Guys Night Out (Part 1)

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"I have to be at work in thirty minutes," I complain

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"I have to be at work in thirty minutes," I complain. "Was this meeting absolutely necessary, Derek?"
Derek glared at me, annoyed that I was always the one to say what everyone was thinking, but they were all too chicken shit to say it. Except Stiles, I could always count on Stiles for a good smartass remark.
"Yeah, Derek, couldn't this have been done over a group text or something? It's Friday for Christ's sake, and we have plans, remember?" Stiles' arm jerks to the side, as if speaking for Stuart and Scott to his left.
Stuart shoves Stiles' arm from in front of his face, not bothering to look up from his phone. "Not my plans, I'm being forced against my will," Stuart mutters.
"What kinda plans do the three of you have?" I laugh, so curious as to what they have cooked up.
"No, he's right," Derek rolls his eyes. "The four of us are going out for Stiles and Stuart's birthday," he laughs to himself as he hangs his head.
"Exactly! So let's reschedule this little thing for another day!" Stiles is practically bouncing out of his seat.
"Derek, just text me tomorrow and let me know what's going on, I have to get to work," I stand up and grab my bag to leave.
As I slide the heavy metal door of the loft open, I stop upon request. "Are you ever going to tell us where you work? What are you hiding?" Stiles narrows one eye at me.
"No, I'm not telling you because I don't need you morons bothering me while I'm trying to earn a living!" I wave as I walk out the door.
"Yeah, I probably wouldn't tell us either if I was her," Stiles shakes his head and claps his hands together. "Okay! I'm so ready for this! How have we never been to a strip club before?"
"Because there are much better ways to throw money away?" Stuart sighs.
"Stu, I swear to god if you ruin this night for me I'm going to bash your head in with my bat, m'kay!" Stiles slaps his brother on the back.
"Come on Stu, you only turn twenty-one once," Scott laughs, clearly enjoying Stuart's discomfort.
"Derek, where's that bottle of Jack?" Stiles turns to Derek, making Derek jerk back at his sudden movement.
"Stiles, you've got to chill out," Derek laughs and goes to the kitchen to grab the bottle and four glasses. He pours everyone a shot. "Happy Birthday, Stilinski's!" They all clink glasses and down the harsh bourbon.
"Let's go!" Stiles bellows and bolts for the door.
There's actually a reason I never told the guys where I work. I didn't want them to see me as anything other than the girl they've known since we were kids. I started dancing to try and pay off my student loans, but I actually started to enjoy it. I don't have take my clothes off, I don't have to give private dances, I just dance on stage. All those years of dance classes my mom made me take are actually paying off, literally, they're paying my college tuition. I make more in one night at the club than a week's worth of waiting tables. I don't always dance, just when I feel up to it or they're short on girls to entertain. Most of the time I bartend, but I make more on the nights that I take the stage.
"You're on in ten!" One of the girls, I think her name is Candace, peeks her head around the door to let me know I'm next up.
"Okay, thanks!" I straighten the long, raven black colored wig on my head. I like to wear the wigs so that I can remain kinda incognito, plus it makes me feel like a completely different person which is fun. I stand up and fix the red top that just barely covers my breasts, making sure the knot tied in the middle is secure. My little, and I do mean little, black skirt is short enough that it shows off the matching red, ruffled panties. I finish with the laces on my red high top Converse and get ready to take the stage.
"Oh my god," Stiles says for the fifth time already since they walked into the club.
"Dude, chill," Scott laughs at his friend as he claps him on the shoulder.
Stuart looks around, taking in the scene before him. He raises his eyebrows and looks at Derek.
"Hey, this was your brother's idea, not mine," Derek tries to contain his smile at seeing how uncomfortable Stuart looks.
"I hate you so much right now," Stuart turns to Stiles who has the biggest, goofiest grin on his face.
"You'll thank me later, Stu! You need to loosen up!" Stiles grabs Stuart's shoulders and then lightly slaps him on his left cheek. Stuart pushes his glasses up his nose with his middle finger. "Let's get some seats!" Stiles yells over the thumping music.
They find a table right in front, to the left of the stage, Stiles' head whips left and right, repeatedly, trying to take in everything around him.
"This is so stupid, why did you even want to come here?" Stuart pulls out his phone, completely uninterested in what's going on around him.
"Stuart, for the love of god, I'm going to take your phone away from you if you don't stop bitching!" Stiles growls at his brother.
