Sinners ~ Envy

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From the moment I met Stiles Stilinski, I've made it my mission to shut him up any way possible. The boy likes to talk and argue about anything and everything. The days that I render him unable to form words is a small victory in my book. He's smart...smarter than anyone I've ever met. Besides myself of course. The fact that I can hold my own in debates against him may cause a little bit of tension in the pack every now and then, but it's so god damn entertaining to see him lose his shit and fumble over his words. Stiles is a man of words. When words are at a complete loss to him, it's the most gratifying thing in the world, especially if you are the one making his brain overload so much that all he can do is stare at you with his mouth agape.
I came to Beacon Hills about a year ago and was accepted into Scott's pack almost instantly, courtesy of Lydia of course. She was the first person to approach me on that first day, introducing me to everyone. It was there, in the middle of the lunchroom, that Stiles and I got into our first argument. Which I won by the way. It was something about World War II and Stiles ended up being off by a year in his calculations. He got so frustrated and angry that he ended up storming out, leaving everyone flabbergasted. Lydia was especially friendly to me after that, telling me that no one had ever been able to shut Stiles up like that, let alone proven him wrong. No one ever proved Stiles Stilinski wrong. And that's how I earned the nickname Sparky from the pack.
"I'm not having this argument again, Stiles. You know how I feel about this. You know who I will choose," I cross my arms over my chest and narrow my eyes at the spastic boy in front of me.
"Yeah yeah, Sparky, BUT! What if it was just hand to hand? No utility belts, no special gadgetry, no shield. Just a straight up, good ol' fist fight?" He points his finger at me, eyebrows raised in question.
"Cap, hands down."
"What?! How can you even say that? Batman is trained in, like, a bajillion different forms of martial arts! He would take Captain America out in less than two minutes!"
"He may be trained in a bajillion different forms of martial arts, but Cap is stronger. He doesn't fatigue, Stiles. The serum prevents him from tiring out. He would basically rope-a-dope that motherfucker and then knock him out cold," I smile smugly.
"I-you...god damn it!" His hands fly up into the air, his frustration making his face redden.
"Told ya dude, can't fuck with Cap."
"You are so annoying. Why do I even try talking to you?" Stiles growls, clenching his fists in front of his face.
"I ask myself this question everyday. Every time you open your mouth, I feel the sudden need to punch you in the throat. Especially when you try to talk all this nonsense about Batman being better than Captain America."
Scott shakes his head as he walks out of the kitchen. I hold my hand behind my back and he slaps it as he walks behind me, laughing.
"Bro, you know how she is. Why even try to rile her up?" Scott calls over his shoulder.
"You know, you're supposed to be my best friend!"
"It's because he likes me better. Plus, I'm smarter," I grab an apple off the counter and take a bite, smiling.
"You are not smarter and he takes your side because you have tits," Stiles' eyes wander down to my low cut tank top.
"Do you need to be smacked today, Stilinski?"
"Do you need some Midol? Because you're awfully bitchy today!"
"I'm gonna fucking deck you," I take a step towards Stiles and Scott grabs my arms from behind me as Stiles jumps back, throwing his hands up.
"Hey! God you two fight like brother and sister sometimes! Give it a rest already!" Scott yells as Stiles and I glare at each other.
Isaac walks through the door, sensing the tension in the air, eyebrows raised. "What'd I miss?" His eyes linger on me for a few seconds longer than necessary.
"Oh, just the usual. Sparky over here almost clawing my eyes out," Stiles crosses his arms over his chest as I whip my head back to look at him. "Good thing you don't actually have claws."
"I could still kick your puny ass, Stilinski, claws or no."
"My money's on her," Isaac laughs, leaning his elbows on the small island and Stiles gives him a disgusted look.
"Oh what the hell do you know, scarf boy? Nobody asked you anyways," Stiles scoffs.
"Just stop! For fucks sake," Scott runs his hand through his hair frustratedly. "I swear to god, I'm gonna lock you two in a closet until you get along if you don't stop arguing all the time."
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure only one of us would make it out alive," Stiles pops the top on a can of soda and Scott gives him a look, silencing him.
"Sure as hell wouldn't be you," I mutter under my breath.
