28. Luhan <Mystic> ( Metal Heart)

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I slam my locker because today was the last day of high school! Here I come college life. I notice a little piece of paper on the ground. I picked it up and read it.
I want you to know that I love you a lot ever since I met you. It was fun being together, but now we have to go separate ways. Your metal heart still attracts my metal heart. Have fun in college - Lulu
I ran around the school looking for Luhan. We have been together since last year and my love for him is very strong.
"Luhan!" I wave my hand up in the air. I immediately ran up to him and hug him tightly.
"Y/n, I'll miss you. Perhaps we can be together again once you finish college," Luhan said.
"Promise?" I said. He nod his head and held his pinky out.
"I promise to find you after you finish three years of college. I'll look for you, even if I get debuted and very busy with my schedule," Luhan said.
"Me too, good luck in SM and be careful," I said. I kiss his cheek and hug him one last time before heading off separate ways.

Three years later

I called Luhan for the 100 million times during the past three years. What if he broke the promise? Aish, forget him. I end the call and threw my phone. I walked out of my house since I finished college a month ago. I heard Luhan got into a group called EXO and he's in EXO- M. I really miss that guy. I wish I was in high school with that idiot. He's such an idiot for forgetting about me and our promise. I touch my cheek and my eyes got watery. I miss him. I ordered some bubble tea and sat at the corner of the shop. Should I go back to Hong Kong and live there with my friends or should I keep waiting for Luhan at Seoul? I keep telling myself, next month, I'll go back, but then I a month goes by, I still want to wait for him. Maybe... Maybe.... I should forget about the promise. Forget it even exist.... I walked back home.
"Yah! Watch out!" A man yell. I look up and saw a hammer falling down above me. I was frozen and couldn't move. I close my eyes and cover my head. After ten seconds, I open my eyes. Why didn't it hit me? Wait, why didn't I move? Aish, PABO. I look up and saw the hammer frozen in midair. The only thing that in my mind is...
"LUHAN!" I yell. He wave. He looked very formal since he had a suit with a tie on. He carried a bouquet of roses and a dashing white smile. He still had his baby face. I hug him tightly.
"Thank you," I said.
"Are you ok?" We turn to the man who dropped his hammer. I notice the hammer was on the ground now.
"Mianhae, I was nailing my flower pots and I dropped my hammer," he said.
"Ani, it's nothing," I said.
"Kaja, let's go to my house," I said. Luhan nodded.

"Hot or iced?" I ask.
"Hot tea," Luhan said. He lain the roses on my couch.
"You have such a good house," he said.
"Jinji? I'm thinking about moving back to Hong Kong," I said. I put the cup of tea down on the coffee table. I... I didn't want to ask him who's the flowers for or if he remembered the promise. I looked at the flowers.
"Oh, the roses are for my girlfriend," he must've notice me looking at them.
"Ah, how long have you guys date?" I ask.
"Almost one year, but then we stop dating and now we're are back together," Luhan said.
"Ah, I understand," I said. 11:00 PM.
"You must be tired, Lu. We'll see each other later, I bet," I said.
"Hm, you bet? Of course I'll see you soon. Do you still remember the promise?" Luhan ask. I nodded.
"You became my girlfriend ever since you left college. Here," he hand me the flowers.
"Pabo, I thought you really had another girl," I scoff.
"Ani, I don't break promises," Luhan said.
"Do you want to sleep on the couch since it's so late?" I ask.
"Ani, I'll call my members to pick me up," Luhan said.
"Oh, by the way, don't go back to Hong Kong, araseo?" Luhan added. I nodded and hugged him.
"I missed you so much," I said.
"Nado, I miss you too, my love," he said. I smile to have him in my life again.

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