The Sheriff's Son (Part 1)

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Mia's POV:
"Hey Kid, get back here with those items!" The cashier from the store yells after me. I run out the store at lightning speed, the adrenaline rushing over me and my heart beats out of my chest. I drop my skateboard to the ground, stepping on it and skating away from the store. I've missed doing this, it's been a while. I turn around to see the cashier no where in my sight. Looks like I've gotten away with it, again. I victoriously smirk at myself, skating my way back to the shithole, also known as my house. The familiar wail of sirens from a police car follows right behind me. Shit, not again. I use my right foot to accel my pace, trying to find a way to escape, but the wailing of the car is getting closer. I take a sharp turn to my right, not realizing where it leads up to, a dead end. Oh, you've got to be kidding me. I look around for any way to escape and I climb on top of the dumpster, but not being able to go anywhere past that. I hear the siren stop and the police rushes out of the car.
"Put your hands up where I can see them!" He commands, his gun pointing directly at me. 
I jump down from the dumpster and drop the items in my hand to the floor, my hands up in the air in surrender. This isn't the first time I've been in this same situation. This skateboard has done miracles for years, I've gotten away with worse crimes just from skateboarding away and hiding out. Ending up at a dead end was a rookie move, and I'm nowhere near being a rookie.
The police officer forcibly grasps my hands, placing them together behind my back and restraining my hands with the cold, metal handcuffs. He grabs my arms and walks me to the police car. A pair of honey brown eyes gaze at me in the passenger's seat. He isn't another police, he looks like a normal teenager about my age. The policeman unlocks the back door and places me in the seat. Looking up through the mirror, I see the boy in the passenger's seat gazing upon me. My eyes glance up to meet with his and he instantly diverts his attention away, dropping his body down unsmoothly away from the mirror. His face blushes a bright red and I sharply exhale through my nose, slightly amused at his reaction.
"Stiles, I'm gonna be at the station for a while to deal with this, I'll see you at home." The policeman says to the boy next to him. Is that his son?
"W-wait but dad, can I just stay and wait for you to finish?" He argues, flailing his hands in the air. Yep, that's his son.
"Stiles, you're going home." He demands.
"Fine." He groans, crossing his arms and sitting back in his seat.
The car stops in front of a big house and Stiles gets out, walking towards the front door. As the police drives off, I see Stiles turned around, looking back at me through the car window.
Stiles' POV:
I wait hours for my dad to come home. What's taking him so long? My brain goes all over the place. All that girl did was steal a few things from the store. Something about her intrigues me. Who was she? I've never seen her before in Beacon Hills. She is absolutely gorgeous. Her wavy, brown hair, her face is just- wow. But she has this look on her face. The look on her face showed no fear at all. Her face was emotionless, as if she didn't care she was getting arrested. I want to know more, but my dad never lets me get involved with his cases.
The sound of the door slamming downstairs knocks me out of my thoughts. I rush out of my room, down the steps, longing for answers about that girl.
"Dad! So what happened?" He raises his eyebrow at me, "You know, the girl on the skateboard? Who is she? What happened?"
My dad let out a sigh, "Stiles, don't get any ideas."
"Ideas? I don't know what you mean. I just want to know what happened." I try to get information out of him.
"You know what I mean Stiles, you have to stay away from this girl, okay? She doesn't have the best record." He warns, her record?
"What do you mean? Who is she? What has she done before?" I interrogate him, questioning everything about this girl.
Giving up on hiding information about this girl, he explains, "Her name is Mia Parker. She's been in juvie for six months for smashing someones car. Once she was out of juvie, she was on probation for a year. You would think that she has changed, but right after she got released from probation, she trespassed her old school, trying to hack into the system to change her grades. She's been expelled from eight schools. In her last school, she punched the teacher in the face! Stiles, she's a bad influence. Stay away from her."
My eyes widen in shock, she did all of that? I wasn't expecting her to have that bad of a record. All I've gotten were speeding tickets, but soon to be removed from my record by my dad.
"I mean it's not like I'm ever going to see her in public anyways, she's not from here." I mention to my dad.
"No, she just moved here a few days ago. She's being put in juvie for 30 days, but once she's out, she's going to be transferred to Beacon Hills High School. Whatever you do, do not get involved with her, okay?" He says.
"Yeah, I understand." I sigh, walking back upstairs to my room. She's going to my high school. Mia is going to my high school. What am I going to do?
