Scott To Isaac

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To> Bambi Eyes


From> Bambi Eyes


To> Bambi Eyes

Was happenin?

From> Bambi Eyes

Nothing. Just chillin in my best friends house.

To> Bambi Eyes

He sounds like a cool dude

From> Bambi Eyes

He acts more like a she, so

To> Bambi Eyes

NUH UH! Speakin of, if Stiles and Derek were married would they be Stilinskis or Hales?

From> Bambi Eyes

Oh, thats tuff... Cuz if it were us, I know i'd end up Isaac McCall. But w/ them idk. Probably Hale. Stiles Hale or Derek Stilinski.

To> Bambi Eyes

If it were us, i'd be Scott Lahey cuz it sounds better than Isaac McCall.

Which it isnt us. Becuz we rnt 2gether. Like they r.

From> Bambi Eyes

No, u can keep ur name. I dont care much for mine.

Maybe they could hyphenate it, like Stiles Stilinski-Hale and Derek Hale-Stilinski.

To> Bambi Eyes

Well, I like Lahey.

And I think it shuld be Stilinski. Cuz Derek Stilinski sounds cool.

From> Bambi Eyes

Y we even talkin names, if they get married they'll keep their names

To> Bambi Eyes

Nuh uh Stiles wuld make a fuss an force a name

From> Bambi Eyes


Where was he 2ite btw?

To> Bambi Eyes

Out w/ DER BEAR.

They saw Star Trek an watched SPN

From> Bambi Eyes

This is like their third date.

There shuld have been kissin and junk by now

To> Bambi Eyes

Stiles shuld be PREGNANT by now.

From> Bambi Eyes

While Stiles bein pregnant is very funny, u kno its impossible

To> Bambi Eyes

Says who?!

From> Bambi Eyes


And, y wuld he be pregnant on third date? Is that the McCall way?

To> Bambi Eyes

Biology can suck my dick and no, but they r like in loooooooooooove.

The McCall way is pregnant by the twelfth date

From> Bambi Eyes

Wat counts as dates?

To> Bambi Eyes

Like movies, restraunts, meeting up to do random stuff. And if im lucky, video games.

Lol u shuld b pregnant by now dude

From> Bambi Eyes

Mayb I am an u just didnt notice

To> Bambi Eyes

I wuld so notice

And Biology says no remember?

From> Bambi Eyes

Ya, and Biology is always rite.

Im getting tired of txting u when I can c ur bed from here

To> Bambi Eyes

Then get in here

From> Bambi Eyes


To> Bambi Eyes

I can see that, dumbshit.


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