Promised (Part 4)

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My heart beats so fast I can almost hear it. I open my eyes to find Stiles' soft brown ones, anxious and full of sadness. His brow furrows and his warm breath fans across my cheek as he tries to calm his breathing.
We lay there in silence, hands memorizing each other's faces, eyes never straying far for long. The memories play through my mind on a loop; the fear, the agony, the darkness. Is this what Deaton was talking about? Is this one of the reasons why we keep finding our way back to each other? Is he the sole reason? Or is it different every time? How can we try not to repeat the mistakes of the past? How do we get to be happy this time?
Stiles didn't want to talk about it. There wasn't really much to say. We both saw what happened. We both felt it.
The weeks flew by. Stiles and I kept looking through any kind of book or website we could find that would give us any more information about this whole soulmates thing. We haven't found much. Just stories that were written long ago and handed down through the generations. Most of which became so diluted they read more like fairytales than actual information. But still, we haven't given up the search.
I started my job with Deaton, helping out more than I had originally thought I would with Scott being in school. Deaton started teaching me all about the role of the Emissary when business was slow. I adore Deaton. He's so full of knowledge and wisdom. He's pretty much our Yoda. I actually called him that one day and he laughed so hard I thought he was going to cry. After that, he started calling me Padawan as a little bit of an inside joke. Stiles was a little jealous, he always secretly thought of himself as Deaton's Padawan.
I started hanging out with Lydia and Malia, getting to know them. We even started a weekly girls night. I've never had girls nights before. It saddened me that I've been missing something so simple as just hanging out with girls. Talking about guys, eating junk food and watching bad movies and tv shows. I even let Lydia do my nails. She's tried to take me shopping but that's where me and Malia are a lot alike, we're both stubborn when it comes to clothing. We like comfort and couldn't give two fucks about style. At all. But I indulged her a little and I bought a couple new dresses that are actually pretty cute.
Tonight we decided to do margaritas for girls night. We got a whole spread of Mexican food; chips and salsa, tacos, enchiladas, the works. As we finish the first pitcher of margaritas, Lydia's eyes light up, which kind of concerns me. I never know what to expect from her.
"Can I do your hair?" She claps her hands together, pleading me as she bounces up and down.
"Sure, I actually love when people play with my hair," I laugh.
I sit on the couch, drink in hand and Lydia disappears to the bathroom. Malia and I laugh about something stupid that Liam had done a few days prior as Lydia dumps an armful of hair products on the table.
"Jeez Lyds, I thought you just wanted to braid my hair. Not give me the whole salon treatment," I giggle as I take a sip of the cool, citrusy drink, wincing at how strong this batch is. "Oh my god, Malia! How much tequila did you put in this?"
"Uhh," she looks up, calculating her measurements. "Half?"
"Half the bottle?" I squeal and laugh. "I think y'all are going to have to sleep here tonight. There's no way I'm letting either of you drive after this!"
"Sounds good to meeee!" Malia sings as she swings her legs over the arm of the chair, her head hanging off the other arm.
"Izzy you have such pretty hair," Lydia starts to comb her fingers through my hair and I close my eyes. "I would sell my soul for hair like this."
"Oh please! You're a natural redhead! Your hair is gorgeous!" I scoff.
Lydia ignores me and continues playing with my hair. I love the way other people's fingers feel on my scalp, it's so relaxing and just makes all my worries melt away.
Suddenly there's a flicker of color behind my eyelids. The sound of the music playing in the loft disappears as a hazy scene slowly begins to focus:
She hums softly as her fingers run through my hair and I watch as the dust swirls through the light of the morning sun, beaming through the window. It's so peaceful, just the two of us. We never have to say much, just being at ease in the others company.
"So, what are you going to do?" Her voice is soft and full of concern.
"I don't know," my breath hitches in my throat, my eyes stinging with unshed tears.
"Well, you love him. That's abundantly clear," she laughs softly and it makes me smile, because she's right.
"'s more complicated than that."
"Izzy...what the hell was that?" Lydia asks, her tone nervous.
"Catherine," I smile.
"How? What?" Lydia's voice climbs a few octaves. I turn to her, confusion and astonishment all over her face.
"Apparently, Stiles isn't the only one I knew before," I take her hand to try and calm her. "That's why we had that familiar feeling when we first met."
"Is that what it's been like for you and Stiles?" Her expression turns to one of pity.
"Yes, but more vivid. It's like I can feel everything that happened when the memories surface. The love, the pain...all of it. Sometimes it's too much..." I trail off, everything I've seen so far flashing in my mind again.
