my way.”
“No way. Civilians are not allowed inside.”
“…Civilian? Who came up with crap like that?”

Choi Han was talking to the knight in charge of the nobles with a cold gaze in his eyes. Cale had told Choi Han not to come forward, no matter what.
Cale started to frown and waved away Choi Han, who had gone against his order. Choi Han saw Cale’s reaction, so he bit down on his lips before bowing his head.
“I apologize.”

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