23. Xiumin <Mystic> (Ice Rescue)

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I took a sip of my bubble tea. College life is fun, but it's about to end soon. Only one month left, till I'm done with school, forever. I finish my last cup and walked up to throw away my cup. I notice a boy, siting at the table next to the trash can. I notice his face was very cute and his cheeks are so chubby. He had a baby face and he looked like he was an angel brought into Earth. He looked at the money in front of him. I notice the money had some frost on it, but I guess it was normal since it's very cold in Korea now. He looked up at me and stared for a second then turn away. I smile and threw my cup away. I grab my backpack and my books. I walked over the boy's table and sat in front of him.
"Are you okay? I'm Y/n, a college student here," I said. I held my hand out and waited for him to shake it, but all he did was stare at it.
"Would you like a drink?" I ask. He nod and move the money towards me.
"What's your name?" I ask. He turn pale.
"I'm Xiumin," he said. I warmly smile and push the money back.
"I'll pay for you, if you agree to let me be your friend," I said. He slowly nodded and smile. That's the first. He told me the flavor he wanted. I walked to the counter and ordered two bubble teas.... I need to visit the gym soon.
"Here," I said.
"Thanks," he said quietly.
"Hey, there's nothing to be shy about. Just be yourself. I have to go now. See you around," I said. I bow and walked outside. I went shopping around for a bit since I was done with my studies which was rare. I check the clock and saw it was almost 10:00 PM!!! I walked out of the store and walked through the short cut I go through all the time, except when the sun was still up. I walked as my backpack put more pressure on my back because I stuff all my shopping things in it.
"Hello, lady," I felt chills going up my spine as I heard someone say. I turn around and saw a man, with large muscles and a bat in his hand.
"Follow me back to my house and I'll let you live, unless," he started swinging the bat in his hand. I stood still until he begin to walk towards me.
"Get away from me!" I yell. I took steps back. He smirk and walked even faster. I fell backward and landed on my butt. I'm dead. As he approaches, I saw a beam of light charging towards him and hit his chest. He stop move and turn into an ice block. I stood back up and looked at the direction the ice ball came from.
"Xiumin?" I said as I as saw him standing at the end of the street. I ran towards him, but was a little scared.
"Did you, you have, are you even human?" I ask. He smile and shook his head.
"Let me explain everything. I come from a planet call EXO Planet with other 11 people. Yes, I am human, but with special powers. I have ice power," he said. I was dumbfounded.
"Do you, have a place to stay?" I ask. He nodded.
"Thank you and-"
"Ani, no need. We're friends, right?" He ask. I nodded.
"I'll walk home with you," he said.
"Bu, I can go be myself," then I realized I just talked in Chinese to him.
"I mean, ani," I said. He smile and laugh.
"I can speak Chinese," he said.
"What? But you're Korean, right?" I ask.
"Ne, I can speak both," he said.
"Oh, thank you for saving," I hugged him tightly.
"I'll go by myself," I added. I turn around and walked away.
A month later

I waited for Xiumin everyday at the bubble tea shop, but I haven't seen him for a whole month. My graduation was tomorrow and I leaving back to Gangnam. I just wanted to meet Xiumin again and thanked him for saving my life. It was nighttime and Seoul was snowing. I sigh and walked out of the shop and into the snowy streets. I begin to enter the short cut until I saw a man standing from a distance. I've seen him before, but couldn't recognize his face.
"Y/N!" He yell. I smile and ran up to him. I hugged him tightly and smile.
"I missed you," I said. He warmly smile and gave me the gift in his hand. I opened it and saw a cute little statue of ice.
"It's you," he said.
"Wow, that's so cool," I said. I couldn't believe he carved a statue of you from ice.
"Thank you, thank you," I hugged him again.
"Y/n, I really liked you. You're not scared of me and accept me for me. That statue symbolize our love. If it melts, our love is over," he said. I smile and pinch his cheeks.
"I like you too," I said.
"Also, that statue is never going to melt since I have special powers to last it forever," he said.

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