62. ChanYeol *Requested* (Wolves Love) Part 2

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"They put my name on the list wrong!" He frowned. He stared at the carved in names of the wolves that were getting a mate this year.
"It's Suho! Not Suhoe! How you do get that wrong?" He whined. I tried holding in my laughs and trotted away with the deer.
"I declare that the alpha immediately fix this!" Suho frowned. I bit my bottom lip and ended letting out a chuckle. I drop the deer and walk over to the group of wolves that were about to head to the meeting.
"Where's Suho?" One of the wolves asked.
"He's coming." There were about seven of us that were leaving with the alpha to the deepest part of the woods.
"Oo, I hope my mate is handsome! No, handsome and charming," I heard other wolves talking. I didn't care much, I just wanted someone who I could stand being with.

We bid our last, maybe, goodbye to our family and pack one last time. We then follow the leader.
"Suho," I spoke. He looked over to me and nodded.
"If you do get to see your brother.... what will you do?" I asked. Suho looked away and sighed. He lowered his head and shrugged.
"I don't know.... I hope he knows I'm his brother..." he trailed off. I frowned.
"Hey, I would love to talk to your brother. Introduce me to him," I nudge his shoulder.
"Yea, like I'm going to talk to him," Suho rolled his eyes.

We arrive there five minutes late so we all had to apologize to the other wolf packs. My eyes began to wander around, looking for a wolf that was identical to Suho, but I didn't find him. There were a lot of wolves from each different pack but none of the wolves looked like Suho. The alphas of each pack began the ceremony and one by one, each wolf was being partnered with another wolf. I panicked when Suho's name got called. He approach the alphas and waited for his mate's name to be called. Then, the alphas called out a name and a girl wolf step in. She was pretty and smiled brightly as she walk towards Suho. Ahh, I'm so happy for him. The alphas then announce that Suho will be moving to the Southern Pack. Oh gosh, I hope I move to the Southern Pack.... Suho turn his head towards me and smiled. He then walk off with his mate towards the Southern Pack.
"Y/N!" I then heard my name. My eyes grew wider each step I took.
"ChanYeol!" I heard. I stop in my track to see a handsome wolf walk forth ward. I glance over to Suho who was also starring at him.
"Hello," he greeted. I looked at ChanYeol who was a few feet away from me.
"Western pack!" I glance over to Suho who was smiling brightly at me. He slightly nudge his head... bye Suho. ChanYeol and I then began walking towards the Western Pack.

Once every wolf had a partner, it was time to leave and head back to the pack or go with our new pack. I kept glancing at back at Suho and ChanYeol.... I can see the resemblance.
"ChanYeol..." I spoke to him to the first time ever. He seemed shock for a bit and looked over to me.
"Are you Suho's brother?" I ask out of the blue. He looked like he hesitated for a bit and then gave a small nod.
"Yea, I was hoping to see him here..." He paused. Suho began to approach us. It was just Suho but his mate stayed near the Southern Pack.
"I see you've met my brother Y/n," Suho stopped in front of both of us.
"Suho," ChanYeol slightly bowed.
"We can catch up all of things we missed. Get to know Y/n first and if you ever, bite, scratch, hit, abuse, or hurt her in anyway, I will make sure you-"
"Suho!" I cried before he got to finish his sentence. Suho looked over to me and calmed down.
"Sorry. I was a bit overboard with that," he chuckled. ChanYeol looked pale and scared half to death.
"Don't worry, I promise to take care of her and you can kill if you want if I do ever hurt this princess," ChanYeol howled as my eyes widen. I looked over to Suho but all he did was laugh.
"I trust you then," Suho bowed slightly and walked back to the Southern Pack.
"Aish, my brother is scary, but don't worry. You're in safe paws," ChanYeol spoke.
"So what are we suppose to do now?" I ask.
"Well... usually I follow the rules and wait but... I think we should go hunting! First one to get a boar wins!" ChanYeol cheer. He's just like me and Suho. Daring.
"Game on!" I smirked.

I am so so sorry for the delay! After my break, I got very ill and had to stay in bed for a couple of days. Please forgive me and yes, this isn't my best imagine but I'll try harder next time!

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