Alison's POV

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Alison was high again. She was so tired of being crazy and seeing thing that weren't there, and so tired of being alone. She hated it. So she sat in her bathroom and smoked til her aunt went away, and then she smoked a little more.
As she blew smoke into the air vent, she saw something at her bedroom window through the ajar bathroom door. She quickly put out the joint and went over to see who it was.
"Peter?" She slurred a little as she opened the window.
"Alison, I need- Are you alright?"
"Fine. What's- Why're you here?" She stumbled through her words. Peter looked too preoccupied to care.
"I need you to tell Derek, or Stiles, doesn't matter, just tell one of them that i've been rebitten and i'll be back as soon as I do what must be done,"
"Yeah, Stiles, got it,"
"Get this to Jeanie. Ryann, I mean, Ryann, give this to her," he handed Alison a piece of wet paper. She didn't take it and he thrust it at her forcefully. "Go on, take it,"
Alison took it gingerly and then Peter was gone. The note fell from her hands and she crawled into bed, dismissing his visit as a hallucination. If only she had Derek at that moment, all in our tale would be well. But she did not, and we will not blame her. We will leave her to sleep off the delusions of dead relatives and turn instead to the dead uncle of Derek Hale.

**AHAHAHA YOU NAWTY NAWTERS ARE GETTING ANXIOUS!!! i wrote the first chapter of the sterek stripper story, its called 'On His Knees' and i shan't update it til it has 20 reads and 5 stars. hop to it, little nawties! i love you!**

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