Late Night Run (Part 2)

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This makes it a week that I haven't seen Theo, I hope he's all right. Or maybe he's just avoiding me I think to myself as I lay down getting ready for bed.
           After two hours of tossing and turning I figured that I would just go for a run to get Theo off my mind. Who am I kidding in all honest I hope that I see him while I'm running tonight. I run the same route I did before and didn't see Theo either times, I decide to run around the block one more time but go the long way and maybe accept defeat.
As I see the path I slow down to a jog to search the area in one last attempt in looking for Theo. Still nothing, I shake my head in defeat and start to run faster.
The faster I get the more I feel like I'm being followed just when I started running backwards to see if anyone is there I'm stopped in my tracks by what feels like a cement wall. After shaking my head I look up to find no one other than Theo standing in front of me sweat rolling down his perfectly defined muscles, the sight of him only being made less pleasurable by him wearing shorts.
"We got to stop meeting like this Y/N," he says while helping me up while pulling me against his body. "What are you doing out this late?" He asks even though the smirk he wears makes me think he already knows. "I was just trying to clear my head of few things." I say backing out of his hold he looks at me with a puzzled expression.
           "Things like what?" "Like how one day you could be in an intense make out session with me in the boys locker room and then the next day not talk to me." I look down at my hands and wait for his response, "I know I haven't been at school lately and maybe-" "Maybe?!" I quickly look up at him in complete shock, "Theo I've been worried about you! I don't care if you are a werewolf you don't get to just drop off the face of the earth without letting someone know you're alright." "Y/N I-I'm sorry-"
He starts walking toward me and I back up, I don't want comfort I want answers. "Where have you been?" "I had some business to handle." He looks away as he talks, "That's the best you can do? Honestly Theo if you haven't been coming to school because you feel like what we did was a mistake then just say it because I can't take caring for someone if they feel nothing in return. If you don't feel anything then ju-" he stops my endless rambling by pressing his soft lips to mine.
At first I was shocked but moments later I couldn't resist kissing back. He picks me up and pushes my back against a tree causing me to let out a moan on his mouth. He uses the opening to slide his tongue in my mouth as the kiss intensifies. He start to move his lips to my neck planting wet kisses as he goes farther down to my collarbone making me let out a groan. Just as he was moving his hands to get a better grip on my ass, a car pulls up about 20 feet away from us I ignore it not wanting to let go of this moment we are in right now.
Theo lips move back up to mine just when we begin kissing again, Theo is yanked back and I'm falling on my ass against the wet grass of the night. Before I can even get a full understanding of what's happening two arms pick me up and carry me to the car that has now been made out to be a jeep, Stiles' jeep. I recognize the arms it Liam.
Liam: Y/N? You all right?
"Liam what the hell?"
Liam: We will explain later,
He places me down in the backseat of the jeep
Liam: Don't leave the car
"Liam what the hell is happening"
He looks at me with pity
Liam: He's working with them
"What- What do you mean he's working with them? Who?"
Liam: "He-" he takes a deep sigh and grips the door, "Theo he is working with the Dread Doctors."
And with that final statement goes to help his Alpha and Stiles, leaving me in the jeep to take in the full weight of what he just said.
So is that why he hasn't been here? He really was just using me to get into the pack.
As the time passes I begin to think of how easy it must have been for him to lie to me. How little I really meant to him, I guess this has been his plan from the beginning.
           The realization of everything is too much I can feel my heart, the heart I was just beginning to let him into crumble into pieces. I sit in the back of the jeep balling my eyes stopping only when I hear a knock on the window and someone opening the door.
Liam: Y/N I'm so sorry
"Why you're not the one that just used me to get closer to Scott, you're not the one who was stupid enough to think that someone like that could ever like you."
Liam: He was lucky to even have you look at him, don't beat yourself up we were all fooled by his act.
"Not Stiles, I should have just listened to him."
Liam: Stiles doesn't trust anyone, you listened to your heart.
"And look where that got me, feeling heartbroken over a guy I had a crush on when I was in the first grade." I place my head and my hand and cry even more
Liam: Y/N Stop beating you're self up, listening to your heart has gotten you out of more trouble than in so don't stop just because some jerk decided to take advantage of that.
Liam wraps his arms around me as I began to rest my head on his shoulder I remember the task he was completing
"Where is he? Where are Scott and Stiles?"
"They called Deaton who shot Theo up with some kanima venom so we can take him back to the clinic with out much trouble."
As if on cue I see Scott and Stiles carrying a body over to the car after Liam opens the door they place Theo's paralyzed body next to Liam
Theo: Y/N I'm sorry I swear I never meant for any of this to happen like this.
"Just how was it going to happen then? You sweet talk me into convincing Scott to let you join the pack."
Theo: "No! Please just let me explain!"
"No Theo I'm done listening to you I can't handle anymore lies right now."
Theo: Plea-
Liam: She said No!
"Liam it's okay." I step out the car walking over to Stiles and Scott
Scott: Y/N I-
"Can I get the duck tape?"
Stiles look at me quizzically
Stiles: Uhh sure
I walk over to the side Theo is sitting on sling the door open and duck tape his mouth shut.
"That'll keep me from having to listen to anymore lies for now."
I slam the door shut and get back into the car at the same time as Stiles and Scott
On the ride to the animal clinic I can't stop thinking of one question. As we pull up to get out I finally ask him.
"Why me Theo?"

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