Guys Night Out (Part 4)

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"Where are we going?" I look out the window of the jeep trying to figure out where the hell Stiles is taking me

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"Where are we going?" I look out the window of the jeep trying to figure out where the hell Stiles is taking me.
"Somewhere," he laughs, not giving me any other clues about this mystery date.
I'm anxious to know what he has planned and he knows it. He knows how much I can't stand not knowing things. My knee bounces as my mind goes a million miles an hour.
"You never were good with surprises," he smiles and places his hand on my jittery knee.
"So why are you torturing me?" I groan dramatically.
"Because I like to see you squirm," he winks and gives my leg a gentle squeeze.
I roll my eyes at him but I can't contain my smile. We ride in comfortable silence until I notice where we're going. Maybe it's close by to the place I'm thinking of, because what I'm thinking just doesn't make sense. He pulls up and turns the jeep off and I'm even more confused.
"Why are we at Derek's?" I look at him, one eyebrow raised questioningly.
"We're not. I mean, we are but we're not going to Derek's if that's what you're thinking. Wait, did you want to go to Derek's?" He looks so confused it's actually cute.
"Yes Stiles, because I've always dreamt about having a three way with you and Derek," I look out the windshield at the tall building before us.
"What? I...really? I mean...if you...really?" Obviously he didn't catch the sarcastic tone in my voice, only hearing the phrase 'three way'.
I turn my head slowly to look at him, suddenly imagining what it would be like with him and Derek at the same time. Then I snap myself back to reality and smack his chest. "No! I was being sarcastic!" His body relaxes, relieved that I was just joking. "Wait...are you saying you would be okay with that if I wanted to?"
Stiles opens his mouth to say something and then closes it, clearly not expecting me to ask. "No?" He narrows his eyes and tilts his head slightly.
"This date just turned very strange," I laugh, which causes him to laugh that boisterous laugh I love so much.
"Yeah it did, let's save the threesome talk for at least the third date, m'kay?" He opens his door and jumps out, making his way to my side to open the door for me.
"Such a gentleman," I swoon as he offers me a hand and I climb out. "So, why are we here?" I can't keep my curiosity at bay for too long.
"You'll see," he smiles and takes my hand pulling me towards the front doors.
We ride the elevator all the way to the top floor. I've never been past where we usually get off to go to Derek's so I'm confused as to where we're going. Stiles opens the gate of the elevator and it's your typical industrial-type hallway, but there's no doors, only a flight of stairs. He leads me up the stairs to a large metal door that has the words ROOF ACCESS in large print painted on it. When he opens the door, I gasp. He holds it open as I step down onto the rooftop patio, completely mesmerized. There's a beautiful, small garden off to the left side with flowers and other small plants. But what draws my immediate attention is the lattice wall off to the right, adorned with twinkly garden lights woven through it and a huge area for lounging. Chairs and small tables and what almost looks like a bed. It takes my breath away.
"What the hell?" I say under my breath and look at Stiles, who's just watching my reaction.
"No one else knows about this place. Derek kinda swore me to secrecy, actually his exact words were 'I will kill you if you tell anyone.' So he said I could bring you here if I wanted to. It's kinda like his little sanctuary."
"This is amazing. Derek built this?" I'm completely blown away.
Stiles smirks and shrugs his shoulders. He walks over to the sitting area and I follow behind him. He takes off his shoes and sits on the big lounge-bed thing and pats the seat, indicating for me to join him. I kick my shoes off and crawl to sit beside him.
"So, I know it's late but I figured you would probably be hungry from working all night," he smiles and reaches behind him and pulls out an extra large pizza, opening the box to show me he got my favorite.
I place my hand on my chest and moan dramatically, "Oh my god, I love you." I grab a slice, taking a huge bite and close my eyes,  moaning as the delicious, hot pizza burns my tongue. "You sure know the way to my heart, Stilinski."
Stiles laughs and reaches down again, grabbing a couple beers out of a cooler. "Drink, m'lady?" He says with a terrible British accent.
"And beer? God, will you just marry me already?" I bat my eyelashes at him as I take the bottle.
"Maybe," he smiles and winks, making me blush suddenly.
Of all the places to take me, no way was I expecting any of this. Plus the fact that Derek gave him permission to bring me here, means that he planned all this. I suddenly feel like a teenager on my first date again, butterflies in my stomach and constantly blushing. Geez get a hold of yourself woman. This is Stiles, the boy who used to tease you endlessly about your bad haircut you had in second grade, who used to flip your skirts up so you had to start wearing shorts under them. Except now he's looking at me, with those whiskey brown eyes, like I'm not that girl he's always known. Like I've always secretly looked at him.