Derek waves to the waitress asking for a round of beers and gives her a flirtatious smile, her face reddens and she slips away towards the bar.
"How much do you think a private dance is?" Stiles grins at Scott.
"Probably more than you have," Scott shakes his head.
"About a hundred bucks," Derek says as he takes a sip of his beer. All eyes turn to Derek. "What? It's not my first time at a strip club," Derek smiles and winks.
"Gentlemen, please welcome Tasha to the stage!" The DJ announces and all the guys in the club start to cheer.
Stiles' face lights up as he watches the curtains of the stage open. Stuart slouches down in his chair pulling his phone up closer to his face. Derek crosses an ankle over his knee, sitting back, ready to enjoy the show. Scott just laughs as Stiles leans forward, his elbows on his bouncing knees.
The DJ starts the music, the sounds of Ayo Technology starts to play. My hair curtains around my face as I strut out across the stage, making sure to shake my ass as much as possible in front of all the guys in the front row. I start dancing with my back to everyone, swaying my hips back and forth, trying a few new moves I've been working on. As the song plays I start to the right of the stage making sure everyone gets their eyeful.
"Damn, she's really good," Stiles' jaw is practically on the floor as he watches the stage.
"I have no complaints," Scott's eyes are like saucers.
"Yeah..." Derek tilts his head to the side, his hand scratching through the stubble along his jaw.
Stuart sighs dramatically, not even bothering to glance up.
"She's got excellent flexibility," Stiles mumbles. "Wait..." He sits up straight, squinting. "Is that? fucking way," he says to himself.
"What?" Scott says as if he's in a trance.
"Umm..." Derek says, trying to hide his smile.
Derek and Stiles look at each other in complete shock.
"Stu," Stiles slaps Stuart's arm trying to get his attention. Stuart swats his hand away, annoyed. "Stu," he repeats but Stuart still ignores him. "STUART!" Stiles grabs his brother, one hand in his hair and one under his chin to ensure that he raises his head.
"Fuck, Stiles! What?" Stuart looks at Stiles angrily. Stiles points with both hands to the stage, ready to jump out of his seat. "Holy fucking shit," Stuart mumbles.
When I started dancing, I learned to not make eye contact with the customers. It makes it easier for me to concentrate on the task at hand, plus sometimes the dudes are just creepy to look at. So I find a spot beyond the audience and keep my attention there when I need to. It never seems to hinder my tips so I've stuck to it. But when someone is standing not a foot from the stage, it's kinda hard not to notice them.
♪Yo hips, yo thighs, they got me hypnotized ♪
I run my hands over my hips and down my thighs, spreading my legs as I drop down. Stiles' face is right in front of me and I almost fall. I collect myself, trying not to laugh at the look plastered on his face, and stand up, continuing my routine. I brush the hair out of my face, collecting it on top of my head as I sway my body. Then I notice the other three behind him. Stuart has his phone in front of him but his eyes are wide with surprise and his mouth is slightly agape, Scott just looks dazed, his face completely blank, and Derek. Well, Derek, narrows his eyes, his hand resting on his chin as his eyes travel my body. He looks as if he's about to pounce. Not gonna lie, it makes me blush a little. Derek has never looked at me that way before.
So this was their "plans" for tonight. I'm one hundred percent certain this was all Stiles' doing. Well, if they want a show, that's exactly what I'm going to give them.
I step down off the stage in front of Stiles, gently pushing him back down in his seat. He stumbles a little and almost falls off the chair, but quickly recovers. I smile as I straddle his lap and start to grind against him. I bow my body back and rock my hips against him. His jaw is practically on the floor as I move my body. His breaths quicken as I move against him, his fists balled up so tight his knuckles turn white. His eyes dark, mouth open...he's at a complete loss of what's happening. I move so my hips roll against his chest and my breasts lightly graze his chin. He bites his lip and groans. I notice his jeans have become a little tighter than normal.
"Fuck," Stiles moans as I climb off of him.
I take Stuart's phone out of his hands and place it on the table. I shake my ass in his face before I sit on him, my back to his front.