"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry," Lydia gives my hand a gentle squeeze. "Well, look at it this way," I turn my head to look at her, "You have me. I will do everything in my power to make sure that this's different," she gives me a wink and a small smile. Something about it gives me a feeling of hope. I look at Malia, who's passed out on the chair, her glass almost spilling in her lap and I laugh.
"I want to throw a party," I lean on the counter as Stiles reads out of one of the many books he has sprawled across the marble.
"Yeah," he mumbles, not even looking up from the old text.
"Stiles, did you hear me?" I wave my hand in front of his face.
"What? I'm sorry babe, what did you say?" He squints at me and I laugh at his adorable expression.
"I said, I want to throw a party. We need something fun to do. It's been so stressful and overwhelming and...I just need this," I give him my puppy dog eyes, pleading silently.
"Okay, just please stop looking at me like that," he laughs.
"Yay! Oh my god! Okay, I need to start planning!" I hop around to where he's seated and wrap my arms around his neck, littering him with kisses until he shakes me off.
"If you don't stop that," I peck my lips against his, "I'm gonna sling you over my shoulder and take you to the bedroom," his tone is suddenly very authoritative.
I press my lips to his once more, my tongue slowly sliding across his top lip and he reaches down, his arm wrapping around my legs and he hoists me over his shoulder. I squeal in a fit of giggles as he carries me upstairs and smack his ass.
"You sure do have a nice ass, Stilinski," I laugh and grab a handful and he smacks mine in return.
These are the times I actually don't mind dressing up. Of course Lydia insisted we go shopping. I end up with a sexy, green corset dress. Black lace overlaying the green satin, with a layered hi-low skirt, the front of the skirt coming to my mid-thigh. I pair it with some fishnet stockings and my knee high stiletto boots. My hair hanging in loose waves around my shoulders, pinning it just off the side of my face to show the mask that Lydia has drawn on with her expert makeup skills. I add the burgundy stain to my lips and take one last look in the mirror. We insisted the guys get ready at Scott's house, leaving us to do our girly thing.
"Well?" I do a slow twirl, showing off my outfit to Malia and Lydia.
"Oh my god! You look fabulous!" Lydia squeals, her black frilly dress swaying every which way as she bounces.
"Wow, you look hot, Iz," Malia's eyes wander up and down my body and it makes me blush slightly.
"You sure it's not too much?" I look down, smoothing my hand over the lace.
"It's perfect. Stiles is gonna lose his mind when he sees you," Lydia gives me a wink.
Suddenly we hear someone pounding on the door, trying to make a beat of some sort I assume from the sound of it.
I unlock the door and slide it open. Stiles, Scott and Liam all stand huddled together. Stiles has his back to me and Liam's head pops up.
"Holy shit," Liam's eyes widen as he sees me and Stiles turns around. Scott just stares, eyebrows raised in surprise.
"Holy f-fuck," Stiles stutters as his eyes wander slowly down and back up.
"Hi guys," I smile and step aside, inviting them in.
Scott and Liam walk past me and Stiles wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me flush against him.
"Please, for the love of God, can we cancel this party so I can have you all to myself?" He drags his fingertips from my throat down to the ample cleavage my corset makes, brushing over the soft swell, his eyes following his fingers.
"We will have plenty of time for that, I promise," I hook my finger under his chin and he reluctantly raises his head.
"You look...stunning, fucking hot. I don't think there's even a word for just how beautiful you are," he cups my cheek and presses his lips to mine, a little rougher than he normally does when we're around other people. It takes my breath away.
"Save it for later!" Liam shouts at us and Stiles glares at him.
"Shut it, Liam!" Stiles snaps and I laugh.
The party is a huge hit, everyone seems to love the Masquerade theme. I wasn't expecting so many people to show up, but hanging out with the pack seems to have gained me some popularity. Even Derek decided to show up.
"So much for you being the perfect tenant," Derek flashes a teasing smile at me and I laugh.
"I told you I could throw a damn good party!" I hand him a drink and he nods his head as he looks at the sea of people that have taken over my loft.
"Just don't make it a usual thing!" He bumps me with his shoulder playfully.
"Try to have fun, would ya?" I roll my eyes, smiling as I make my way to play hostess.
I see him leaned against the far wall, in the shadows, watching everyone and my heart drops to my stomach. Why is he here? I didn't invite him, so he must have heard from someone else. I look over at Stiles who seems to be in a lengthy discussion with Scott. I take the chance of the distraction and make my way to the dark corner.
"Theo...what are you doing here?" I stand in front of him and he smirks, his eyes wandering down my body. I cross my arms over my chest as his eyes linger, then move up to find mine.