We just sit and eat in silence, enjoying each other's company. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until I reached for the last piece of pizza.
"That's the last piece!" He scoffs as I take a bite.
"Yeah, and?" I smile with my mouth full.
"God you sure can put some pizza away," he laughs and shakes his head.
"It's pizza, Stiles, you know about my undying love of pizza. This is nothing new," I give him my 'Duh' face.
"Yeah, that's one of the things I love about you," he wipes a bit of sauce off the corner of my mouth with his thumb, then sucks it off.
"Did you want a bite?" I offer him the half of slice that's left.
"Yes, I do," the tone of his voice drops and his eyes darken slightly. He leans forward and takes a bite, his eyes never leaving mine. I get the feeling he wasn't just talking about pizza.
I take a long sip of my beer to draw my attention away from his gaze, completely emptying the bottle. I finish off the last little bit of my slice as he moves the box onto one of the tables.
"So," he brushes his hands on his jeans. "I brought you up here because there's supposed to be a meteor shower, but it might be kinda hard to see because it's a little cloudy now," he pouts a little as he looks up at the sky.
I lay down on the enormous bed, stretching out and rub my full stomach. "Maybe it'll clear up a little in a few minutes," I sigh as I look up. Stiles lays down beside me, his right arm under his head.
We lay there and talk for a while. About when we were kids, the crazy shit that happened in high school, when we found out about Scott and how drastically our lives changed when all things supernatural came to light. Me getting bitten. We've been through a lot. More than anyone our age should. So much death, but also love.
"Can I ask you something?" Stiles turns on his side to face me, propping himself up on his elbow.
"Shoot," I turn my head to look at him.
"How long have you had feelings for me?" He scratches his chin against his shoulder.
I turn to look back at the sky and take a deep breath. "Since we were...six," I answer him honestly and bite my lip.
"Why didn't you ever say anything?" He grabs my hand and starts playing with my fingers.
"Timing was never good, plus I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship. I didn't know if you felt anything for me. You know I don't really handle rejection all that well," I run my hand through my hair nervously. The butterflies in my stomach feel more like the creature Mothra at this point.
"You know you've always been special to me. You've been a huge part of my life, I'd probably be dead a hundred times by now if you weren't in my life," he laces his fingers through mine, his thumb rubbing softly against my hand, those eyes studying every inch of my face. "I'm sorry it took me so long to realize just how much you really mean to me."
My heart is thundering in my chest as I look at him, the sincerity in his eyes is overwhelming. This is where it all changes. The other night at the club, I thought maybe it was just lust, that he just wanted to fuck me. And maybe it was at first. But the way he's looking at me now, this isn't lust. This is something more. Much more.
I stutter a bit as I draw in a breath, his eyes moving to my mouth. He slowly leans down, hovering inches from my face as he looks from my mouth to my eyes several times. "So, where do we go from here?" He whispers and his lips lightly brush against mine, sparking that heat between us like wild fire.
We stumble through the door of my apartment, hands anywhere and everywhere, desperate for as much contact as possible. Stiles' head slams against the wall as I kick the door closed behind me.
"Ow!" He laughs and rubs the back of his head.
"Sorry! Are you okay?" I giggle, kissing the corner of his mouth.
"Yup, never better," he cups my cheek and pulls me back into a heated kiss. He wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me flush against him.
My body is practically humming with need under his touch, I feel like I might spontaneously combust if I don't feel his bare skin against mine soon. I grasp at the collar of his green plaid shirt and pull, buttons flying every which way.
"Damn it, that was my favorite shirt," Stiles laughs.
"I'll buy you another one," I smile against his lips as I run my hands over his chest and up to his shoulders to rid him of the ruined garment.
Stiles quickly removes his shirt as my hands explore his bare torso and moans softly into my mouth as I slide my fingertips down his abs to the waistband of his boxers. I tease him and slip my index fingers just a little under the elastic band, moving from the center, to his hips and back again. The bulge in his pants gets larger and I feel his cock twitch against my hip. I kiss across his jaw, his light stubble scratching deliciously against my lips and tongue.
"I want to taste every inch of you," I whisper his own words back to him and take his earlobe between my teeth.
"Oooh," he shivers and I smile as I kiss down his neck and chest slowly. He even tastes a little like lavender, it's completely arousing and I have no idea why.
I pop the button on his jeans and slide the zipper down as I softly bite his nipple, making him moan again. It sounds like the sweetest music to my ears. Stiles Stilinski, completely falling apart under my touch. The thought sends an excruciating wave of heat over my body that pools between my legs.
