PART _ 23

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Then Sumbul got ready and came to the main hall. Fahmaan made coffee only for himself and Sum. They both sit together and drink coffee or the yovan is still in his room.

Both of them had just drunk a few sip of coffee and then Yuvan comes to them.

Good morning Sm. Where's my coffee?      ......Yuvan asked Sumbul.

Verry good morning yuvi. Acutu.....         ....Sumbul said.
Fahmaan rolls his eyes.

Before Sumbul speaks, Fahmaan interrupts Sumbul and speaks himself.

Sorry yuvan, I have actually made coffee, I have always made coffee for myself and for Sumbul, but I have forgotten that you live in this house.            ....... Fahmaan said.

Sumbul was just sitting quietly and noting Fahmaan's actions.

Ohhh it's okay I'll make myself coffee.        ...Yuvan said.

Then Yuvan starts going to the kitchen but Sumbul stops him by calling him.

Yuvan wait.        ....Sumbul said.

Hmmm bolo sum.            ......yuvan said.

I am going to Fahmaan's house with him. You go to office and I will come straight home in the evening.    ......Sumbul told him.

Ok you go and call me in the evening and I will come to pick you up.      .......yuvan said.

No, it's okay, I will come myself and you don't need to prepare dinner, I will come and cook it myself, okay.    ....   Sum said.

Okkkk byyyyyyyyyy mam.          ......Yuvan hugged her from the side and said.

Due to Yuvaan's hug, Fahman makes a  face and shows his eyes to Yuvaan and Yuvaan immediately breaks the hug and moves away from Sumbul.

Then Yuvan goes to kitchen and Sumbul and Fahmaan come out of the house.

Although you had not forgotten him, you did not dare to make coffee for him.       ......Sumbul said with a straight face.

Hmmmm yes I had not forgotten him. I didn't feel like making coffee for him.      ......Fahmaan said.

What's the matter, why don't you like him?What is his fault?       ......Sumbul said while sitting in the car.

It doesn't matter yrr but i don't like him i dont know why.            ..... Fahmaan said while putting on the seatbelt.

Sumbul did not say anything at all. Then Fahmaan took Sumbul to his house and himself left for the airport.

Sumbul gets the entire house cleaned and gets a special room ready for Megha. She set everything new in that room.

Then she cooked Megha's favorite lunch. And decorates the entire dining table in a proper manner.

It took her 3 hours to do all this work. Now Fahmaan and Megha were about to arrive.

Sumbul's clothes got spoiled while working in the kitchen, so she quickly went to her room, took a shower, changed and got ready.

She was combing her hair when a distant bell rang and she went down to the hall.

The maid of the house opens the door and both of them come inside.

Sum brings water for both of them from the kitchen.

Both are sitting on the couch and Sumbul gives water to both of them.

Thank you sum It's very hot outside yrrrr.            ...... Fahmaan said taking a deep breath.

Then Sum gives water to Megha.

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