Chapter 62: The Disir

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Anne's POV

Anne's heart is in her mouth as she watches Mordred strike out towards Arthur who parries his blow. Merlin's words of the vision he had seen swirling around in her mind. The two duel for a few minutes before Arthur knocks Mordred to the ground. Arthur sheaths his sword and applauds.

She watches on as Arthur pulls Mordred up, walking away to further discuss techniques. Anne chews her lip anxiously from the window she's looking out of inside the Castle out towards the Training Grounds.

She knows Mordred has done nothing but be courteous towards Arthur, towards all of them and Anne has done her utmost to be kind and cordial with the young Druid, but she can't ignore Merlin's words, his fearful look whenever Mordred and Arthur are close to one another. She hates it because as of yet, Mordred has done nothing wrong, yes, he was previously misled by Alvarr but he had just been a child back then.


"Arthur says he has all the makings of a fine Knight." Merlin remarks to Anne as they sit down to eat in their Chambers.

"Mordred?" Anne questions.

"Mmm..." Merlin hums, taking a sip of his drink.

"You think he's not ready?" Anne questions.

"It's not that. He's an excellent swordsman." Merlin retorts.

"You think he's too young? Too headstrong?"

"He's always been thoughtful and modest." Merlin answers.

"The boy sounds perfect, Merlin." Anne says.

"I can't ignore what I saw. Anne, Mordred is destined to play a part in Arthur's death." Merlin argues.

"I know, I know. Seeing them today in the Training Grounds wasn't reassuring but he's bonding well with Arthur, surely that would mean it is possible that he won't kill Arthur?"

"Maybe." Merlin says reluctantly, he reaches out his hand to grasp hers.

Anne sighs. "Merlin, if Mordred wished Arthur ill, he has had ample opportunity to do so. He's a likeable boy."

"I know. I like him myself, but I can't ignore what I saw."

Anne strokes his hand softly. "Seeing is not the same as knowing. And we must know - for certain - before we act."


Leon brings in a report from the east that a rather famed sorcerer, Osgar, had been nearly apprehended by a small patrol in the Forest of Brechfa. Unfortunately, the man had escaped, killing Sir Ranulf in the process.

Arthur deems it necessary for him to join the patrol to avenge him, including Mordred. Merlin is worried about this, but Anne can't help but think this could be a positive, giving Merlin and Mordred some more time to bond on the way.

And so, Anne stands in the Square the next morning, next to Gwen, watching as the Knights prepare to head out, Mordred bright and early and eager to go and prove himself. It is things like this that make Anne feel that Mordred couldn't possibly harm Arthur like the vision Merlin had seen. The boy is so gentle and kind and truly loyal to Arthur. He so wants to be a defender of the realm that imagining him harming Arthur is just something difficult to imagine.

Merlin is talking to Arthur by Arthur's horse, holding Faye in the saddle. The young girl is squirming like she is going to be going along with them.

Percival, Leon, Elyan and Gwaine, all ready, watch Mordred adjusting the saddle on his horse from where they sit on top of their own horses.

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