61. ChanYeol *Requested* (Angels) Part 1

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I had to make this into two parts since it's so long.. btw 99 K!!!

"I hate ChanYeol!"
"He's is honesty the ugliest member out of EXO... is he even Korean?"
"His deep voice ruins so many of EXO's songs"
"Get out of EXO ChanYeol!"
"Leave ChanYeol alone. He has more talent than all of y'all"

"ChanYeol, stop reading the comments," BaekHyun sighed. ChanYeol couldn't stop. Ever since he joined EXO, he had been receiving so much hate...
"BaekHyun, you don't know how it feels... you and the guys receive so much fan gifts and love.. while I get a tomato to my face," ChanYeol threw his phone on to the pillow. He sat down on his bed and leaned against the wall.
"I don't know even if I should be in this next comeback... should I just quit?" ChanYeol mutter lowly.

I notice an old woman walking across the street... she's not going to make it. I sighed and took out my stopwatch. I stop the time and flied over to the elder woman and push her to the other side before the car nearly hit her. Ohh, I forgot to introduce myself. Yo, I'm Y/N, one of the guardians of Angels. Us angels have different roles in heaven and was choose by god, I was chosen to be the protector of humans... meaning I go around helping humans before their time comes. I press resume and the car ran right through me. Ugh, humans are stupid. Angels do their jobs to keep heaven and hell in order... I like my job to be honest. I like to save people from their stupidity. Oh, I forgot to mention, when you're an angel, you have laws and rules, one of them is to not fall in love with a mortal. I then saw a boy with ice cream... I stopped the time again and took the cone out of hand.
"Mhm, strawberry flavored," I licked the ice cream. The resume the time and the boy looked confused.
"Mommy, where's my ice cream?" He asked. Ha, stupid mortals. I licked the ice cream and smirked.
"Y/N." I jumped up and nearly dropped my ice cream.
"Ah, what's up Mr. Kim," I smiled. Mr. Kim is the director of Protectors of Human so technically he was my boss.
"Stop joking around," he ordered.
"I'm not! I just-"
"I know, I watched," Mr. Kim spoke.
"See? If I didn't-"
"She would've died. I know, you say this to every rescue you make," he mutter.
"I think justice is calling my name. I must go," I began flying away but I realized Mr. Kim was tapping his toe and still had his wings tucked.
"Y/N, I have a mission for you," Mr. Kim spoke. I stopped my wings and landed on the ground.
"What is it?" Mr. Kim took a deep breath and handed me a folder.
"His name is Park ChanYeol, a victim of depression. Your mission is to make him happy again. His birthday recently passed guess what his wish was?" Mr. Kim asked. I looked down at the folder.. ChanYeol, he's that Korean singer from EXO..
"What was his wish?" I asked back.
"He wished to," Mr. Kim paused.
"He wished to die." I widen my eyes but then laughed.
"I would love to grant his wish," I took out my death wand but Mr. Kim sternly glare at me.
"No, I want you to become a human and help him regain his happiness again."
"Why?? Why me?" I whined.
"Because if you finished this mission, you can go on vacation to anywhere you want," Mr. Kim told me. Vacation? I have been stuck in Korea for so long, I want to get out so bad.
"Deal!" I cheered.
"Well, then," he snapped his finger and my angel form disappeared. My wings were gone and my white gown was replaced with some ripped jeans and a blank t shirt.
"Mommy, she stole my ice cream!" I heard the boy. Run. I started running across the the street. Ha, the boy was still whining with his mom but he can't just run across the street for his ice cream. I started walking off and enjoyed my life as a mortal as for now. I still had all my stuff like my death wand and my stop watch. I was informed to use these items whenever I needed to, not wanted to. I reach down to my jean pocket and felt something. I pull it out, one hotel card with some Wons.
"Fun," I muttered. I began walking towards the hotel. How do mortals walk for so long without being so tired? I walked for five minutes and I was dying already.
"Mr. Kim, why can't I just fly to the hotel?" I whine silently.

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