"Holy...shit," Stuart clears his throat and groans linking his hands behind his head as I move my hips against him. I place my hands on his thighs, squeezing gently and turn my head to smile at him over my shoulder. I change my position to where I'm somewhat straddling him backwards, my hands rest on his knees for support as I thrust my hips down on him. "Wha-," Stuart groans not able to form a coherent sentence. I notice Scott to my left, leaned forward, a look of pure shock on his face. I stand up, my hands moving up my body as I move my hips, then bend over right in front of Stuart, giving him a nice view of my ruffled panties. " god," he stutters as I snap back up.
I notice Derek waving a $100 bill in front of his face with that wolfy grin. I'm not passing that up and besides it's Derek, not some creepy perv. I grab the bill, stuffing it in my bra and lift my right leg over him, grabbing the back of his chair for support. I dance against his torso, thrusting my hips forward as my body rolls against him. I notice his hands start to make their way toward my hips and I shake my head at him, halting their ascent. He purses his lips in disappointment and I laugh. I slowly rub my body down his until I'm straddling him, fully seated in his lap and grind against him. My hands pressed to his chest, feeling his muscles tense under my touch. I can hear his heartbeat even over the bass of the music, he's getting turned on. His eyes flash their wolfy blue so quickly I almost miss it. I bite my lip to keep from smiling, torturing him just a little more as I grab the back of the chair and press my hips harder against him. I hear the growl that rises in his chest and stand up. Mission accomplished.
I turn around in front of Derek, just for good measure, and bend over again, taking my time to straighten up. I look over my shoulder at him, his eyes are dark and his jaw is clenched. I smile and look at the other three. Stiles' hands on either side of his face, Stuart on the edge of his seat, his cheeks flushed and Scott's mouth is open, his eyebrows raised in shock.
"Thanks boys," I wink and make my way back to the stage as the song ends.
They all sit in silence for a few minutes trying to process what just happened.
"What the fuck just happened?!" Stiles jumps out of his chair, his arms flailing uncontrollably.
"I'm not sure...but thank you for dragging me here, brother," Stuart mutters, blinking several times, still shocked.
"Now I see why she wouldn't tell us where she worked," Scott says just as dazed as Stuart.
Derek stays silent, his eyes focused on the curtain that I disappeared behind.
My heart is pounding in my chest, I really shouldn't have done that. They won't be able to see me the same after all of that. I take the wig off and change my top, opting for a tank top instead. I still have to finish out my shift as a bartender so I have to go back out there and face them, talk to them even. I put my hair up in a messy bun, not wanting to bother with it and head for the bar.
I relieve one of the girls, as she's next up on stage and I can feel Derek's eyes on me as I busy myself, restocking the glasses. My back is turned but I hear Stiles stumble his way up to the bar.
"Dude...what the hell was that?!" He keeps his voice at a normal decibel which is an accomplishment for Stiles, but his hands are waving everywhere, like always.
"Whatcha mean?" I ask innocently as I turn toward him, my face completely serious as I wipe a clean glass free of water spots.
"YOU!" He shouts before pulling back and composing himself a little. "You, with the hips...and l-l-legs...and the body...god the body," his eyes travel down me.
"Hey, Stilinski! Eyes up here," I point with two fingers back and forth between us. "This is why I never told you guys, because I knew you would freak out and look at that," I place both hands on the bar and lean toward him. He leans in, his face inches from mine, "Happy Birthday, Stiles," I smile and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
Stiles bows his head as a blush spreads across his face. "That was probably the best birthday present I've ever gotten," he smiles that million dollar smile and all I can do is laugh and shake my head, completely flattered. "How long have you been doing...this?"
"Not long, few months maybe? The money is so much better than waiting tables. I can keep up on my student loan payments much better," I shrug my shoulders.
"Do you take y-your...clothes..." He's genuinely curious to see if I bare myself to complete strangers.
"No, Stiles. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but I just like to dance, so I fill in every once and awhile. Y'all just seemed to pick the right night!" I laugh.
" are the chances I could get a private dance sometime?" Stiles wiggles his eyebrows at me, a sexy smirk gracing his face.
I look into those milk chocolate brown eyes, suddenly realizing that he doesn't see me in the same way anymore and I'm surprisingly okay with it. "We might could work something out," I wink at him. He bites his bottom lip and nods his head as his eyes start to wander again.
I see Stuart making his way over, the poor thing looks shell shocked. "Hey, Stu, you okay there?" I smile sweetly and apologetically at him.
"Oh yeah...I'm definitely good," he tries to play it off but I know he doesn't know what to say.
