Chapter 95

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“Alright Children, settle down let's continue!”  Grigori called the hysterical occupants of the hall back into order and nodded her head toward the Palantir – prompting Naur to begin the next record.

<Chapter 312: Night (2)>
A drop of the black liquid fell to the ground. The ground was about to turn black. A tree trunk pierced into the spot. The originally brown trunk turned black while the ground returned to its original colour.

Mouths gaped in shock – these expressions of disbelief were mirrored by many people throughout the Palantír Hall.

“…This, just what is this?!” One of the Empire’s knights subconsciously shouted out before his body started to shake. He raised his head after feeling an odd sensation.
A large black trunk brushed past above his head as leaves fluttered.
“Crazy. The trees have gone crazy.”
He plopped down on the ground. He could see all of Section 7 as he sat there and looked out. It was alive and moving.

It really was a nightmarish sight – the Palantír showed an aerial view of Section 7 of the Jungle, and it really did look like something was alive and moving in the light-dappled darkness.

This large area called Section 7 was roaring and moving. It was all because of the large tree trunks that suddenly started to grow.

The vines that they could see where mottled with patches of shadows, but even the parts of them that were visible and lit up by the lights around the Section 7 were soon turning black too as more dead mana was absorbed.

The Empire’s forces could not run toward the airship even as the dead mana bombs were going off. They could not do so even if they wanted to run. Their bodies curled up in fear every time they heard the leaves rustling. There were trees that were darker than the night by their feet and above their heads.

TCF!Litana smiled fondly, however TBOAH!Litana and TBOAH!Toonka were both smiling manically – their smiles were vicious and full of unsatisfied anger that it frightened a few of the other humans in the hall.

They wanted to run, but the trees were faster than them. These trees that should be staying in one spot were freely running wild all over Section 7.
“W, what kind of tree is that?!”
The alchemist in charge looked pale as he held onto the railing of the airship. All he could see were the tree trunks following the red-haired commander’s hands in order to gobble up the dead mana bombs.

“Well that's too bad! You shouldn’t have messed with Young Master Cale-nim's allies!” TCF!Tasha sneered at the cowering and fearful expressions on the Empire’s Alchemists' faces.
“That's right! You bastards overplayed your hand!” TCF!Hannah voiced agreement with a vicious smile of her own. TCF!Jack nodded along with his sister – agreeing with her despite her crude and uncouth language.

It seemed TCF!Jack had become immune to his sister's potty mouth, meanwhile that was not the case for TBOAH!Jack who was trying innocently to keep TBOAH!Hannah from jumping out of her seat and enthusiastically punching the air in her excitement every time one of the Empire's alchemists or their subordinates landed on their behinds in terror of the vines which Cale was controlling.

“I, I must inform the superiors!” He gave an order to one of his subordinates next to him. “I, immediately contact the Tower Master-nim and his highness! A, and, and!”
He started to think as his lips were shaking. However, he could not think properly after seeing this unexpected variable. Trees that ate up dead mana had appeared. There were no areas of Section 7 that were becoming desolate. In fact, black tree trunks were appearing by all residential buildings in order to protect the homes from the explosions.

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