36. Chen (Nice List)

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All year long, my daughter, In Ha had been a good, nice person. Finally, the month she had even waiting for... Christmas!!!!! She waited for 11 months to pass so she could ask Santa for a present. She even made sure that she will still on the nice list by helping me with chores, be polite, and loving her parents.
"So , what do you want for Christmas?" My husband, Chen, ask.
"Bu (no), I want Santa to buy my own present. You and mommy spent too much money on me already." What did we do to deserve her?
"Well, Santa won't know, until you write him a letter!" I said and hand her a piece of paper and a pencil. Chen smile and back hug me tightly.
"Mommy, daddy, don't look," she said. We both walked away and smile.
"Once you put her to sleep, I'll go 'deliver the gift to the Post Office'," Chen said.
"Araseo, but don't let her know," Chen said and kiss my cheek.
"In Ha, time for nap," I said. She already had it in an envelope and had the cover of the envelope decorated. From: In Ha // To: Santa in sloppy handwriting.
"Daddy will mail this to Santa. Let's go to sleep," I said. In Ha smile brightly and took my hand and walked up to her room.

Christmas Day

"MOMMY! DADDY!! ITS CHRISTMAS!" In Ha yelled. I yawn and saw Chen still snoring.
"APPA! WAKE UP!" In Ha yell and ran into the living room. I followed her with Chen walking by my side. There were presents under the Christmas tree. In Ha search through for her presents.
"I see my present!" She said. She immediately rip it and saw a.... Star Wars lightsaber.
"What is this?" She ask.
"It's a lightsaber!" Chen exclaim. He turn it up and started swinging it.
"In Ha, look, there's another present," Chen said and handed her a present. She opened it and saw a doll and a doll house.
"A dollhouse! Thank you Santa! I love you appa and mommy," In Ha hugged the both of us. She ran into her room and started playing already.
"Look there's another gift under the tree," he said. I notice a small box with a tag To: My Jagiya From: Chen Chen.
I gasp and open the gift... a necklace. It was silver gold with a heart pendant.
"Oppa, thank you so much," I said and hug him tightly. I smile and kiss him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't get you a gift," I said.
"Ani, I got a lightsaber. I thought In Ha would like it, but ani," he said. He hand me a piece of paper, the letter.
Dear Santa,
It's In Ha. I'm five years old and I have the best parents. My mommy wants a necklace because she talks about a heart shaped necklace all the time and my daddy wants a glowing stick. I don't know how to spell it. I don't need anything because I have my loving parents
Loving, In Ha
I smile and cry a little. In Ha understands so much already. I love her.
"I know, she's just like her mother," Chen said. I smile and hug him tightly.
"Thank you God, for the best husband and loving daughter," I mutter.

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