Mia's POV:
Today, I get out of this juvie to go back to the other prison I like to call school. I think i'd rather stay here than have to get out to go to some school that I'm eventually going to get expelled from. At least in juvie, I made a couple of friends. Natalie, my new friend, is in juvie for selling drugs and Callie is in for smashing her teacher's car. Ah, we have a lot in common. Thankfully, Callie is also getting out in a couple of days. She'll be the only person I'll know at my new school, Beacon Hills High School.
My foster mom arrives late, it's not like she actually cares if I'm in or out of juvie. I get into the car, only to be suffocated by the smell of smoke. She doesn't say a word for about ten minutes. During a red light, she finally opens her mouth.
"You know, maybe if you weren't such an idiot, you would've gotten away with it," She scolds me, "I had to pay a five hundred dollar fine for you."
I don't respond. The smoke breath coming out of her mouth makes my face scrunch up.
"You owe me five hundred dollars by Friday, you got that?"
"How the hell do you expect me to make five hundred dollars by Friday?" I question.
"That's not my problem, sell some of your weed or some shit." She stops the car in front of our new, small house. "Now, get out of the fucking car."
I grab the keys to the house and storm out of the car. As I walk up to the steps, the stench of smoke already fills my lungs. The place is small and looks broken down. The wallpaper is already ripping off the walls, dirty dishes crowd the sink, items scattered around the place. Well isn't it just great to be home. I climb up the steps to my new room. The walls painted black, band posters placed on the walls. My skateboard and electric guitar are in the corner, my most prized possessions. I open my drawers, grabbing my phone with my headphones and hopping into the comfort of my bed. I spend the rest of the night blasting music through my headphones until I fall asleep.
I wake up from the sound of beeping noises coming from my phone. My rub my blurry eyes to read the message on my phone.
You have school in 30 minutes. Don't go anywhere else.
The message from my Parole Officer read. Back to the shithole I go. Before I got released, the police put a tracking device attached to my leg. Little do they know how easy it is to de-program and take off. I scoffed, amateurs. The inmates taught me how to get it off. I'm not going to take it off now, I know they are tracking me going to school. I get dressed in my leather jacket, a pair of black shorts and a low cut top. Trust me, this is all for the plan I have. I put on a few coats of mascara and eyeliner with red lipstick. I've gotten away with a lot doing this. I grab my skateboard and phone, and go downstairs. I open the fridge to find anything to eat, but without surprise, it's filled with beer and expired food. Needing something to quench my thirst, I grab a bottle of beer, open it up and gulp down a quarter of it. Come on, there's nothing else to eat or drink. I leave my house, dropping my skateboard on the ground and skating my way to school. I take another sip of the beer and chuck the bottle behind me, the loud shatter of glass breaking from behind.
10 minutes, Don't be late. The principal is waiting for you.
I finally arrive at the school, it's bigger than I expected. As soon as I walk in, everyone's eyes shoot up at me. Whispering and pointing is being directed at me. I look to my right to see a rich-looking girl in a floral dress eyeing me down. She looks over to her friends, and says loud enough for me to hear, "Hey guys look, it's the juvie bum that stole from the store because she's too cheap." She snorts, her friends laughing along with her. My blood starts to boil and anger washes over me. She continues, "I mean look at her. She looks like some trashy whore that begs for money at night."
That's fucking it.
I rushed over, coming face to face with her, making her slam into the locker behind her.
"Do you have something to fucking say?" I growl at her, everyone hurdling around us.
"Oh look, the prostitute speaks too?" She laughs off and I clenched my fists. "I thought you only open your mouth for the guys that pay you-"
I swing my right arm, punching her in the face, cutting her off from her sentence as a yelp escapes her mouth. With all the anger coursing through my veins, I slam her into the locker, punching her again. She tries to fight back, but she's not strong enough. I hear a familiar voice call my name from behind, but I avoid it. I was about to throw another punch to her face, until I felt a strong arm grasp my right arm tightly, pulling me over to the side. I look up to see the same boy from the police car 30 days ago. Stiles.
"Stiles, let me go." I growl, shooting him a threatening glare. I try to release from his grasp, but he has a strong grip. The girl's friends help her up from the ground and run off to the bathroom. "Stiles, I'm serious. Let. Me. Go. Now."
He doesn't respond, he grabs my arm, dragging me away from the crowd of people and into an empty classroom.