"I didn't know it was an 'Invitation Only' party," he leans toward me and I shiver at his close proximity.
"'s not, but I wasn't expecting you to show up," I take a half step back.
"Do you want me to leave?" His steps closer again and his hand brushes against my arm, the warmth spreading through me.
Half of his face is covered by a simple black mask, the blue of his eyes prominent. I look closely and suddenly it all makes sense. His eyes. His face is different, but those eyes...they're the same.
"Oh my god," I mutter as the realization dawns on me.
"Izzy? What's wrong?" His hands slide down my arms, trying to bring me out of my daydream.
My entire body heats under his touch...
"I love you," he smiles, his blue eyes shining in the morning light. I blush under his gaze and his hand brushes my cheek.
"I...I don't know what to say," I can't look him in the eye. Honestly I'm not sure if I even love him or not. I'm so confused.
"You don't have to say anything, you will come to realize it in time," he places a soft kiss on my cheek.
I gasp as the present comes back into focus, looking around to see if anyone has noticed us. Nothing. The party is still in full swing.
"Izzy? Are you okay?" Theo slides the mask off his face, his expression full of concern.
"Yeah...I'm okay. Just a little light headed," I lie. He didn't see it. I can tell by the way he looks at me.
"Stay here, I'll get you something to drink," he gives me a small smile and makes his way to the bar.
How did he not see that? Is it just Stiles who can see the memories like I can? Our connection is stronger...that has to be why. Right?
"Here," he hands me one of the two cups he's brought back.
"Thank you," I take a sip, the tart cranberry taste making me wince.
"Theo...what the fuck are you doing?" Stiles suddenly appears next to me, staring daggers at Theo.
"Just trying to enjoy the party, Stiles," Theo smiles cockily.
"Oh, you got me a drink, thanks bro," Stiles takes Theo's cup and downs it. "Ugh, what the hell was that? Cranberry juice?" His tongue sticks out and he shudders. "Fucking hate cranberry juice."
"That's what you get for taking things that don't belong to you," Theo gives Stiles a smile that says more than his words.
"Always a pleasure, Theo," Stiles leads me away, wrapping an arm around my waist. The smile Theo gives me sends a shiver down my spine as I glance over my shoulder. "You okay?" Stiles' mouth brushes against my ear.
"I'm fine," I press my lips to his in a chaste kiss. "Let's dance," I take his hand in mine and we move into the throng of swaying bodies.
I love getting lost in music when I dance. There's something so ethereal about just letting go, letting the music move through your body. And when Stiles moves with me, it's a thousand times better. His hands roaming, his fingertips digging into the soft flesh of my backside and my hips, the way our bodies move's like foreplay.
Stiles trails hot, open-mouthed kisses along my neck and down across my shoulder. Something feels different. My body is buzzing. feels like an electric current is running across my skin. I've felt something similar to this. That time in Ibiza...I took Molly and rolled my ass off. That's a completely different story...but this is eerily similar. My senses are heightened, the lights are much brighter, I can feel the music moving through me.
Suddenly everything and everyone around me disappears. It's just me and Stiles.
Hands. Everywhere. Desire takes over. My hands slide up and down his chest, his sinewy muscles tensing under my touch. His breaths come in short, ragged pants. I look into his eyes...the golden brown swallowed by the black of his pupils so much that he almost looks demonic. My fingers move to his face, tracing the pattern of moles that litter his jaw, scratching through the shadow of scruff that marks his angelic face. He's never looked more beautiful than in this moment.
I read confusion in his eyes, his brows furrowing. "Where did everyone go?" His voice sounds deeper, huskier than usual.
"Who cares?" My own voice comes out softer.
Stiles leans in, his lips pressing gently to mine. The electricity I felt before is multiplied ten fold. His soft lips against mine sends waves through me like a tsunami, from my head all the way to my toes and my knees almost buckle under the sensation. The tingling in my core is almost unbearable as the heat flows through my entire being and his hands travel down my body. The tips of his fingers dance along the inside of my thigh, slowly moving up to where I want him most. Stiles nudges his nose against mine, teasing me with his lips, pulling back before I can lock mine to his. The smirk he flashes me makes my stomach tighten and I run my fingers through his hair, pulling his mouth to mine. His tongue slips past my lips and his hands wrap around my waist, roughly pulling me against him. The kiss deepens, his tongue firm and hot, tangling with mine.
"You guys might wanna go somewhere else before you start ripping each other's clothes off in front of everyone," Lydia's voice suddenly fills my ears and I pull away from Stiles to see her standing next to me, those green eyes wide as she tries not to laugh.