"Happy Birthday," I lean forward to give the other Stilinski a peck on the cheek as well. He blushes and laughs.
"Scott, are you just gonna stand over there all night?" I mumble knowing he can hear me as he looks at his shoes, digging at a spot on the floor with his toes.
Scott's head snaps up when he hears me and his smile is shy and embarrassed.
"Sorry...I'm just...I don't know what to say! That was...god..." He laughs and scratches the back of his neck nervously.
"Guys, it was just dancing! You knew I was a dancer!" I try to explain.
"We've never seen you dance like that!" Stiles eyes start to wander again.
"Hey! I'm not gonna tell you again, Stiles!" I playfully smack his cheek and his eyes meet mine, narrowed slightly. "Stop picturing me naked," I point my finger at him and he shakes his head, shrugging his shoulders.
"I c-can't! I'm sorry! But Jesus! All I can think about now is the way your hips and my lap and...fuck, I need some fresh air!" He runs his hand through his hair as a blush spreads across his face.
Derek appears out of nowhere, leaning his left elbow against the bar. I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to contain my smile as I think about how turned on he was a few minutes ago.
"I really have no words," he smiles that gorgeous Derek smile and I almost melt underneath it. I've never been on the receiving end of one of those smiles, but I've known him long enough to know, that it means something.
"Thanks for the tip," I wink at him, not sure if he gets the innuendo. He narrows his eyes at me again for the umpteenth time tonight and I'm positive he gets it.
"Can I get another beer?" He asks, nodding his head.
"Of course," I smile and shrug one shoulder forward, trying to flirt to the best of my ability. I hand him his beer and lean against the bar. "So what's your take?" I ask him genuinely curious since he doesn't have raging hormones coursing through his body, like the other three.
"It was...weird..." He says and takes a sip of his beer. After the longest drink out of a bottle I've ever seen, he takes a deep breath. "But I know I can't lie to you, you know everything I was feeling," he smirks.
"I want to hear you say it," I stand my ground, not letting him cower away from his confession.
"It was fucking hot, the way you move...I' know..." Derek stutters.
"Derek Hale, at a loss for words, now that's a first," I laugh as I bow my head, flattered.
"I'm pretty sure we're going to need to talk about this...some...other time," he lowers his voice and my face turns completely red under his gaze. "So, Tasha huh? Nice," he laughs.
"Yeah, thought it was a fitting stage name," I laugh and wipe the wet spots on the bar with a rag.
"I am so glad we decided to come tonight!" Stiles drums his hands against the bar top.
"For once, I have to agree," Stuart pulls his phone out and snaps a picture of me before I can say anything.
"Really?" I laugh and shake my head.
"I'm going to need documentation to remember this," he says unapologetically.
"Gross, Stu," Stiles punches his brother in the arm.
"That...was not what I meant," Stuart wipes his hand across his forehead.
"I get it, I'm going in the spank bank file," I grin at Stuart.
"Oh my god," Stuart hangs his head, his face turning scarlet.
"Actually...that's not a bad idea," Stiles fumbles for his phone.
I turn around and bend over on the counter, sticking my ass out and turn my head to look over my shoulder, my index finger between my teeth.
"Fuck," Stiles mumbles as he snaps a picture.
"You guys are being fucking creepy," Derek scolds.
"It's all good, but a picture doesn't beat the real thing," I smack my ass and wink at them.
"I am enraged that we've never seen this side of you," Stiles gawks. "You're a little freak."
"You have no idea," I whisper as I lean in close to him. I hear Derek take a sharp breath and I look over at him and smile. "Okay, I need to work and you guys are distracting me."
"Derek, give the girl some money," Stiles leans his elbow on the bar, his chin resting on his hand.
"I actually already tipped her, Stiles. Stop being a cheap ass and you give her some money," Derek quips.
"Shit, you're right," Stiles takes a wad of money out of his pocket.
"Stop," I laugh. "I'm not taking your money, Stiles."
"You took my money!" Derek scoffs.
"Oh you can afford it," I wave my hand at him.
"I'll pay you back...another way," Stiles winks at me.
"I'll remember that," I laugh as I turn to tend to the other customers.
"Dude," Scott shakes his head and smacks Stiles on the arm as Stiles leans over the bar to watch me walk away.
"Seriously dude, best fucking birthday ever!" Stiles claps Stuart's shoulder and Stuart just nods, agreeing with his brother.

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