"What the hell are you doing!" I slightly yell at him, the anger still pumping in my veins.
"Are you trying to get yourself kicked out of school again? You just got here, Mia! That girl's dad works with my dad, if you lay another hand on her, you'll be sent back to juvie!" He starts yelling back, his arms flailing in the air.
"Whatever." I coldly reply, rolling my eyes at him and storming out of the classroom. Why the hell does he even care? I drop my skateboard on the floor, and start carelessly skateboarding through the hall, the people scurrying off as they see me, avoiding to get hit. I search through almost every possible end of this hallway and can't find the principal's office, until I hear a low, cocky voice with a posh, british accent from behind me.
"Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?" I turn around to see a tall figure standing over me with a stern look plastered on his bearded face.
"Looking for the principal's office." I mock his accent and chuckle to myself. The expression on his face gets as red as ever.
"Are you mocking my accent? Students aren't allowed to skateboard down the halls. Do you want me to suspend you?"
I send him a half grin and my eyes raise, "You? You're gonna suspend me? What are you, the principal?" I scoff and the man's eyebrows lower, his arms crossing over his chest. 
His voice lowers to a serious tone, "I am the principal." Oh shit. My eyes widen and I scratch the back of my neck.
"Oh." That's the only word I can make out at the moment.
"You must be Mia Parker. My office is this way, we have a lot to discuss." He sways his hand to the right and directs me to his office.
What a great start to school, huh?
I walk into his spacious office and take a seat across from him. As he sits down, he lets out a big sigh, "Ms.Parker, I hope you're not asking for trouble this year." He starts off, holding his hands together against the table. I lay back in my chair with my arms crossed under my chest.
"Skating in the hallways? Seriously?" He says in disappointment. "Isn't it obvious that you aren't allowed to skateboard in the school building?"
I don't respond and I look through my backpack for a piece of gum, loudly chewing it in front of him and throwing the wrapper on the ground. His eyes burn from anger, the veins in his neck throbbing. He leans forward, slightly slamming his hand on the table.
"Do you think this is a joke, Ms.Parker? I know your record. Your past, your history. Everything you've done in other schools. If you pull any of those stunts you did before, I will expel you." He raises his voice with all his anger. A slight smirk forms on my face, lightly chuckling through my nose. Does he honestly think I care? Funny.
The expression on my face only makes him angrier, but he takes a deep breath and calms himself down. He places a piece of paper in his hands.
"Here's your schedule. Don't miss your next class." He points the paper in my direction and I try to grab it, but he held a tight grip on it.
"Don't mess it up." He gives me a stern look and he releases his grip on the paper. I grab my bag and skateboard and head towards my next class.
I find my next class, Science, and I stare through the window at the door, deciding if I should walk in or not. I open the door carelessly, creating a loud sound, diverting everyone's attention to me. Without saying a word, I take a seat at the only empty seat in sight. Next to Stiles. Everyone's eyes never leave from my attention, including Stiles'. He is looking at me with a lot of different emotions but the most noticeable emotion is concern. I turn my face away from him, but I could feel his eyes still burning through my skin. The teacher's voice grabs everyone's attention to her.
"Guys, that is Mia. She's new here so please make her feel welcome." The teacher points to me, switching the attention back to me. The teacher's voice tries to sound sweet, but the look on her face is full of concern and worry.  A few whispers can be heard from around the room.
"Continuing with what I was saying before, you'll be working with the person next to you. Your lab partner. Stiles, can you please explain to Mia about our assignment?" The teacher asks. Are. You. Kidding. Me.
I can't work with Stiles. He's the one person I don't want to work with. He's the son of a cop, how exactly am I supposed to work with him? He's probably going to get his dad to arrest me if I do something wrong.
Everyone's attention breaks from the teacher to talk to their partners. Without looking at Stiles, I walk up to the teacher.
"Teacher, I can't work with Stiles, you don't understand. Can I please switch partners?" I try my best to ask politely, the one thing my foster mom taught me to do to get what I want from others.
"Sorry, Mia, but I can't switch your partner." She swallows a big gulp, looking worried as if I get mad, I'm going to kill her or something. Ah, she knows me. Are people really that scared of me?
"It's cool." I plainly answer and walk about to my seat, Stiles waiting for me to walk back to the seat. He doesn't say anything to me, he just stares. Thankfully, the bell rings and I rush past the door to my locker, until I hear a familiar voice from behind me.