I look around to see everything as it was before we started dancing, the crowd of people mingling and having a good time. Stiles digs his fingers into my hips, calling for my attention. His eyes lock on mine before moving to my mouth and his tongue slowly slides across his bottom lip. His breaths coming out in short pants, his cheeks flushed. I've never wanted someone so bad in my entire life.
I take his hand and drag him through sea of swaying bodies to the door, throwing it open with lightning quickness and yanking Stiles along with me. I look around the hallway to see people littered here and there, some having quiet conversations and some having some serious makeout sessions. It takes me a split second to decide where I need to go. I lift the gate on the elevator and hit the button for the top floor. Stiles closes the gate and the elevator starts to move.
My head hits against the wall as Stiles lunges at me, long fingers wrapping around my wrists, pinning them above my head as his mouth crashes down on mine. He rolls his body against mine and I feel his hard cock against my hip. Waves of delicious tingles course through me, it's almost hard to breathe. My heart beats frantically as he keeps hold of my wrists in one hand and the tips of his fingers tickle down my arm, then across my collarbone. His index finger traces over the curve of the tops of my breasts and he exhales deeply through his nose.
"I really like this dress," he murmurs against my skin and drags his lips over the same path his finger were moments ago.
Heat ripples through me, collecting deep in the pit of my stomach and I press my thighs together, squirming under his teasing touches. He turns slightly and hits the stop button on the control panel and the elevator jerks to a stop.
Stiles takes a half step back, his eyes wandering slowly down my body. Large hands reach out, starting at the sides of my breasts, lazily tracing the boning of my corset, down over the curve of my hips. He squats, looking up at me through those long lashes as his hands run up the front of my thighs, fingers splaying over my fishnet stockings. My breaths start to become ragged as he inches closer and closer to the apex of my thighs.
"I don't even want to take these off, you look so fucking hot in them," I feel his hands reach around under my skirt, kneading the back of my thighs and up to my ass. I lean my head back against the wall, his touch sending my nerves into a frenzy. "I hope these weren't expensive," his hands disappear from my backside and I feel him rip the front of my stockings, exposing my bare, wet pussy. I look down to catch him looking at me, one eyebrow raised in surprise and his lips pulled in a mischievous smirk. He stands up, closing any distance between us. His nose nudges mine. "You're not wearing any panties," he takes my bottom lip gently between his teeth.
"I wasn't expecting you to ruin my stockings. I didn't think I would need any," I slip my hands under his white button-down shirt that he's worn untucked all night, the muscles in his stomach tensing under my touch. His eyes roll back in his head as his lids flutter shut and he sighs. His skin is hot under my touch, more than usual. "Does this feel a bit different to you?" I notice his jaw is clenched tight as I move my hands higher up his chest.
"Mmhm, something is definitely different," he nods his head, eyes still closed as he absorbs the sensations of my skin against his.
"I think we got slipped something," I place a soft kiss to the base of his neck, then his collarbone. The smattering of chest hair that peeks out of the open collar of his shirt is distracting, calling to me. I place open mouth kisses through the patch of hair and a strangled moan sounds in his throat. "I'm pretty sure it was Theo," I mutter as it dawns on me, that could be the only explanation.
"Why would he do that?" He breathes against my hair as I continue dragging my mouth over his exposed skin.
"To cause trouble. That's what he does...isn't it?" My lips move back to his neck, nipping at the spot I know he loves.
"I'll deal with him later," his hands cup my face to tilt my head up and his kiss is rough and full of need.
One hand moves to tangle in my hair while the other slips between us and under my skirt. Stiles' middle finger swipes through my folds and I feel like I may pass out from the sensation. I moan breathlessly into his mouth as his index finger joins in, running long strokes from my entrance up to my clit and back down. My nails scratch gently against his lower back and his hips thrust forward into his hand that lies between us, rubbing just right against his cock and he slips those long, gorgeous fingers deep inside me, all the way to the knuckle.
This is the slowest foreplay I've ever experienced. Excruciatingly slow, just enjoying every sensation of every touch. It feels like hours have passed since we got in the elevator, we're so lost in each other.
I unbuckle his belt and fumble with the button on his pants before getting it open and slide his zipper down, pushing my hand past the waistband of his boxer briefs, softly dragging my fingertips up and down his cock and his breath stutters. My hips buck against his hand as those long digits pump in and out of me, the building tension making my legs start to shake.
"I need you," I whisper against his lips as I push his boxers and his pants down, wrapping my hand around his cock.