"I'm going to call Liam. Isaac, make sure these two don't kill each other," Scott huffs and Isaac gives him a thumbs up as he walks out of the room again.
Stiles smiles that wide, obnoxiously bright smile and winks at me. I roll my eyes and pull out my phone, trying to distract myself from lunging across the room and bitch slapping him. As I check my Snapchats, Isaac nudges me with his elbow. I give him the side eye, raising an eyebrow.
"What?" I ask and go back to scrolling.
"What are you doing tonight?" His low tone makes me turn my head to look at him.
"Eat. Maybe a movie. Sleep," I turn my attention back to my phone.
"Want some company?"
"Not really."
Isaac laughs softly through his nose, scratching the back of his neck.
"Okay, another time. Tell Scott I'll call him later?"
"Yeah, okay," I laugh as I open a snap from my friend Kelly.
I hear the door close and look up, feeling a pair of eyes on me. Stiles' mouth is practically on the floor, his eyes narrowed so much they almost look closed.
"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you having a stroke or something?" I laugh.
"You are like, the worst girl ever! You realize what just happened don't you?" Stiles' arms start to flail and I'm completely lost.
"What are you talking about, Stiles?" I set my phone down on the counter.
He almost falls over as he starts laughing, his arms wrapping around his middle. I wait for him to finish his little fit. He's such a child sometimes.
"Worst girl ever!" He throws his head back, his whole body shaking as he laughs even harder.
"STILES! What the fuck are you talking about?"
"Oh man," he wipes his eyes as his chuckles start to die down. "Isaac. You do know he was asking you out, don't you?"
"What? No he wasn't."
"Are you kidding me? The little nudge with the elbow, the leaning towards you, his low tone," he mimics Isaac's voice. "And the fact that he said 'Want some company?' He was hitting on you! Are you seriously that blind?"
" It's Isaac! Why would Isaac be hitting on me?"
"Uhh...'cause you're hot?" He looks at me like I'm dumb and I raise my eyebrows, shocked that Stiles, of all people, just referred to me as hot. "I mean, you're not terrible to look at. To most people! I don't think of you like...I think you're-"
"Stiles, shut up. I think you're crazy, there's no way that Isaac just asked me out."
"YES HE DID!" Scott yells from the living room and Stiles tries to hold in his laughter, failing miserably.
"I know where you sleep," I whisper to Stiles and he stops laughing, swallowing hard as I stare daggers at him.
Did I really miss that? Isaac has always been nice to me, but I thought it was just a friendly thing. I mean, I wouldn't kick him out of bed, by any means, but I've never really thought of him that way. Okay, maybe once or twice, but never did I think he had a thing for me. It's been so long since I was with a guy that I guess I'm a little rusty at picking up vibes and whatnot. And what makes it even worse? Stiles had to be the one to point it out.
I pick up my phone, my fingers hovering over the screen as I try to decide what to do, chewing on my bottom lip nervously.
"Fuck it," I mumble and my fingers start to tap furiously.
"What are you doing?" Stiles clears his throat.
"Telling Isaac I changed my mind and to meet me at the diner in fifteen minutes."
"Wait, you're actually going to go on a date with him? With Isaac?" Stiles' voice cracks as it rises and I look at him.
"Why not? Not like any other guys are lined up to take me out."
Stiles' mouth pulls into a thin line, his brow furrowing as he crosses his arms over his chest defensively.
"I don't think it's a good idea. What happens if it ends badly? It'll be awkward and weird for the pack. Better to just be friends. Yeah, definitely a bad idea."
"Whatever, Stiles," I hit send and watch the three little dots light up as he types out his reply. I smile as I read the screen.
"What did he say? Did he say no?" Stiles moves to peek at my phone and I pull it out of his view.
"No, he said he was glad I changed my mind," I smile smugly.
"It's not gonna work. I'm telling you, bad idea. Scott! Tell her this is a bad idea! She can't go out with Isaac!"
"Why? They're both single, who knows maybe it'll go great and they'll get married and have babies and we can be Uncles, Stiles!" Scott grabs Stiles' arm, shaking him and Stiles looks at him deadpan.
"Alright, slow down. It's just dinner.'re such a girl sometimes, McCall," I punch him lightly on the arm.
