61. ChanYeol *Requested* (Angels) Part 3

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ChanYeol stopped moving for a bit and then pulled me into a hug.
"Where have you been?" He mutter lowly. He sniffles a couple of times. I wrap my arms around him and lean my head against his chest.
"I'm sorry, I promise you, I will never leave you again. I will stay with you forever," I replied and looked up at him. He was such a mess, he had tears and red eyes. I wiped his tears and cupped his face.
"You're still the same person from two years ago. My sweet, happy angel," I smiled and kiss lightly on his nose. He smiled and rest his chin on top of my head.
"Y/N, I missed you so much," he cried. I feel so bad now for leaving him, what have I done to him. I broke the hug and looked up at him.
"I think you have fans waiting for you out there, I won't leave you. Go perform," I smiled. He wiped his tears and smiled back.
"Aigoo, you're so cute," I cup his face. I missed ChanYeol so much. I wanted to hug him, kiss him, run away with him, spend every moment of my mortal life with him.
"Stay in the makeup room and don't leave this room. I promise to come back as soon as possible," ChanYeol nodded.
"Good luck," I told him. ChanYeol then ran off and onto the stage. I decided to go inside the room and close the door behind me. I check myself if I had anything else. I was wearing a white dress that I usually wear in my angel form with my wings and I had the stopwatch in my hand.
"Good for only one use..." I mumble. Maybe I'll use it when time is in need. I notice a small box on top of the counter... the same one from two years ago. I walked over and I saw a crumbled note next to it. I smiled and picked up the note. The only evidence of my existence that ChanYeol had. I look down at the stopwatch. I place it on top of my wrist and it slowly transform into a wristwatch. There was a stop button and a resume button on the watch and a new feature, a reverse button.
"Mr. Kim," I spoke.
"Thank you."
"Thank you for showing me my true love. I am truly happy, I love ChanYeol so much and the least thing I want to do is to break his heart," I felt so guilty for leaving ChanYeol so sudden two years ago, and now, I get to be by his side forever.

"Ah ChanYeol ah. Where are you taking me?" ChanYeol was pulling my arm and lead to his room.
"I wanted to give you something two years ago, but you left before I got the chance to give it to you," he spoke. We entered his messy room... yea, I'll have to clean this room one day. He looked around.
"Where did I put it?" He quietly mutter to himself. He began looking around the room and sighed.
"Is that it?" I asked and pointed at the small box left next to his keyboard. He looked over and clapped his hands.
"Ah, there it is," he walked over and grab it. He walked back to me and handed the small box to me.
"I went inside to give this to you, but you disappeared..." he trailed off. He opened the box, revealing the necklace. It was a diamond pendant shaped into a heart.
"Omo, it's beautiful," I said in awe.
"It is. Let me put it on you." I lift up my hair and he wrap the necklace around my neck.
"Ah, my little princess looks so pretty," he smiled brightly.
"Aigoo, ChanYeol. You have been smiling a lot lately. I see why they call you Happy Virus," I giggled.
"Well, whenever I'm around you, I can never frown. You are my Happy Virus. I can never stop smiling when I'm with you," he spoke confidently. I blushed a bit to be honest. I pull him into a hug. He was so tall that he was able to rest his chin on top of my head.
"This necklace, was a gift from my mother. You know what she told me?" ChanYeol asked. He rub my back and lightly kiss my forehead.
"What did she say?" I wondered. He laughed and looked down at me.
"She told me when I find the right woman, give this necklace to her. You are my lady, my special angel. I love you," he told me. I wanted to burst into tears and cry. I am so lucky to meet ChanYeol, I am so lucky to be with him, I am so lucky to be the one he truly loves the most.

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