I slip my hands into his boxers, pushing both hindering pieces of clothing down, freeing his fully erect cock. I look up at him through my lashes and bite my lip as I smile. His soft brown eyes widen in anticipation as he watches me kneel in front of him and take his twitching length in my hand. I swipe my thumb over his tip, spreading the small bit of arousal around. As I slide my hand down, I flatten my tongue over his head, licking upward slowly.
"Oh my god," he groans and runs his hand through my hair, fisting at the roots tightly.
I shield my teeth and slide down, just enough to tease a little, then pull back and swirl my tongue around his tip, earning yet another moan from him as a reward. I pump my hand up and down, my tongue collecting every bit of him that seeps out. I decide that I've teased him enough, so as I go down I don't stop until my nose is buried in his patch of hair and he presses against the back of my throat.
"Holy fuck!" Stiles hisses as I deep throat him, his hand in my hair keeping my rhythm steady.
I hollow out my cheeks as I slide up and down his throbbing cock, causing Stiles to curse profusely.
"If you don't stop, ahhh!" He growls. "I'm going to come in your mouth," he warns. I don't stop.
I take him in deep again and he twitches once more before I feel the warmth at the back of my throat and swallow generously. When I'm sure he's finished, I stand up, wiping away the remnants with my thumb before sucking my finger clean.
"Jesus fucking Christ," Stiles says breathlessly and slumps against the wall as he watches me suck on my thumb.
" taste damn good, Stilinski," I smile as I bat my eyelashes at him.
I pull my tank top off, tossing it aside and unhook my bra, turning away from him. My bare back to him, I take a few steps and look over my shoulder as I drop my bra on the floor. "You coming or what?" Not waiting for his reply, I walk to my bedroom.
I hear a loud 'Thud' sound and laugh to myself. I don't even need to see it to know what happened, Stiles forgot his pants were around his ankles and he tried to follow me, falling in the process. "You okay?" I call out to him trying to contain my giggles.
"Yup! I'm Good! On my way!" I hear his footsteps and he almost trips as he comes into my room, hitting his shoulder on the door frame.
"Son of a..."
I lay naked in the middle of the bed, propped up on my elbows as I watch this adorable fool stumble in, raising my eyebrows at him.
Stiles straightens up when he sees me fully nude in front of him, his hand swiping down his chin. "," he mumbles.
I crook my finger at him and he comes forward like a puppet on a string, ridding himself of his clothes on the way. He crawls on the bed, grabbing my foot and starts to trail languid kisses up my leg, gently biting the lowermost part of my thigh, all the way until his face is inches from my cunt. The feeling of his breath against my skin like a sonic wave, it ripples all the way to my scalp, making me shudder. Stiles dips his head, his eyes still locked on mine, as he licks from my entrance, slowly up to my clit. He circles and circles, hooking his arm around my thigh, spreading my legs wider. I close my eyes and tilt my head back, relishing in the feel of him against my most intimate parts.
I never would have expected Stiles, of all people, to have his face buried in my pussy. I mean, sure I've dreamt of it. Shit, I've even gotten myself off to it a few times. But that never compared to what I'm feeling right now. It's like he knows all the right spots, I don't even have to guide him, he just knows. How can he be so attuned to my body without having touched me before now? The thought is a little unsettling, but I dwell on it for all of maybe 1.25 seconds before his tongue slides inside of me and I fall back, flat against the mattress.
"Stiles, fuck!" I moan as he fucks me with that sarcastic tongue of his.
He moves back to flatten his tongue against my clit again as he slides two digits deep inside of me. Starting off slow, then progressively getting faster and hooking them just right so he taps on that glorious spot deep inside me. I always did admire those hands of his, imagining just what he could do with them. This is so much better than anything I could have ever imagined. I bow my body off the bed as he taps against me once more and I feel that familiar tightening deep inside me. His fingers work faster and the heat explodes from my spine all the way to my brain as I fall off that inevitable cliff of pleasure.
"Fuck!" I cry out, my body succumbing to his relentless endeavors.
Stiles continues, dragging every last ounce of pleasure from me until I have to tell him to stop.
The look on his face is almost predatory as he slides up my body, his mouth connecting with mine in a fervent kiss. This is not the Stiles I've seen before, his demeanor has changed. No longer the fumbling, clumsy boy I've known most of my life. This is a man who knows what he wants and he's going to take it. And it's hot as fuck.
"I want you so badly," he looks into my eyes and I'm so under his spell all I can manage is an encouraging moan.