"Ugh, please, this won't last. Are you even attracted to him? I's Isaac. He's not even good looking," Stiles rants.
"He's not good looking? Have you seen him? He's tall, gorgeous eyes, great fucking body and that hair? That's the kinda hair you can get a good grip on while his face is in buried in yo-"
"Alright! Stop! That's enough! Jesus, I don't wanna hear that shit! I don't need that image in my head," Stiles swipes his hand over his face.
"What? I wasn't gonna say what you think I was gonna say, get your mind outta the gutter, Stiles, jeez. But...his face would look good buried between my thighs!" I laugh and Stiles leans on the counter, hitting his head against his hands.
"Fuck. You," he groans as me and Scott laugh.
I move closer to Stiles, my face inches from his ear.
"Would you prefer your face between my thighs?" I whisper and his head snaps up, his brown eyes wide with shock.
"Wha-why would you...are you serious?" His face flushes red and I smile.
"Yeah right, in your fucking dreams, Stilinski," I give him a light slap on the cheek.
"I think I might actually hate you."
"No you don't, especially since now you'll be thinking about me riding your face," I wink at him before I grab my bag off the table. "Don't wait up boys!" I call over my shoulder as I open the door.
"Have fun! Use a condom!" Scott yells and I wave him off.
"Dude, what the hell was all that?" Scott punches Stiles.
"Ow! Seriously? What are you talking about?"
"That! You were acting jealous as shit bro. Then she said...well you heard what she said, and you looked like you were going to pass out," Scott crosses his arms, smiling.
"Shut the fuck up, Scott."

I throw my books into my locker, making a loud bang against the metal.
"Stupid fucking Harris. He wouldn't know the difference between lysergic acid diethylamide and fucking tetrahydrocannabinol if it bit him in the ass," I slam the door, the sound echoing off the walls.
"What's the matter, Sparky? Someone finally put you in your place?" Stiles laughs as he switches his books from the ones in his bag to the ones in his locker.
"Not in the mood for your mouth, Stilinski."
"Aww! Who was it that snuffed that fire? It was Harris wasn't it?" The shit eating grin on his face made a wave of heat surge through me. The kind that you feel from the tips of your ears all the way to your toes. Definitely not in the good way.
"You know what?" My bag slides off my shoulder, hitting the floor with a thud as I take two steps towards Stiles, his eyes widening.
I'm halted by a long, muscular arm, slamming against the nearest locker in front of me. My eyes are locked on Stiles like a predator smelling blood until I hear a soothing voice in my ear.
"Hey, I just wanted to tell you, I had a really good time last night."
I slowly turn my head towards said voice, softening a little at the wolfish grin I'm met with. His blue-green eyes wander slowly down my body, lingering on my bare legs before meeting my gaze.
"It was okay," I shrug, trying to keep my inner girly squeal from surfacing and Isaac flashes that gorgeous smile again.
"What are you doing Friday?" His other hand comes to rest on the other side of my head, caging me as I turn to face him full on, leaning against the lockers.
"Washing my hair," I smile, noticing Stiles out of the corner of my eye watching as Isaac leans closer, his face just inches from mine.
"Bullshit. I'm taking you out again," his eyes flick down to watch my tongue slide across my teeth.
"I take it you're not asking?"
"No, I'm telling you," his warm breath fans across my cheek, the hint of peppermint filling my nostrils.
My heart starts to beat just a little faster as he leans in, his lips just brushing against mine as he smiles. As I crane my neck up to fully press my lips against his, there's suddenly nothing but a cool breeze as Isaac is pushed back away from me.
"What the fuck?" Isaac growls as his eyes glow a golden yellow as his head whips to the right...towards Stiles.
"I need to talk to you," Stiles' eyes are focused on me and that urge to throat punch him is at full force.
"Seriously?! NOW?" I scowl.
"YES! Right NOW!" Stiles grabs my arm, pulling me away from Isaac down the hall, my head clouded with confusion as I look back at Isaac and give him a sorrowful look. He doesn't look happy. By any means.
Stiles drags me in my hazy state around the corner, his eyes burning with an intense fire I've never seen before, his nostrils flared, his breaths uneven. He throws me against the hard brick wall, knocking the breath out of me and I finally focus on those molten gold eyes.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

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