Stiles pulls his fingers from me, slipping them into his mouth and his tongue obscenely cleans them, his mouth twitching into a side smile as I watch him.
"Turn around," he mumbles before catching my lips with his, the faint taste of myself on his tongue.
I turn around placing my hands on the wall of the elevator to support myself, sticking my ass out and look over my shoulder. Stiles' hand moves slowly up and down his length as he takes in the sight of me slightly bent over and waiting for him.
"Stiles," the tone of my voice comes out needy and pleading.
"I gotcha, baby," his free hand moves my hair off one shoulder and his lips drag across my goosebumped skin. He parts my legs a little farther with his before running his tip through my slick folds and he groans against my neck.
Stiles fills me slowly, his hands moving under my skirt to get a better grip on my hips. "Pull your skirt up, I wanna see you."
I gather the satin and lace skirt in a fist at my stomach, giving him the full view of my ass as he starts to languidly roll his hips against me. I push back against him and our moans fill the enclosed space. My body is still buzzing. Every thrust leaving shockwaves that spread through me, every touch more sensitive. Stiles' fingers  grip my hips roughly as he snaps his hips into me, hitting in just the right spot and my vision blurs slightly.
"Fuck, Izzy," he growls and the way he says my name makes me clench hard around him.
"Just like that, Stiles," I moan and his pace starts to increase, each thrust bringing me closer and closer.
Stiles wraps his hand around my hair, tilting my head to the side as he kisses and bites at the exposed skin on the back of my neck. "You're fucking perfect," his hot breath on my neck makes me moan and he hits that sweet spot once more.
My body feels like it implodes as my orgasm rips through me, my limbs paralyzed from the overload of sensations. My cries echo off the metal walls and are soon joined by Stiles' moans as he reaches his peak. His arm wraps around my waist as he holds onto me for support, his ragged breaths in my ear. I lean my forehead against the wall, trying to catch my breath as Stiles plants soft kisses in the crook of my neck, his nose nudging me in an adorable way and it makes me smile. He gives me one last wet, loud kiss on my shoulder as he pulls out of me to fix himself back into his pants.
"Fuck, that was...was that even real? Did that really just happen?" I pull my skirt down and smooth out my dress.
"Yeah..." Stiles furrows his brow, looking suddenly confused.
"My head feels all foggy. Like I'm-" I know this feeling, seeing as how I've felt something like it before.
"Like you've been drugged?" His face turns from confusion to concern for me.
"Well, it wasn't like this. I was a willing participant at the time, but this was not quite the same."
"Fucking Theo. I'm going to kill him," the anger in his eyes makes me wish I didn't even open my mouth. We just had some of the hottest sex of my life and I've ruined the mood.
"Hey," I grab the front of his shirt and pull him to me. "Don't. Can we just have a few more minutes before we even let anything ruin this?" I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss across his jaw to his ear. "That was amazing. Probably the hottest thing ever," I whisper and take his earlobe between my teeth.
Stiles snakes his arms around my waist, lifting me off my feet playfully, his lips lightly brushing against mine as those warm brown eyes soften towards me. He sets me back down on the floor but he doesn't let go. His eyes drift from mine to my nose and down to my mouth before meeting my gaze again.
"I love you," his brow furrows slightly as if this has just occurred to him. I rub my thumb between his eyes to smooth the lines back out and his face softens under my touch and I smile.
"I love you, Stiles Stilinski. Have for a few weeks now," I kiss the tip of his nose and he smiles shyly.
We step out of the elevator only to be greeted by Theo leaving the loft. Stiles pounces, slamming Theo against the wall and his head makes a cracking sound against the brick.
"Stiles!" I grab his arm to pull him away, but he's too strong, he's got a death grip on Theo.
"What the fuck did you do?" The tone of Stiles' voice sends a shiver through me.
"What's the matter, Stiles? Feeling okay?" Theo's lips pull to the side in a sarcastic smirk and Stiles strikes, his arm flying back and his fist collides with Theo's jaw.
"If you ever fucking come near her again, I will fucking end you, Theo. I swear to god," Stiles tosses him to the ground and Theo stumbles to regain his composure.
"See you around, Izzy," Theo wipes the trickle of blood off his lip and gives me a wink.
Stiles starts to move towards him again but I grab him before he can take another step.
"Stiles, don't! Just let him go," I grab his face to make him look at me. "He's not even worth it." I place a quick kiss to his lips and I feel his body tremble with anger. He takes a deep breath and nods his head.
"I fucking hate him," Stiles growls as he wraps his arm around my waist and leads me back to the party.

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