34. Luhan (BeLIEve) Ft. Mark from Got7 and Hwanhee from UP10TION Part 1

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I stared out my apartment's window, watching my love holding hand to hand with another beautiful, young lady.
"Y/n?" My brother, Mark, looked at the direction I was looking.
"Luhan again? Y/n, he lied about being friends with you. He only did that to get closer to Lee Sung, remember?" Mark said. Yes, Luhan used me to get closer to my used to be best friend. Ki Sung had betrayed me and date Luhan. I always thought Luhan liked me and I liked him a lot.
"Oppa, why is life so confusing and has so many twists?" I ask.
"It's ok. I'll be here to protect you and help you," he said. I hug him tightly and smile.
"Ne, I'll forget him," I said. Mark, is the best brother in the world.

Three years later

My brother and I moved to a different city with many open spots for jobs. My brother decided to audition for JYP Entertainment and well me? I worked at a ramen shop. Mark would come over to my workplace and hang with his new band, Got7.
"Oppa, you can't stay here for long," I said. He nodded.
"Ne, we have to go practice," he said. The members and him walked out and drive off. Mark had been busy with them and usually come home late. I wanted for him to open the door and immediately come over and sit to eat dinner. He widely open the door and smile brightly.
"Oppa ah!" I said and hug him tightly.
"Guess what?" He ask. I smile and waited for him to answer.
"Aish, you're so boring," he said. I pout and laugh.
"Umm, you and Jackson finally dated?" I teased.
"Yah! It's not funny. The fans..." He said.
"Just tell me," I said.
"I'm moving in with Got7's dorm!" He said. My smile disappear. The most important person to me is going away from me.
"Y/n ah, don't be sad. I'll still protect you and care for you, araseo?" Mark said and squeeze me very tightly.
"And beside, my sister needs a boyfriend. What about considering dating my members?" Mark said and laugh. I frown and cross my arms.
"Ani, boys are stupid beside Kim Bum. Yep, he's the definition of perfection," I said and smile.
"Kim Y/n," I said. Mark laugh and pat my head.
"Good luck," he said and walked to the dinner table.
"Yah! You better take that back," I said.

Mark was ready to roll his suitcase out,
"I'll miss my silly sister," he said. I hug him tighter than ever.
"Don't do anything crazy without me, araseo?" I said and laugh.
"Ne! Oh, by the way, I heard Luhan audition for JYP, but didn't get in. Soon, he audition for SM and got in. Isn't that a coincidence that him and I are artists?" Mark said. Luhan? That liar? I honest forgot all about him these past three years.
"Jinji? Oh, good luck in your dorm. I'll come over some time," I said. We hugged for the last time and he rolled his luggage out. I smiled to see my brother finally have a path to follow and a goal set in his heart, but I still haven't found one yet. I drove to my shop and dress into my uniform.
"Ah, Miss. Kim, you have a note from a very handsome man today," my boss said. My fake name is Kim Ha because no one can find out Mark's sister is me. My boss hand me the note.

Please turn around, I miss you so much my dongsaeng
I turn around and saw a man with brownish hair smiling at me. He looked so much older and handsomer than I remembered him back then.
"Hwanhee!" I said and immediately hug him.
"What are you doing here?" I ask. Hwanhee was one of my best friends in school.
"I decided to become a singer! Isn't that great?" He ask. I nodded and smile.
"So is Mark. Oppa, you look so handsome and older now," I said.
"Wasn't I always handsome?" He jokily said.
"Aish," I flick his forehead and laugh.
"Um, I have to work now.... I'll meet you later. Let's have dinner together at xxx restaurant," I said. I gave him my phone number and pat my head.
"Ah, I miss patting your head because you're shorter than me. By the way, remember our old classmate?" Hwanhee said.
"Ani, who?" I ask.
"Xi Luhan," Hwanhee said. Luhan.... Lu.... Han
"What about him?" I coldly said.
"Can he come to dinner with us?" He ask.

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