"You can't keep getting in trouble. My dad told me about your history and-" He starts to say, but I cut him off.
"And what? Since your daddy is the sheriff he wants you to stay away from me? Because the son of the sheriff couldn't do anything bad?" I innocently say in a mocking voice, pouting my lips. I could see his jaw clench, his eyes narrow down at mine. "Aw, how cute. Innocent little Stiles follows everything his daddy tells him."
He leans closer to me and lowly growls, "You don't know anything about me."
"Yeah? And you don't know anything about me either. Everyone just assumes they know everything they see. It's not always true. So if you're just going to make me feel worse about what I do, just leave me alone." I lash out at him.
"I'm just trying to help you." He sounds concerned.
"I don't need help from the Sheriff's son who is soo perfect, okay? You're the last person I should be hanging around." I scold him and before he could respond, I slam my locker and storm out to finish the rest of this dreadful day.
The next day of school feels worse than yesterday. I forgot my skateboard at home, I barely made it to class, and now I'm in class next to the person I told I don't want to anywhere near him. The whole time during class, we don't speak. I could tell he wants to, but he doesn't really know what to say. Yes, maybe I was a bit harsh on him yesterday, but his dad is a cop. I don't trust them. The bell rings and I head to my locker to get my textbook out, until I hear a familiar voice from behind.
"I'm not perfect you know." His voice sounds calm and I turn around to see Stiles.
"Well you sure as hell haven't gotten in trouble before." I cross my arms around my chest.
"Yeah, I have." He argues.
"Oh really?" I raise my eyebrows at him.
"Yeah, stole a pack of gum at the store. I know, I know, I'm a badass. What can I tell you? Maybe I was just born a rebel." He jokingly acts confident, brushing off his shoulder.
As much as I want to ignore him, I laugh and say sarcastically, "Oh, you're soo bad."
"Hey, at least I got you to laugh." He smiles back.
"Well the lack of fun in your life is pretty funny if you ask me." I say.
He places his hand on his heart. "Ouch, come on. I can have fun."
"We'll see about that. Where's the tech room." I ask out of the blue.
"Over to there," He points at the door across from my locker. "Wait, why do you need to go to the-"
"Come with me." I grab his arm, dragging him to the Tech room. I look around for a short, skinny male with glasses, until I spot him. Kyle.
"Watch and learn." I tell Stiles, pulling on my top to lower it, exposing my cleavage. Stiles' eyes instantly widen, watching me as I walk over to Kyle. I leaned down on his desk, both of my hands placed in front of him.
"Kyle, I need your help." I demand, his eyes shooting up to my cleavage then back up at me.
"W-who are you?" He stutters on his words, delving his attention from his paper to me.
"Mia, I'm friends with Natalie, and she told me that you can help me with this little problem." I lift up my legs to show him the tracking device on my leg. Kyle gazes at my legs for a while, before snapping out of the trance.
"Look, Mia, I can't. I'll get caught!" He pleads, but I'm not going to give up. I walk next to him, now leaning against the desk, inches away from his face.
"It would make me really happy if you would tho." I whisper in his ear, hypnotizing him back into my evil deeds. I look up at Stiles to see his jaw drop, not taking his eyes off me.
"Ok! I'll do it. Show me your leg." Kyle finally gives up. I put my leg on the desk and let Kyle work his magic. I turn around to look at Stiles, and I shoot him a wink. I think I made him fall into my trance too. I smirk at myself, turning back to see Kyle already finished.
"Okay, here's the chip that shows where you are." He hands me the chip. "If you want them to think you're home, leave this chip at home. You can go anywhere you want without them knowing."
I squeel, lightly jumping in happiness. "Thank you so much!" I give him a kiss on the cheek and walk away, taking the chip with me. The face on Stiles' face is absolutely priceless. His jaw still hung low in awe.
"Mia?! How the hell did you do-" His arms flailing all over the place.
"I told you don't worry about it." I shoot him a wink. "Now, after school meet me outside"
"Wait, what, why? Where are we going?" He confusingly questions.
"You're just going to have to see for yourself." I grin at him, then walking off to my next class, leaving him still in shock.
After school, I find Stiles outside the school. We walk for about ten minutes, he still has no clue where we are going. Every few minutes he asks me "Are we there yet?" but we aren't quite there yet. I finally spot the big house with no lights on.
"We're here." I say to him.

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