Mates ❤️

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"I don't want another beta in the pack," Liam scowls.
"Is little baby Liam jealous there's a new beta?" Stiles mocks Liam as he pouts his lips. Stiles attempts to ruffle Liam's hair but Liam slaps Stiles' hand away before Stiles could reach Liam's hair.
"No!" Liam frowns. He gets up from the couch and walks towards the balcony in Derek's loft, grumbling to himself quietly, "how come she doesn't get kidnapped and tied up in a bathroom?"
"Who do you think the new beta is?" Malia asks.
"I'm all for girl power," Stiles lifts his hand into a fist, "but we could use another guy."
"No we couldn't!" Liam yells outside from the balcony, clearly showing he's using his wolf powers listening into everyone's conversation being held inside the loft.
"I hope it's a girl and a little younger than us. Someone I can teach my ways and dress up with amazing clothes when we go shopping," Lydia smiles at the idea.
"Go find one at the Big Brother Big Sister of America Center!" Liam snaps.
"Liam quit your whining and get inside. Scott and Kira are here with the new beta," Derek orders. Stiles, Malia, and Lydia gather up in front of the door with Derek while Liam refuses to go inside to meet the new beta.
Malia inhales deeply, "I smell perfume."
"Damn it," Stiles says.
"Please let her be young. Please let her be young, " Lydia repeats as she crosses her fingers.
The door slides open as Scott and Kira walk in first holding hands.
"Okay, so she's a bit nervous so try not to scare her or overwhelm her, okay?" Kira asks.
Everyone nods in agreement. Behind the door, (Y/N) can hear their heartbeats, smell their anticipation, and sense someone's rage. She couldn't tell exactly which one is annoyed as she's still learning her new powers, but it didn't take her long to figure out why someone is upset. Someone doesn't want her here. They haven't even met her yet, and she can already sense someone wants her gone. She quickly begins to have second thoughts about coming here and wonders if it's too late to bail.
"It's okay. You can come in now." Scott orders.
Y/N walks into the large, dark loft slowly. As she's walking in, she sees the members of her new so called family. She quickly notices everyone is older than her, which is disappointing because she was hoping to have someone her age to bond with and relate to in accepting this new life.
Her eyes fall on who appears to be the oldest. He's tall, about 6'1, muscular with dark hair and strong facial hair. He seems a little intimidating with his serious gaze and arms folded firmly across his chest. Clearly he's the Mr. Miyagi of the group, she thinks to herself.
Next to him is a beautiful girl with strawberry blonde hair and wearing an outfit that makes her look like she just stepped out of a catalog. She's a bit older, but certainly not the same age as the previous guy. She's slim and short but her high heels hide her shortness. Her make up looks natural with bold red lips. Y/N immediately notices her excitement with the huge smile on her face. She seems nice.
Beside her side is an average height lanky kid with brown hair and matching caramel eyes. He cannot stand still as he rocks back and forth on his heels with a goofy grin on his face and wiggling his eyebrows. A small smile creeps up on Y/N's face as she tries to hold back a giggle. He's the clown of the group.
Lastly, another girl with long and wavy dirty blonde hair just above her shoulder blades. She's tall, pretty and she had sun-kissed skin. Her style is more edgy than the girl before, with her cut off shorts, a simple tee and boots. Like the first guy, she seems intimidating but with a side smirk painted on her face. Definitely don't want to get on her bad side.
"Everyone this is, Y/N." Scott introduces to the pack. "That's Derek, Lydia, Stiles and Malia."
"Hi," she fumbles with her thumbs trying not to look down at her boots.
"Don't be scared. Come in and join us. We don't bite," Malia smiles.
"Speak for yourself," Lydia and Stiles said in unison.
"Where's Liam?" Kira asks.
"Liam get inside," Scott shouts. "Come meet our new beta."
Liam stops pacing back and forth on the balcony. He looks through the window and sees the new beta hiding behind the pack. Let's get this over with, Liam sighs. He walks into the loft with his head down and his feet dragging. As he stands next to Malia, he takes his time looking up at the new beta. Liam's eyes fall on her black boots, his eyes trail up her long skinny legs in ripped skinny jeans. Y/N is wearing a low black tee under a jet-black leather jacket, her light brown hair is straight down with her bangs parted to the left. Her green eyes stand out with the black eyeliner and mascara.
Y/N takes a good look at the boy in a maroon lacrosse shirt, basketball shorts, and Nikes. He's short, small, but muscular at the same time. Her eyes meet his piercing blue eyes and senses his tension. He's the boy that doesn't want her here.
Malia breaks the tension in the room with one of her blunt questions, "so how you'd almost die?"
Before Y/N could start and share her story of how she got the bite from Scott, Liam walks right past her and out the door.

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