Stiles reaches between our bodies, stroking himself a couple of times before he presses his tip against my entrance, dragging himself up to rub against my clit, making me buck my hips against him impatiently.
"Stiles, please," I wrap my hands around his back and dig my nails into him.
That sexy smirk flashes and his lips brush against mine as he enters me slowly, the full feeling causing a moan to slip past my lips. He stills when he's fully seated within me and wraps his arm around my waist, those soulful eyes studying my face.
"So beautiful," he whispers, leaning down to kiss my neck and I tilt my head back to give him better access.
The feeling of him, all of him, makes my heart skip a beat. My body craves every part of him. How did I ever get this far in life without knowing his touch? Like I was completely lost, wandering aimlessly, until now.
Stiles pulls his hips back, starting a slow but sensual rhythm and I writhe beneath him, trying to take as much of him in as I can. The muscles in his arms tense, the veins prominent against his skin and I move my hands to feel them under my fingertips. Everytime I move my hands against him his rhythm falters and he snaps his hips just a little bit harder. His eyes never leave my face, taking in every twitch and every expression as he fucks me. I can't say the same, the sensations become too much that I need to close my eyes, but when I do focus, his eyes read nothing but adoration and awe.
Stiles extends his arm past me, gripping onto the iron rod at the head of my bed frame, using the leverage to drive into me.
"Yes!" I cry as my hands wrap around his back, dragging my nails against his soft flesh.
He moans my name as he continues to slam into me, breaking me down with each thrust of his hips. I look into his eyes, the black of his pupils almost completely takes over that sweet brown color I've always loved. "Stiles," I whine and pull him down against my lips, not exactly in a kiss, more like lips brushing and tongues sliding against each other as our moans prevent us from completing an actual kiss. Still fucking hot none the less.
The steady pounding of his body into mine makes that all too familiar feeling creep up on me. Then suddenly, before I can process it, he rolls over with ease, me on top of him now. And, oh god, this new position just hits all the right spots. My hands rest on his chest to steady myself as I work my hips against him, his hands clutching my hips almost painfully to sync our rhythm. He looks down to where our bodies connect, his jaw clenched tightly, grunting as I grind against him.
"Yes, oh god, just like that," he growls through his teeth. He palms one of my tits, his large hand sliding softly against my sensitive nipple.
Stiles moves to sit up, one arm wrapped around my waist to hold me in place, his other arm keeping him propped up. I place my hands on his face, scratching my nails gently through the light stubble on his face as my lips come down on his. He kisses down my neck and I arch my back, his tongue circling around my hardened peak before he takes it in his mouth. I rock my hips against him faster, my orgasm just within reach, his every touch urging me closer and closer.
Stiles flips us again, his thrusts becoming erratic and harder as he feels me start to clench around him. He pulls back and slams into me, hitting that sweet spot and I cry out, my body tingling from my head all the way to my toes as my orgasm crashes over me.
"Stiles! Fuck...yes!" I writhe beneath him, bucking my hips to get him on my level. His hand falls to my hip, thrusting hard once more and I feel him pulse within me.
He screws his eyes shut tightly and moans my name as he finds his release, his face has never been more sexy than it is in this moment and the fact that I'm the cause of it makes me feel almost victorious. He presses his weight on top of me as the last waves of his pleasure subside, burying his face in the crook of my neck and peppering soft kisses against my skin. I run my hand through his hair soothingly as I try to even out my breathing. We just lay there, him on top of me, for what feels like forever.
My emotions are all over the place. I don't know what to think. I've never felt so connected to someone before and it scares me. What does this mean? Am I in love with him? Does he feel the same about me? Because if I am in love with him, and he doesn't feel the same, we've just completely destroyed our relationship. I honestly don't know what being in love feels like. I've had relationships before but I don't think I was ever in love with any of those guys. I've always had more-than-friends feelings for Stiles, but love him? I just don't know.
Stiles rolls off of me to lay on his side, his head resting on his hand as he tries to read my face.
"What's going on up here?" He softly taps against my head and I smile.
"A lot," I breathe and turn my head to face him. "That was...incredible," I whisper, not trusting the sound of my voice to not come out too emotional.
"There are no words for what that was," his thumb brushes against my cheek and he places a soft kiss on my lips. He smiles shyly as he opens his eyes to look at me.
My phone chirps, indicating a text and I gently pull away from him to reach down and grab it out of the pocket of my shorts on the floor. As the screen lights up, my heart drops to my stomach. It's from Stuart.
Today 2:10 AM
We need to talk...

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