Untitled #4

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Y/N paced the cramped office, which smelled of gym clothes that had gone for too long without washing. Her husband was presumably occupied with his last class of the day, and she was waiting for the slim chance of having a conversation with him before he headed out to the lacrosse field for practice with the team he coached. Coach Bobby Finstock was nothing if not dedicated. The bell rang sharply through the small office and Y/N jumped. It startled her from her pondering, and she came to a halt, sitting down in his creaky office chair. The springs were beginning to become uncomfortable.
Bobby's desk tended to be messy, but it always brought a smile to Y/N's face when she saw that there was a frame holding a photo of the pair on their wedding day. Her dress was a glowing white against the jewel tones of the garden backdrop, and he had a look of sheer admiration on his face, which was pointed in her direction during this shot. Tears began to well in her eyes and she continued to stare at the picture. Her focus was averted when the door to the office that entered from the hall slammed against the wall. Everything was making her jumpy today, as her nerves were coiled tight within her abdomen.
"Y/N," he said as he knitted his eyebrows together. "Have you been crying?"
"What? No, of course not," she replied hastily, wiping the wetness from her eyes.
"Ok, well I need you to stand so I can get to my computer. I don't have a lot of time."
Y/N stood, anger roiling through her to replace her tearful memories, and pulled the pen-shaped stick from her hoodie pocket. Its plastic surface clattered lightly on the faux wooden desk until it came to a dead stop in front of Bobby. He picked it up and grimaced when he realized she had peed on it. His grimace faded away quickly, and he slapped a hand over his mouth.
"Does this mean—"
"I'm pregnant!" Y/N screeched, running around the desk and throwing her arms around him. Her emotions had been wild ever since she missed her period two months ago. She had an idea that this was the reason why, but she also chalked her moodiness up to the fact that Bobby's temperament was always fluctuating.
Bobby picked her up and sat her down onto the cluttered desk. She swept a stapler and a few graded papers out from under her butt to make herself more comfortable. He went around the office and closed the shades on each of the windows, locking the door as he sauntered back to where he left her. His eyes were lustful and happy at the same time, and Y/N couldn't help but feel aroused. Coach stood in front of her and wrapped both arms around her back, pulling her into a passionate kiss. His fingers ghosted over her back, making her nipples harden in her constricting bra. She wiggled in annoyance, trying to make him move faster and pleasure her. He took her cue and pulled the hoodie from over her head, pulling out her pony tail in the process so her hair fell freely. With one hand he pulled her head back by her hair, as the other hand unsnapped her bra in the blink of an eye. He kept her head tilted back as he sucked dark marks into the soft skin near her collar bone. Y/N whimpered under the touch and arched her back so her nipples grazed the soft front of his track suit.
"Someone's impatient," he breathed against her neck. At that he trailed his tongue down her chest and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, proceeding to move his tongue in a fast and irregular manner over the puckered skin. The sensation was warm and alluring, and Y/N reached down to maneuver her hand into her pants.
"Ah, ah, ah," he said, releasing her nipple to talk. "Patience is a virtue."
Y/N whined as he went back to her chest, alternating between sucking and biting on one nipple and massaging the other breast with his hand. Y/N could feel her pants getting wetter as he continued.
"Bobby, please," she barely squeaked out.
"Since you asked so nicely."
Bobby sunk to his knees, making quick work of her belt and jean buckles. She lifted her butt to allow her pants and undies to come off in one fluid motion. His eyes caught sight of her heat and became slits right before he launched his head towards her core. He slid two fingers into her while his tongue danced around her clit. He curled and uncurled his fingers inside her, causing her to buck her hips in response. She could feel the cool metal of his wedding ring as he teased her with his hands. Y/N reclined on her arms so her head could fall back into a relaxed position as moans escaped her lips. Bobby continued the onslaught on her heat, until he suddenly pulled away. Before Y/N could miss it, he was ramming into her with his massive cock. His pace was hard and fast, and Y/N had to hold onto him for support as she slid around the desk that was slick with her own juices. Bobby thrust into her one more time, the tip of his cock grazing her g-spot, and Y/N's vision became fuzzy. At the sensation of her walls clamping down on him, Bobby released his load deep inside her. He stood panting for a moment, then pulled out and moved to pull on his clothes. Y/N pulled him back, pressing him against her as she kissed him lightly.
"That's one way to show your excitement for the baby," Y/N whispered in his ear.

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