Sterek #3

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Stiles was bored. He had spent an hour googling whatever popped up in his mind which knowing him, was always dangerous. It was a regular occurrence that he had to delete his entire browser history. Then he had tried cleaning his room which led to finding some comics and reading those instead.

But despite all of that, he was still bored. Scott was probably with Allison doing whatever they were doing when they were alone. Stiles could only imagine, well he could if he put his mind to it but he didn't, thank you very much. There was some stuff that he never wanted to know about his best friend.

He eyed his phone. There had been something that he had always wanted to try. Well, he had hoped to be able to do it with Lydia by now but seeing as she was still head over heels for Jackson and Stiles, after the trip to the gay club, wasn't entirely convinced that strawberry blond with feminine curves was his type, had to do it with something else.

And he had always meant to get back to Scott for kissing Lydia during that first full moon and well some of the other crap Scott had pulled he hadn't been so fond of either so why not mess a little bit with his best friend? Not enough to hurt him of course, because Scott somehow, always knew whenever Stiles was responsible, but just to give himself something to do and Scott something else to do besides Allison.

He was just going to mess with Scott, nothing too terrible. And besides, it was just a joke. It wasn't like Stiles was attractive to guys; Danny had assured him of that.

He opened a text message and quickly typed.

Feel free to ignore this, kay. Just wanted to try something. So I've been thinking, does being a wolf mean you like all the places?

He typed in the number without looking and send the text, feeling his face flush. Alright now there was no way in hell he could pull back that text message but he sure as hell wasn't going to send another one like that to Scott.

Now there was a thought, perhaps he could one to one of the drag queens he had met at the gay club. He had no idea how he managed to get their phone numbers but the next morning they had been in his phone. Not that he was really complaining.

He opened another text message, why not?

This is an experiment, feel free to reply. Imagine me lying on my web, wearing nothing more than a pair of boxers...

He hit the send button before he could think of anything else to say. It actually felt funny since he was fully clothed in jeans and everything and sitting on his desk chair instead of lying in bed like he had texted.

His phone vibrated in his hand and Stiles nearly threw it to the floor in surprise and his hurry to open the text message.

You gotta give me more than that, Cherie. What are you doing besides lying on the bed? I am lying on my bed in my boxers but I could be reading or anything. The very point of sexting is to arouse the recipient so much that he can't come home soon enough. It is foreplay and I'm sure you're familiar with that.

His fingers flew over the touchpad of his phone as he texted back. Uhm okay, first time here, you know and no pun intended, uhm foreplay fine...I'm touching myself so yeah...

His phone vibrated instantly and took a deep breath. Touching yourself where?

Running my hand down my chest....I guess...uhm yeah running my hand down my chest towards my boxers...just lying there thinking of you...

I would lose the boxers, Cherie, that will be much better without any scrap of clothing.

Can you give me any pointers or anything at all that I should think of? You're not helping...

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